08x2024: With Old Joe Biden gone who will ride his donkey now?
07x2024: Of EU politics, crimes and Catholic Religion
06x2024: 100 Years of Stalinism. With a look at Donald too.
05x2024: Perspectives of the USA - much expanded Version 2.
Still delayed: Version .8 of the fan saga Harry Potter (fiction)
Politics put a spell on me, I tell you!
Still on: God's Peace Appeal to Israel and Palestine!
01x2024: More recent Politics and Israel in The Papess (scroll)
Previous: The New Way to Wisdom V.23a
1/2: The big Guys like to reach deep into other people's pockets

coin shows king Charles-3 in an idealized version. We may see in this
the absolutely human striving for eternal youth and beauty. Sadly,
God just isn't good enough on this earth, for to make such dreams
come true. God can't create those eternally
young, wise Æesir
with angelic beauty, like they exist in the nearby sky, in true
heaven. That is something that all worldly wealth cannot compensate.
By the way, FID DEF means “Defender of the Faith” and DEI
GRA “deign to grab”.
For king Charles-3 the way to the
throne already started in 1969, with the inauguration as the prince
of Wales in castle Caernarfon. He thus became the successor of
Edward-2. That first ever English prince of Wales was supposed to
secure for his father, Edward-1, the rule over all the land, that had
just been conquered. To Edward-2 that role brought special suffering.
Some sources say that they murdered him in an uniquely cruel way. A
heated iron was inserted into his anus. As a king Edward had
provocatively mingled with homosexual lovers. Easily we may draw a
connection from this devilish deed to Roman-Catholic religion. But
already the ancient Romans had behaved with special cruelty.
Allegedly their culture originated from the region of Troy in Western
Minor Asia. In the same region later Christianity originated.
According to the UTR that happened because Anna's capital Troy on
planet Terra was situated in the likewise region. Anna was the mother
goddess of our Earth Goddess Ewa. Her lost planet once circled around
the now gone star Mirá, roughly 200 light years away. Many
special features of our living planet have their equivalents in that
lost planet of the Sauroids. Only that can explain why for so long a
time dinosaurs dominated this developing planet. According to
bible-true Christians the bones of the dinos were the bones of giants
who were the ancestors of modern man. So there is a little bit of
this cosmic truth in that biblical tale. But while homo
sapiens of today is too wise for much
of the wrong bible stuff, the role of the “defender of faith”
(what a big title) is to show a way out of the spiritual crisis –
a crisis that can soon become a societal and political crisis too.
Doubtlessly there is a good creator god, but the problem is that
there are also hostile evil devils. This situation would put a grave
burden even on the back of a young strong king. And Charles-3 is
already old. But definitely such royals like Charles-3 are not just
idlers, they rule for a reason.
The story of Magnus Maximus can remind
us too of that burden. He was called out as a Roman emperor in Wales
in year 383 a. His maxim is shown the abbreviation P.F. (pater
familias). He wanted to rule like a Roman father of a family. In
Wales his tale became the origin of the legend of Macsen Wledig
(welsh: Prince Maximus, the Greatest). He was the very first prince
of Wales who became the emperor. On Letar, our next good neighbour in
outer space, Wales is the land of the truly chosen people. That means
that their prince is also the savior and the god. But Fred Willms,
who is chosen over yonder, must firstly prove that he is really an
immortal god. Here on our earth prince William, who is currently the
prince of Wales, also has to eventually share the burden of that
cosmic prince of Wales. The Cräybs devils try to keep planet
Letar (Sirius C 3) as their last hostage. To counter this, the god of
this earth must eventually let the Britain of this earth get into a
crisis, to divert the attention of the Greys devils and let them get
engaged here.
That role could justify the fact that
the British royals are financially better off than many of their
colleagues in all the world. In 2022 a. they earned roughly 100
millions Euro. But when it comes to rule Britain jointly with the
democratic institutions, the British royals are royals with special
needs regarding the support of God. To them the Earth Goddess also
appears as the queen of queens. Sadly when it comes to Ewa, I God the
father am totally dependent and inferior to her powers. That too
explains why time and time again a strong queen ruled Britain
especially well. But how fast a major political crisis may develop in
Britain is what the troubles of summer 2024 show. Many Turks and
other Muslims migrated to Britain. It's the same problem in all of
Europe: They get worse while they get more. A sad fact is that Islam
tells to the Muslims that God asks them to subdue all lands of the
world. It is a vital part of the duties of not only the British
royals, to defend the religious truth against such an erroneous
2/2: We need to defy Terror – but how?

Why did Beran plot to kill these
girls? The German parastatal network ARD posted this image of a
„Swiftie“, a fan of Taylor Swift. When in Austria an
Islamist terror assault was only very nearly thwarted, they
philosophized in the ARD podcast about how to take a stand against
terror. It's too late for that in Austria, where the US-American
superstar canceled all the three planned concerts. And the “Ösis”
were still very lucky, since US agencies were able to stop the
perpetrators in time.
Naturally God prefers beautiful
and well developed humans. That is why devils want to kill them. The
German leading tabloid BILD (09.08.2024) reported the story of the
mastermind. Beran A. is some kind of migrant from the Balkans. As an
apprentice in a factory in Austria he had access to the laboratory,
and thus to dangerous chemical substances. It's shocking to read that
without problems he could tamper together bombs. In the Internet a
Salafi Muslim from Berlin had made him get that bad. Beran made up
his mind to commit to the terror group Islamic State (IS): Ewa says
that behind it sticks, like before, the group Bin Laden. Should
Donald Trump become US president again, we must reckon that he once
again severely will limit the civil liberties of the Muslims.
Leftists will find this scandalous. But they often are infidels and
muggles. After all the supernatural is at the origin of the troubles.
Our problem are not only some few people who are possessed by the
evil spirit. Here in the BRD (FRG) nearly only the BILD dares to
address the problems in the tough way that this is needed. For
instance, in 2024 Moroccans and Tunisians who dwell here committed
roughly twice as much serious crimes like rape, street robbery and
other acts of violence. If you add to these ciphers of foreigners
those perpetrators who hold European passports, we supposedly find
that Muslims are guilty of a large part of all the worse acts of
felony. But leftists don't want to listen, that when it comes to gang
and clan crimes, drugs and criminal pimping, molestation, petty war
and expulsion, these guys remind us of a plague. Let us remember!
Since they conquered Constantinople, the Turks tried to subdue to
Islam all of Europe, and that with the cruelty typical for the
Asiatics. These are just racially and culturally people who are
inferior. Turanians (Turks) have a natural tendency towards tyranny,
that is at the origin of the word, that came to us from ancient
But Thomas M. Crooks doesn't fit into
this scheme of thinking. The shooter fired some shots on Mr. Trump.
The UTR teaches that the name Thomas may be especially attractive for
the Greys (evil devils from the cosmos). They want to ruin this
earth, just like it is written in the Bible in the end. God
constantly needs to distract them. The Grey Ga-Toma (written: Thoma)
from the nearby star Rigil Centaurus B allows God to better influence
those “perpetrators behind the wrongdoers”. So it was
wrong when old Mr. Trump spoke of an “almighty God”. The
best way to fight against terror is to strengthen God's power on this
earth and Letar (Sirius C 3, currently right behind the other stars
there). The truth can help with this task. Recently the BILD also
told it's readers that Franz Beckenbauer (known from his time in the
Cosmos), a famous soccer player nicknamed the Kaiser who recently
died, now lives in the sky. It was a Christian called Thomas who
wrote this! And also Tommy Fenske, the German language pop charts
newcomer of 2023, was singing in his song ›Jetzt und für
immer‹ (Now and Forever) of eternal life. Instead people need
to hear that they won't live again after they die. That will
definitely help them to better value the one life they only have.
A Shout for the Support of Kamala! Eee-aah! Honk! Baah!

I was maybe wrong with this joke! It's not the proverbial camel from the gospel that we see here, but maybe rather a plain dromedary. So that maybe gives Kamala Harris a theoretical chance at least to make it to the white house. If she should fail she maybe can still make it to heaven like saint Mary by way of becoming a candidate for the next US mission to the Moon. Rumours are that they search more racially exotic and diverse types in Houston with Whitney in mind. I reckon Ms. Harris will reap more sympathy than expected from the media and the irritated and wary guys who dislike Trump. But the open question is how much voters will care for the big issues of politics. Does the USA need that Mexican fence or not? Surely Lady Liberty does. Trump will build it, but how would Ms Harris decide? Kissing Mexican babies wanting more? The situation reminds me of the famous duel of Edison versus Westinghouse, of a genius of propaganda and a darling of the press versus a rather unpopular man who but had the better recipes for success. Read more about this soon on this website!
That news took me by surprise! Just today, on the very last update day (seven days delayed) Joe Biden resigned. Like
I foretold it in my text "Biden's last campaign" (below), the old man just wasn't fit enough for a second last try. But that means
vice president Kamala Harris is suddenly running. Or will she ask the Negro Barack to step in? That is what many would eventually
welcome, with the Olympics due soon. Some A-As there look as hunky and mean as velociraptors stuffed with the most diverse amphetamines
and doping pills. And diversity is in. But it also seems that the heydays of the Negroes are goinnnng gone when it comes to politics, since the years that helped them to win charisma have run out. It's the magic of the Negroes that seems to miss out, and lately more of
them seem to be idling and dreaming, getting fat and ugly sooner than expected. Let me thank president Biden for his fairly good work, and wish him a happy retirement. He got in unexpected troubles that can also be a problem to other and much younger guys. I know well
those times of mental distress and bad magic phenomena, when suddenly your standing gets soft, while distracting inner voices strongly try to bring you down or perform nonsense. It's harder for people to counter this whose minds are more oriented towards traditional atheist and leftist school wisdom. But believers like Mr. Trump may also find it harder then to not get to wrong ideas and stay calm and mentally sane. There is of course no almighty god, but a god who is weak but still strong enough to save our brave men in politics
from vile anarchists. We all need to learn that bad luck always searches for bad things to do. Demons do this who are not friends of
God. They may give you a pain in the morning if you don't take a shower, and come back after the nap in the afternoon. It depends on your luck of the day if such phenomena pester you in the wrong moment or not. That may be more of a problem to people who realize that the UTR is the truth, but while old-time Bible religion is just another Jewish wrong way. The strong have more luck in nature too.
Biden's Last Campain 28+1 pages pdf 1,05 MB
Biden's Last Campain html version
A funny text with cartoons about the election campaign of
a really too old US president.
EU Politics, Crimes and Roman Catholic Religion

The circle of stars on the flag of the European
Union (EU) has a religious meaning. That design was chosen in
Catholic times, because also the Mother of God of the Roman Catholics
often is shown with such a circle of stars. People didn't really know
who that was. But the alleged virgin Mary seemed to show an
exceptionally well behavior, when it came to answering to prayers and
helping people in need. On the flag of the EU she didn't appear
though. You only see stars referring to the sky, or heaven maybe.
Only the Universal Truth Religion (UTR) can explain what the stars
here mean, and reveal who really exists in outer space. Up there some
good and many terribly bad aliens live. For a better future we need
to find out and turn to and join the good stars, and avert from the
evil stars. The UTR plans to put a new center to that circle of
stars. The best star of heaven is our own star: the Sun. Here it is
shown with a reference to the Messiah, his fingers plus one limb.
Right now the EU misses a religious center. In the
past often Rome tried to provide that center of religion. But in
truth the gods and saints of Rom did never exist. They already didn't
exist when Rome was founded in 753 b. The EU of today has
predecessors. One of them was surely the Holy Roman Reich of the
Deutsche (German) nation. But that first Reich lost a combat of power
versus the popes, under Friedrich-2, the last emperor from the house
of Hohenstaufen (Staufer). Apparently the Kaiser had become too wise
to still believe in Jesus and Maria. He had turned towards Islam. But
to the Muslims too, God the creator is only known vaguely and under a
false name. Later, when the popes were like intoxicated by their
victory against that Kaiser, they tried to enforce their rule upon
Britain and all of Europe. You know, they had the idea that king John
Lackland was their vassal only. But just then the Papists lost their
rule over Jerusalem. The Turkish Mamelukes were backed by Schadschar
ad-Durr, who was some kind of soldaness. Her Dora name linked her to
the strongest Grey (she-devil) of the local group 31, that is Ga-Dora
from the star Sirius A. That explains why the Muslims thence
conquered Palestine with special toughness and cruelty. But they
could only enter into Europe later on since the Christians were at
odds with themselves more and more. Bertrand de Got, the pope
Clement-5, fled to Avignon in the end. After the toppling of the
house of the Staufer for years anarchy ruled in Deutschland. Robber
knights freely ravaged all regions. Then the Rhineland dared to
search out a new monarch. The idea was that this Kaiser would hold
both worldly and spiritual power in his hands. Thus the Rhineland
became the carrier region of Europe, and the religious center of even
all the world! That may well remind of the era of Augustus, the
“emperor of peace”. In his time the Romans installed here
in Cologne – instead of the cults of their heathen deities –
the cult of the deified Kaiser and of his divine “animal”,
the she-wolf of Rome.
So is Europe about to transform into such a holy
Reich again? That is a question that EU politicians and clerics will
have to decide. Right now God reveals to humankind the facts: Out
there in the sky many higher and lower people exist, who may know the
local humans better than they know themselves. Since Christians have
been the enemies of the Earth Goddess for centuries, they could not
well erect a holy Reich in her name.
Few people of today know that after 1945 the
US-Americans got active to bring together a kind of united Europe.
They had a better sense for the dangers that emerged from the Soviets
and other leftist rascals than many Europeans had in that era. The
USA had millions of dollars to spend. It was the CIA who founded,
under „Wild Bill“ Donovan, the American Committee for
a United Europe (ACUE). The director of this committee was a
Thomas (!) Braden. So that is a name that links to Ga-Thoma, the most
active of the neighboring Greys, The last living creature of the
second planet of Rigil Centaurus B is a sometimes helpful but rather
rotten super-worm, a failed and emaciated creator goddess who isn't
really liked by our Goddess who made it.
So it was the USA who organized a first united
Europe. That was problematic because of the limits of national
sovereignty. It wasn't the plan then to turn the EU into a second
USA, a union of former independent stars, or was it? Some years ago a
politician of the Deutsche Social Democrats (SPD) brought up such
ideas. The name but linked Martin Schultz to Myrddin from planet
Letar, who was what Jesus is here, the false savior of a developing
planet that had no real hope for their true Messiah. When crises
erupt here, and when Hitlers Nazis became so bad, it was because
fractal links to the more troubled neighboring world Letar (Sirius C
3) enforced such destiny burden sharing from us. Mr Schultz failed
ingloriously soon, and the consequence was a historical crisis of the
SPD that still isn't over today. Few people find this worth
explaining, but until today the main problem of the EU from the years
of it's foundation until today was, that the power of the Roman
Catholic church was just too strong and bad. The Vatican is too
tightly linked to the Italian Mafia, and that means the
Italian-American mafia too. That has consequences especially when it
comes to the detrimental politics regarding bad migrants. It is when
the Mafia earns money with the introduction of so-called refugees.
These eventually sell drugs here. The problem has become intolerably
bad in Deutschland lately. The crimes by strangers rose by a massive
margin of 14.5 % in year 2023. And that statistics even doesn't
include the crimes of strangers who hold a Deutsche passport. It is
incredible and should warn you that the police hardly does anything
when gangs of young Muslim muggers commit series of crimes. Lately
the Turkish mugger Mert stabbed to death two Ukrainians who refused
to pay him a sum. Mert has the same problem with the name that Martin
Schultz has. But all Deutschland has the problem that right now the
Ampel (traffic light) coalition has issued legislation to naturalize
many millions more of strangers and migrants, including most disliked
cases. These leftists and liberals act as if they are determined to
drive away Deutsche from entire cities. But they are innocent of
this, they just often dislike and reject right-winged “truly”
Germans. The clever plans to turn ethnic Germans into a minority and
drive them away come from the “Vegans” of outer space.
Devils control the minds of badly developed and insane atheist
left-wingers some more. The worst and most active of these are the
Li-Cräybs (crab aliens) behind the star Vega.
That is what the left-wingers do to us: They are
too soft on crimes of aliens because they hate and reject ethnic
Deutsche too much, thinking of us as modern Nazis. It is but Islam
that teaches to the Muslims to try and demand a special tax from
Christians and Jews. They call them Dhimmi (dummies). Islam also
teaches them that they will be received in heaven with special honors
if they die in the “holy war”. That is what recently made
a Muslim refugee stab several people and thus kill a policeman
treacherously from behind. Many modern thinkers in the EU are out of
their wits when it comes to such atrocities who are very typical for
Muslims. Some leftist experts even give us the blame if Muslims
attack us! It's as if they are fundamentalist Catholics still,
dumbbells who think they are to blame for any bad luck that happens
to them, since they are sinners and lost and the prey of devils
anyway. The prominent secret services chief Thomas Haldenwang warns
that right-wingers pose the greatest menace to German society! Some
right-wingers may eventually become extremists, but only as they get
the impression that the EU and their nations fail to take action
against that unprecedented upsurge of crimes of the Muslims. Like
Thomas Braden had, also Thomas Haldenwang has the problematic but
sadly essential Ga-Toma name. Why can't we get rid of our sorrows by
getting rid of such bad Muslims and other bad migrants? It's again
our big problem of burden sharing with Letar. But if politicians warn
before a growing danger of new Nazis in Deutschland, and remain
silent about the intolerable rise of crimes of hostile foreigners,
they are to blame if more bad Muslims feel like it's time to start
another act of terrorism for the sake of bad Islam. Such politicians
harm their own people, and they lead to more lives lost in terror
Recently the US authorities warned that Deutschland
has become an increasingly dangerous land. Indeed travelers should
especially beware before juvenile gangs of Oriental looking muggers.
The law prevents to take tough action against such youngsters.
Politicians play down the problem and prefer to bash alleged Nazis.
So it was to be expected, that right-winged parties
have again gained votes and political support in the European
elections. That is what leftists and liberals don't like at all, and
they warn and warn all the time before a new Nazi era. Most drastic
was the campaign of the Greens (Bündnis 90 Grüne) party,
massively against Nazis and for the support of any sorts of migrants,
including radical Muslims and African Negroes. Subsequently they
massively lost at the elections. Cheers! Easily young rioters defame
any right-wingers as Nazis, but it was more correct when J. Edgar
Hoover warned in 1945 before the menace of “red fascists”.
Climate action groups, who make much trouble here in Cologne, put up
stickers who call up for the foundation of another (really) communist
party. There are still some Commies around here, but the MLPD
(Marxists Leninists) only won another 0.0 % and again lost thousands
of votes. So that is the political dimension of the problem. But the
religious side is not as easy to understand. The Roman Catholic Mafia
is too strong when it comes to fraud with EU money. They reap
billions of Euros for the support of Italian regions, money that may
largely vanish or lead to nothing but ruins of half-finished
buildings. Today we know that secret lodges of masons like P2 were
closely linked to the Vatican cardinals. They formed the religious
center of the EU! But the famous Mafia and Vatican banker Michele
Sindona also was laundering money from drug gangs with the help of
the Vatican bank IOR. The UTR sees this as the problem of the
Dionysian way. It is the way of weakness and intoxication, of
deprivation and consumption. By this way the evil Greys try to gain
more and more power here. They want to ruin this planet and thus
enslave it. Are we strong enough to counter this threat? The UTR puts
much hopes onto the Rhineland, as the center of a religious
restructuring of all the world planned by God. The golden evening Sun
stands for the better way of life, the so-called Apollonian way of a
cool, sane and healthy lifestyle that God recommends. That is our way
to win a better self-control, and to avoid the mishaps and bad
memories that the Greys like to send us. But the problem is that God
is secretly weaker in regions far away from Europe. That is what
shows when we regard climate problems and bad developments in the New
Optimists in politics put much hopes into the EU.
Some leftists hold on to the idea that the UN should unite the entire
world in atheist belief. But the problem already regarding the EU is,
that the older guys there tend to still be too much of old-style
Catholics. It seems to be essential to not let the whole union fall
apart. That but makes the Vatican still become the religious center
of the EU. The new alternative party of Deutsche, the AfD, therefore
plans to limit the influence of the EU to some extent. And I guess
that other right-winged political parties are such Eurosceptics too.
The UTR has what others have not, a good idea about the religious
center. We maybe can't build a better and saner EU or UN ever, while
the Vatican is still so mighty, but we can secretly build a better
religious center. Christians altogether hang on to Jesus and Mary,
but these are just dead and can't help. So be warned if you see a
sign of a “Holy Virgin”. Many aliens may “steal”
their identities, just like bad guys and secretive organizations may
also steal identities in Internet forums.
100 Years of Stalinism – Strong Men are what we need!

I put the name of this politician below his weird
portrait. But everybody with a little education still is supposed to
know that this is, no was, the Soviet dictator Joseph W. Stalin. That
is at least what school education is good for: Teachers can tell you
much about history. But the problems start when they try to explain
history. They can't do this without knowing the people who were
making and directing history. Many teachers lack knowledge about the
gods and demons, who eventually make men get strong. Stalin was a
bad mighty tyrant and a founder of the Soviet Union. He was very
cruel and treacherous. He would let party cronies and special agents
arrest many people, to punish them severely, to have them tortured
cruelly and murdered, or to send them to deathly gulag camps.
Prisoners would build useless railway tracks and die by the millions
in ice-cold, mosquito-infested Siberia. Stalin was a heavy drinker,
and vodka made him die at a relatively young age. But still today,
while some last old-time leftists and rebellious types in all the
world heed hopes that a Marxist-Leninist revolution may change their
lives to the better, they must find that such a new order only
eventually may succeed by the bad way of Stalin. The weird picture
above must have been his own idea. With one hand he points up to the
sky while placing his other hand onto his writings. The message is
clear but a taboo still to many leftists: Stalin was a believer. He
believed that powers of the sky were telling him what to write up.
From the point of view of the Universal Truth Religion (UTR) that was
indeed what happened to Stalin. Creative writers and others know that
eventually intuition provides them with ideas. Stalin had been a
former priest candidate of the East Georgian orthodox church. But the
saints of this old church were dead and gone like Jesus. That was
what made Karl Marx, who was raised as a fervent Roman Catholic,
discard religions as bad stuff. Marx called religions “opium
for the masses”. Many modern atheist scientists see things just
that way, while in their minds there often remain rests of the
thinking traditions and the old faith of the West. The definitely
communist ideas of Jesus made Marx commit to the idea that communism
is the ideal model of society and will win in the end. Marx was a
radical black head, a descendant of pious rabbis. Most of his life he
remained a welfare recipient of some rich Jewish comrades. The
picture above shows Stalin as a similar type of believer. Indeed
rumors had it that Stalin was secretly praying in the Kremlin when
Hitler's troops were getting near. Spiritualist Nazis disliked it,
but 90 % of the Germans remained members of a church. The Deutsche
had attacked the Soviets also because Stalin had cruelly persecuted
Christians. Most churches were closed during his era, and turned into
apartment buildings or even swimming halls. How may that be
explained? Surely Stalin, that sly and unscrupulous tyrant, had
become too sly for to still believe that Jesus and his mother Mary
too had been “beamed” up into the sky by some kind of
spaceship Enterprise. Jesus didn't dance on the moon with the spirit
of blessed Roman emperor Justinian. But that doesn't mean that gods
and demons, that supernatural phenomena don't exist. One legend has
it that Stalin had been a disciple of Gurdjieff. That mentalist was a
Russian secret agent and a man of great spiritual power. If you meet
such guys you can at least be sure that higher powers and miracles do
exist. Maybe Stalin was a believing agnostic in times of trouble, who
believed in spirits and powers he didn't really know. He must have
realized that these spirits were much less than good. But that is
typical for Christians too. Gurdjieff also allegedly was a teacher of
professor Karl Haushofer, a mastermind of Nazi war ideology. We find
a number of such key persons of history in the dark field of masons,
spiritualists and secret service agents that formed the Thule sect.
It is still a mysterious aspect of history, why that masonic sect
became the cradle of the NSDAP, the Nazi party. Obviously higher
powers took a keen interest in it. But while such elusive higher
powers are totally unknown, common experts can't really understand
the Nazi era nor all history. Most then tend to put all the blame for
bad destiny on misguided mortals like Stalin or Hitler. The UTR but
finally is able to provide them with detailed info about the devils
who live at nearby stars and others. These rotten worms are bad to
the tubes that they use. They keep bad crab midgets (Cräybs) as
slaves who must serve them for their evil entertainment. They would
like to shrink us and turn us into slaves too. With N-rays they
torture our good earth goddess and our more troubled neighbor goddess
Ga-Leta of the star Sirius C. They want bad dictators here, and wars
and cruelty, and drugs and liquor and deprivation. To help Leta and
her planet Letar, our Earth Goddess Jewa (Jhwh calls her the Bible)
had to let people like Hitler and Stalin come to power. In 1936 the
tyrant of the Wales of Letar called Haider invaded into the
neighboring country Czerkassia, to help the Teutanic (German)
majority there. That was why Hitler too had to decide to invade into
Czechia. To help Letar, our Earth Goddess often makes historical
events here on Gaia mirror events over yonder. That is but too hard
to believe for mortals of today, who have no sure tidings of planet
Letar. But what they eventually may learn from the posing Stalin on
the above picture is, that bad destiny and bad manners may come down
from the sky on big men here. Stalin came to power exactly 100 years
ago, when Lenin suddenly died. Chances are high that Stalin murdered
him, because Lenin didn't want that cold-at-heart man as his
successor. But the Earth Goddess could trust Stalin more than other
commies. I reckon that Stalin had been a descendant of Aidon (Hades),
the father of the legendary Medea. I made her become a heroine of my
one unfinished opera.
Hundred years of Stalinism are enough! But still
some meanies eventually put up commie stickers on lamp posts near the
Cologne University. A big guy eventually arranged one of them around
a sticker of his right-winged party AfD. That party is the
alternative of getting too soft when it comes to allowing in migrants
into lands of the west. Many liberals and leftists close their eyes
to the dangers that the old-time communists of Red China pose to
world peace, as they repeatedly threaten democratic and pro-western
Taiwan (China-Taipei). The danger that the commies always posed is
not over yet! Many older leftists and diversity freaks eventually
heed sympathies for old-time and late communists. They have a
tendency to see a greater danger in the rise of Western right-winged
parties like the Rassemblement National in France, or the Alternative
für Deutschland (Germany), or similar parties in Italy and the
Netherlands. They even cry “fascists and Nazis” when the
British Conservatives dare to send back disliked Negroes to Africa.
Who may deny that these are more at home in Rwanda than in Europe,
even if Africa is poor and more lawless in general? European
right-wingers don't want to repeat the errors of the 20th century,
but they are looking forwards into a better future for the West. And
it is undeniable that more bad migrants bring us more bad destiny,
more crimes and social troubles, and the bad manners of Islamic and
Latin-American drug-lords.
European leftists say that we are to blame if things
go wrong and people are poor in the Third World. Some say that our
right-wingers are bad and lack compassion. They have a tendency to
especially dislike Donald. Maybe you saw that film too by Errol
Morris “The Unknown Known”. Seeing Donald is hating him,
that is what the leftists may eventually say about this film. Donald
just seemed to be so cold, and not willing to admit that he was so
wrong. Errol said that Donald tried to distract and manipulate him.
One key point was the prison camp Guantanamo. The leftists dislike it
because it lies on the island of Cuba. But Donald assured Errol that,
in his view, the camp had been kept “exceptionally well”.
Some media guys however are not ready to give people like Donald a
little chance, while their minds are made up by the press and
left-winged post-communist ideology. They are too enraged about all
the injustice! They want to help the poor masses of the exploited.
They want to track down the exploiters and the political culprits. In
Donald Rumsfeld they saw one of the key culprits of US history. But
the main problem is that our politician have their good and bad
sides, and are often weaker than we would like them to be. That main
problem is that people are much under the secret influence of both
the Earth Goddess and her Messiah, and of celestial powers good or
evil. Only if this is not your old-time faith but your living
religion, if this is not a fairy tale but a fact-based fine theory of
everything, you may be able to evaluate people of today and of all
history. Even Stalin wasn't such a meanie. People may call him the
worst rogue of all history, but they can't know the real devils from
outer space. The Greys torture us all, they torture the Goddess so
badly that Ewa must give up on people and allow those Greys to
cleverly manipulate and distract them. Indeed that is a typical
strategy of those half-mad cosmic zombies: They like to distract. We
can be glad that we Humanoids of Gaia have what the neighboring Feken
have not: many planets of relatives, of angels who help our people
to develop manners and some sense. The Frogs and the Ducks (Utoids)
also eventually help us out, by way of protecting contested
politicians. You know, Donald is a Ducks name. That was the reason
why Donald Rumsfeld became such a tough politician in the times of
many a crisis. And, for much the same reason Donald Trump again seems
to be a similar strong man. Mr Trump is weaker than Mr Rumsfeld was,
but protected by the same spell of the name. Not only when it comes
to politics that leftists, liberals and meanies tend to dislike, like
building safe borders and secure prisons, strong men are what we
need. To win them, God created humankind millions of year ago.
God's Political Perspectives for the USA
This much expanded version 2 has
latest news about the aliens of our sector in space
(Greys largely) and also much about Negroes and the
history of the FBI. Surveillance and measures against
red fascists saved the peace and the American way of
life more than once. But since it's foundation the FBI
always met the resistance of - Thomas, a Thomas. That's one
of the mysteries of history that only the UTR can explain.
But look first at this picture of a Palestinian rapist and
the spirit who loves him (not really) and made him do such bad things.
Or course the race plays a role. But Mr Trump did it too, didn't he?

To make America great again is a current American
dream that many share. But the perspectives of the USA depend on what
God must have in mind, a God who is hardly known and maybe not
acceptable to most humans. Sad but true is that God must cut back on
support and reduce population massively in America soon.
When Richard Nixon became US president, he was much troubled by
worries. Once he compared the classicist buildings of Washington to
the classical buildings of ancient Greece and Rome. He warned that
decadence had brought down and destroyed those ancient civilizations,
making them lose their will to live. He saw the USA entering into
such a phase too. Who but God knows this?
Perspectives for the USA much expanded Version 2, 3.6 MB, 59+1 pages.
To understand the recent terror attack of
Palestinian Hamas terrorists we need to look back into the
history of this people. The Philistines were pirates when
they arrived at that coast of that old land of transition.
They wanted then what they sill want: To conquer land and
to plunder and murder, and to win women as sex slaves. We
need to show them today that those days are gone and we
cannot tolerate such behaviour no longer. But the problem
is that the Hamas came to power by way of a democratic election.
Why are the Saudis too so weak when it comes to the menace of
radical Islam? It's a question of religion. Bad religion is
making the West get weak and it's standard recipe of democracy
fail. Well, here's the better religion that people need,
who maybe in a prison camp learn first to respect women.

A reminder of the good Angels in Heaven!

Who lives in outer space, and what else is up there?
That was always one of the biggest secrets of humankind. It only stopped
being a mystery when the UTR started to unravel and reveal these secrets.
Hurrah, we Humanoids are having three large related groups as our cosmic
neighbours. These are the local Humanoids of the Alliance of Ga, and also
those of Si and Lu. Those humanoid aliens are all supremely evolved and
superintelligent. Any of their earths harbours two white Congeras, that means
gods. The goddess of such a world lives inside of it, the saviour and
godfather is eternally bound to her and often lives in the near sky.
These are just special teachings of the Universal Truth Religion (UTR).
But they find their confirmation regarding angels in arts, who are often
shown as beautiful Humanoids with golden hair. But beware to not get too
near spiritually to these Humanoids in an unchaste way. That raises the
danger to attract the attention of their devilish evil enemies. Barbarella
wears a chainmail bikini because of this problem. But that also refers
to the millions of skin contacts that Congeras have.
From Ancient Religion to Modern Politics in Babylonia and Syria

In ancient Sumeria and Babylonia
religion was so much interwoven with the art of calculation that the
people were reading numbers as the main deities too. The number 60
equaled to the supreme god Anu, who was seen as the god of heaven or
the sky. Not much less valued was the god Enlil. He was firstly
associated with the stormy wind. That is a domain where the Greys
(demons) are somewhat stronger. The Semites interpreted him as the
god of all the lands. Enlil was also linked to the star Sirius, the
star of lies and scorching heat. The UTR parts the evil Greys of the
stars Sirius B and A, Dora and Sama, from the gods of Sirius C. The
Jews turned Enlil into Lilith the wind goddess, who may symbolize good
Ga-Leta from the star Sirius C. Since Mars the red planet was also
often seen as the bringer of bad luck and evil voices he was also
seen as “God 50”.
Why are the Jews often hard to avoid
and little liked as well? The reason is that Christian religion, the
leading religion of the West, is half-way Jewish. Sadly it is stupid
and wrong. The Jews didn't know that better. God didn't reveal them
any better material. The time when the Messiah (Mahdi) would lead his
world into the truth had not yet come. The Jews themselves knew that,
and also Jesus consoled his followers with that Comforter.
In ancient Sumeria the heathens thought
that their gods would decide over their destinies at the onset of
every year. Of course many wanted to know what the future would
bring. That was what the deity Ea (Ewa) seemed to know especially
well. Ea was the town deity of Eridu, maybe the oldest town of all
Sumeria. The oracle of Ea was, just like the oracle of Gaia [Ga-Jewa]
at Delphi, regarded as especially wise. It is astounding that the
Sumerians soon shared the fate of many other peoples. They were
forced to turn away from their old-time religion and give it up.
Later all these people believed in the deities of the Semites. The
UTR explains that the Earth Goddess had made a deal with the Feken
(Swines in Space) goddess Fe-Juda regarding the Jews. These were to
serve the local goddess as one false chosen people. Thus God wanted
to keep out of more troubles the Germans (Deutsche) who now will have
to become God's chosen people.
Nowadays many believers deem that
heathen religion of the age of antiquity was false and bad. But
Mohammed didn't know that better, who made this wrong thinking rise
up in the Orient. The Saviour knows much better the real gods and
powers who were hiding behind the oddest deities of the heathens. The
ancient deity of heaven Anu may well be compared with the deceased
mother goddess of our goddess Anna (Ha-Hana). Anna was the local
goddess of the world Terra, where our Earth Goddess Ewa had been
born. Anna died more than 800 mya. The 142 surviving Greys of her
tribe Ga still keep to her spiritually. In ancient Babylonia then
Nebo was a prophet figure comparable to Moses. Nebo was strongly
linked to the devil Nebo (Nebiros), the Sixth of the Hu-Cräybs.
The Persians changed the name of Enlil to Ellil. By this way he today
reminds of Lail (Night) or of Ali, the name of one of their false
saviours. That misstep of the Shiites away from Islam made them
become special rogues nowadays. Also the Syrian horror-dictator
Baschar Assad, who is doing so many evil deeds, is a member of a sect
of Shiites. While the USA introduces freedom into the region, Baschar
speaks up among the rogues. Those rogues have turned a previously so
proud region with total war into a desert partly. Thus destiny shows
that Assad and his party are not in God's favour. The comparison of
Assad with bad Hitler is hard to avoid. Hitler too ruined his own
country by way of fighting a total war.
The Final Adventure of Harry Potter (incomplete Version .7)

Important Update: This text contains the new version of
The New Way to Wisdom, now more accurate than ever. Version 0.5
also has a political statement to help Israel and stop unwanted Islam.
Or scroll for this landmark text also about aliens and ancient Greece.
Harry Potter is the best known fantasy wizard. But
by those who know real magic, the saga has been criticised for being
too unreal. This unauthorized final episode stars a different Harry.
He lives in the real world as an adult with real problems not only
with real magic. Harry commands tricks, but they cannot save him in
the end. In this again rather short episode 0.7 Harry still is
in Finland but teaches a Wall Street locust a lesson in magic. The
coming episodes in Russia will take some time in preparation.
Harry Potter: His last adventure Buildup Version 0.6 1.4 MB, 199+1 pages.
Harry Potter has come to age. And they say that magicians die
young. I think so too, since sorcery tends to empty the resources of
lifeforce (mana, vril) quickly. First you think, like Jesus did, that
you can master the spirits, and do any miracles at will. But you are
lucky if the white lentworm in the deep eventually pays your sorcery
bills. The evil Greys (rotten snakes) have a tendency to let some
tricks succeed of some darkies or cumbersome types, to later
destabilize their reality a lot.
This text in the buildup was written by a native
speaker of German, so it has some faults. Since it is still
incomplete I can't ask the authors of the original saga right now
whether they might find it agreeable. It has a sad story: Harry is a
mortal of course, who must die in the end. I tried my best to write
suspense-packed fiction, that but also has talk about philosophy,
science, culture and everyday life. Not all the magic that I describe
in this text is real but most of it, or so I deem. This version 0.3
has the complete three parts, and some little changes may be necessary
later on. I will have to reread and correct the finished text. This
buildup version should help to stabilize it.
God's Peace Appeal to Israel and Palestine for the End of 2023!
The recent news from Israel are truly terrible.
From the perspective of most of the mortal, ordinary peace-loving
Israelis they need to break the military resistance of some Islamist
bandits from the Gaza strip. Some hot-heads and savages carried out
an unprecedented major terror assault in summer 2023, and still hold
captive a larger number of hostages. As their reaction the Israelis
bombard, isolate and lay waste more and more parts of the Gaza strip.
God now calls up the Israelis to stop that campaign for the time
being, that is sadly typical for the Near East but not wise. The time
of Christmas is surely a good time for this, a time when more
believers than usually heed hopes of peace in the Near East. While
mainly Christians are still wont to believe in their saviour deity
called Jesus Christ, Jews and even some wiser Muslims may realize
that their ancient Semitic religions and many others are poorly
informed about the saviour, but may expect him to be born some time
around midwinter. Religious Jews at least should try to find a
messianic spirit now. This is what the Universal Truth Religion (UTR)
can well provide. From the perspective of God JHWH and other such
cosmic Snakes God asks Israel to reconsider it's strategy.
1.1 The typical Luck of the Jews may suddenly and
dramatically fail them!
Today's Jewish Israelis regard themselves as the
stronger and better people, compared to the ordinary Arabs of their
region. That seems to give them the “Darwinian right of the
stronger ones” to outsmart and bully away Arab Palestinians.
That feeling of destined strength is bolstered by the wondrous
successes of the Israelis in past decades, but it is treacherous. The
Nazis in Germany too were in principle right with their ideas, that
they were the stronger and more able people in comparison to Slavs
and other peoples. But from the perspective of the Congeras (those
immortal and super-powerful Snakes who are secretly in control of all
destiny) all the humans of this planet are still developing and of
much too poor quality. Compared to the already perfectly developed
humanoids of the maybe 666 earths of the Alliance of Humanoids; the
mortals of our earth Gaia and Letar, those two developing planets
under pressure, are too feeble. Nearly all of the people of this
earth are destined to die out; like it already happened on the other
developing planet of our local group, Sesam (Ursa Maior 47 C) –
wrongly named after a crocodile god. The consequence is that the
spell of luck that often helped Israel in times past, may suddenly
fail at the worst moment! The UTR teaches that the Crocs, with their
eight living planets, are already hopelessly under the spell of evil,
and will never get out of constant troubles. Remember that the spell
of luck, that often protected the Jews, suddenly dramatically and
mysteriously failed just at a time when the Germans, the real chosen
people of the god of this world, got into serious troubles. JHWH
thence surrendered most Jews to the demands and assaults of the
devils, to better save the Germans! This was not the only occasion
when Israel had back luck at the wrong moment. Right now they should
well remember that they already lost their land once, when they
didn't stop their war in time.
1.2 The Media show a dangerously bad Picture of
Jewish Israel
The pictures that we see in the media right now are
pictures of the Ugly Jew. Thousands of people get killed, most of
them innocent civilians, while some few terrorists hide safely in
their bunkers. More and more Muslims and other people who have little
sympathies for Jews in general react with more and more anger to
this. Don't think that they could not suddenly attack Israel in an
unexpected and awful way! Islamic Pakistan for instance has an
arsenal of nuclear arms and has shown in the past that it is capable
and willing to proliferate such arms to this planet's worst rogue
nations. With luck God managed so far too stop the outbreak of
another nuclear war. But the true situation of God Ewa is utterly
precarious. A saying compared her to a slug that creeps at the edge
of a razor blade. Believe me that nuclear arms are still not the
worst super-weapons of times to come. We should badly need better and
wiser people before the introduction of God's technologies. The worst
perspective that we must fear is, that oligarchs and diversity freaks
suddenly learn to master divine technologies, to travel to the sky
and come back as super-rogues. One such flying saucer would be
powerful enough to liquidate entire regions from above.
1.3 This Summer was rather disastrous for the
In the year of my pearly wedding with Ewa, I was
heeding hopes that things would soon get better for me. Sadly the
opposite came true. In the wake of an unforeseen assault on my
hardware, I had to loosen the spell that stops people of lesser race
from reproduction and distribution. I had already done this once in
2001, with the consequence of the terror assault of Muslims in the
USA of 9/11. Much the same happened again at the end of this summer.
Things got worse for me and for Israel, because the situation of the
savior Fred on planet Letar (Sirius C 3) maybe is worse than
expected. Another problem is that while more and more people realize
that their religious hopes for a resurrection in fairyland are void,
they tend to get desperate, selfish and aggressive. They may hate
themselves and others more, and act as if doomsday was getting near.
What God must do now is to give them a new sense of life. But while I
get drastically fooled I can't be the king of the world.
1.4 Israel must learn now from Hostage Crises of
the Past
The wise Jew Henry Kissinger sadly just died, but
other moderate politicians may as well help Israel to cautiously
master this hostage crisis. Remember the hostage crisis of Iran, that
was troubling the USA for so long a time. It helped then to hold
talks and try to find options to also resolve some of the political
crises. The remaining terrorists in Gaza are much under pressure,
but they are maybe not the ones who decide over the solution of the
political crisis. We must rather think of the mullahs who are stopped
from any decent and moral thinking by the hot black bundles they wrap
around their heads. May a winter come with unexpected fury to Iran
now to cool their heads and make them think twice! It is a wrong
impression after all, that the generally pro-Israeli western media
give, that the comparably few gun-happy rogues, the goofs and savages
who are in charge of politics in Hamastan right now are the
super-rogues who must be put down. In truth Israel has to deal with
elusive and secretive higher powers, cosmic Snakes and evil Wights
who relish to watch on TV and take parts in such dramatic events.
They are guys who like to watch scenes of suspense, violence and
cruelty. They demand of God disasters and scenes of distress.
Gradually, with the help of the sane and cautious people of this
planet, we may hope to peacefully solve this hostage crisis like we
solved others. But if Israel keeps on playing the role of the Ugly
Jews, it gets more and more likely that the Jews will receive the
bashing for this, that is already due while many mortals realize that
they will die out.
The Papess
A statement by Bertram Eljon Holubek to help Israel
in times of conflict, Version 5 11/2023
The power and the impotence of the old religions are
what this short political text is about. In the Vatican and elsewhere
they still stick to many a lore from ancient times that is much
outdated. Things weren't better in ancient Greece. Evil Powers like
Alexander the Cräyb, an alien, inflict upon us not only Islamic
terror in Israel.
The Papess: Version 5 1.4 MB, 14 pages.

Important Update: The New Way to Wisdom V.23a
This is a very short common introduction into the
Universal Truth Religion (UTR, V.23a 2023).
With the Universal
Truth Religion God debunks all other religions and lores of science.
The UTR only tells the truth about all things. I teach things who are
modern and must be correct, but I must counter the sufferings of two
worlds by suffering and making mistakes. I Bertram Eljon Odin was
called in 1993 to become the saviour, husband and advocate of the
Earth Goddess. This good lady who created this earth reveals all her
secrets only to me and by and by. The lore of the UTR is not in all
parts based on evidence, but with the years scientific finds
supported many teachings. The UTR sadly is only really suitable for
young and well developed enlightened children of light with bright
natural colours. The cruel Greys, cosmic she-devils, distort and
spoil many people with N-rays. Greys bring all sorts of trouble. Only
with God's help mortals can get strong enough to take a stand. God
can best guide young well-raised Europids (Caucasians) of the German
Rhineland. Only few have good development perspectives. Few shall
evolve after 150 years to ageless Æsir: great and gentle
demigods who'll be fair, beautiful and wise, who can read minds and
do miracles. God but also likes and supports many ordinary homo
sapiens, who shall slowly die out in peace. This Earth has a Goddess,
the white 90 m congera (lentworm, leviathan, snake) Ewa. She lives in
the house of God (Betyle), 300 km below of Eden (Aden) at the heart
of the earth that she created with patient, hard, sly work. I'm God
the Father, she's Mother Earth. The minds of all humankind associate
to form the Divine Spirit. Over 5500 free and paradisical earths of
Humanoids (Angels), Marsupial Rats, Ducks, Frogs, Meerkats etc
protect us and help us to develop. Ewa's Betyle was created near
Anna's former star Mirá 1.7 GY ago and travelled to settle
this earth. Letar (Sirius C) of Ga-Leta and Fred Willms, and Sesam
(Big Dipper 47) of Ga-Rina and Jonathan Eckart are our best
neighbours. We are rare planets in trouble, like the 6 of the
Sauroids, the 53 Marsupial Bears or the 63 Feken. On Letar Welsh are
the chosen people; but the Aryan Parses are, like our Jews, a false
chosen people linked to a primitive earth of the Feken (Hogs). That
is why Jewish religion with it's god Yahweh (Ga-Jewa) and Jewish
science often mislead. The rotten Greys ruined 99% of this galaxy's
1,050,000 earths with falling stars. Most of these harbour dwarfish
Arthropoids: Berks (Spiders), 22,000 Cräybs (Crabs) etc. Grey
evil wights are slaves of the Greys, who failed to create own earths.
The Berk-OS has it that earths are populated with six major races, of
whom five are unlucky Racials. Especially the Arthropoids-Greys send
us N-rays, modulated pulsar rays who build magnetic fields and appear
as hypernovas, whistler waves or atmospheric mini-comets. Greys suck
lifeforce (mana, vril) with the help of intoxication, lust and laze.
Congeras typically appear masked as gods, angels, devils, spirits,
stars, celebrities, parents, beasts or fantasy figures. As priming,
inner voices or forcing impulses of what to do congeras perceptibly
interfere into our minds. They may make believers believe into
nonsense and go erroneous ways. Especially wrong is the creed that
the dead will once resurrect or live on as spirits. The thoughts of
confused people cause many mental disturbances. The Greys pester good
people but may push a few lesser people. While God could not protect
well the chosen and the good, the old religions were a compromise
with the Greys. God had to hide from modern thinking atheists, who
are the booty of vain egoism and megalomania. Most generally all the
older people are not fit for the needed mental updates. The Goddess
Diet teaches how to best resist to evil. That starts with a healthy
and fresh nutrition with much protein. Fresh water baptism and
fitness sports in the open help to gather vril. Physical and mental
troubles can be countered with work, entertainment and creativity.
Sadly God's help has narrow limits when it comes to supporting,
protecting and telling the truth, so help yourself and be sly. The
rotten Greys right now suck too much vril from our earth that is
overpopulated by 99.8%. God's strategy must be to reduce population
to no more than 12 million people. Then God will have enough time and
power for to evolve the homo superior, and completely rid this earth
of all sufferings. In 2100 we shall erect a Holy Reich, where Ewa
plans to incarnate as the perfect woman. We shall travel to the
Humanoids of the Big Dipper and ward off Greys like Ga-Sama, Dora,
Musa, Toma, Reta, Fe-Luka, Li-Zora. Be sure that God is on your side
if you want to live a decent life. Ewa tolerates errors, grants
rights and sexual liberties, but is overworked and in pains.
A timid look at the next US presidential campaign
Now this is a really weird scene, from a site of the Deutsche parastatal TV network ARD&ZDF. The
older comedian mockingly campaigns for Trump and another such guy. They call both men "right-wingers" in
Deutsche TV and are not fond of them at all. But truly, what would happen if Mr. Trump would run again
for president? He would of course lose again against Mr. Biden, who definitely did a fairly good job so far. It is scary
but correct that brave Mr. Pence warns that Mr. Trump shudd never again become president. We must agree,
due to the scandalous behavior of the old garden elk, when it came to the occupation of the Capitol building.
But it is definitely worse when this odd "robber baron" type defames eager Ron DeSantis as a fascist with
magical powers. That makes us think of the wall street wirepullers who may prefer a liberal guy at the
White House. The top notch guys of these "locusts" are all Jewish. So there is a touch of religion in
this issue.
Above I put next to the shot of this comedian a cartoon of the strange clown called Flip. That's it, the
comedian is the clown from "Little Nemo" come alive. On his oversized cylinder, Flip used to write "Wake up!"
Seeing that would awaken Little Nemo and end his dream voyage. We never learn what happened to him then,
while he was in a state of woke. I guess he must have had a lot of anxieties. That is the message of
the comedian too, he tries to raise anxieties before those republican candidates. Regarding the behavior
of Mr. Trump whilst in office, we must find that there is no real need for anxieties. He acted rather cautious
and started good plans. I well remember the plan of his staff to give prison inmates "a second chance". Now Trump has come
to age, but is not ready to give in to a weakling. So let's hope that Mr. DeSantis starts as well as a falcon
rocket into the future of the USA.
By the way: The UTR teaches that we are indeed facing ghastly evil aliens, who may prefer to wear oversized
cylinders. They are degenerated crab dwarfs mainly, but there are also midgety pigs and hobbity spidermen among them. If we
find that such evil aliens raise mean accusations against Mr. DeSantis, that may well speak for his human qualities.

Meghan! Royals! Arts! Magic! Medicine! Hollywood Gossip and much Comedy!
Isn't She Beautiful? expanded Final Version 5.3 in HTML with Navigator.
Isn't She Beautiful? expanded final Version 5.3 as PDF 4.5 MB, 197+1 pages.

Lightning Storms of Catatumbo only in PDF, 41+1 pages, Version 2., 1.5 MB
Of mystery Thunderstorms, Gods and Americans

Odins ABC Runes Now out in expanded final version 6!
Odin's Runes are the better alternative to your latin letters. The
new expanded version 6. provides a set of capital runes. They are used just like capital
letters. The final font file of version 6 is now out too in stable version. Simply download it,
copy it and paste it into your C:\Windows\Fonts drawer to install it. Also a
right-click on the font file may provide the option to install the font.

Diversity Sucks! 114+1 pages pdf 2.0 MB
Diversity Sucks! html version
Fractal magic links one leaf to the other. It
eventually links our well developed people to the few angelic worlds.
But diverse miserable darklings instead link us to the millions of
miserable other planets. Such links suck lifeforce from us, bringing
bad destiny in return.
Biden's Last Campain 28+1 pages pdf 1,05 MB
Biden's Last Campain html version
A funny text with cartoons about the election campaign of
a really too old US president.
Version 1.1 The Biggest Mystery of the Corona Crisis enlarged and corrected, HTML
Would you believe it that in all those many
reports about the Corona Wuhan virus, nobody ever mentioned the
key problem? It's because the question is about who is to blame!
The main Problem regarding Corona ist a Taboo
Right now not only Deutschland (Görmany) is in
the ban of the Corona virus crisis. Due to this the politicians
and physicians like stopped all public life. Nevertheless statistics
prove that this virus acts, right here, not much worse than a typical
Asia flu. Moreover we may expect that such diseases have a much harder
impact on non-whites. That will regularly be caused by the fact that
in poor countries many people are poorly fed, while their health is
strongly burdened. But the main reason for this is the race, when some
people react stronger to diseases. When the Whites came to America,
many Red Men (Amerindians) and Indios were uprooted by their
diseases without remainders, since they lacked the natural powers
of resistance against them! That is, before anything else, what our
politicians and medics should firstly put into consideration. Only
then they can act correctly in such crisises. But many of these think
too much of their scientific reputation and their income. There are even
Christians among them, who betray people who search for care with cruelty
despite serious consequences, for instance on the disputed field
of assisted death. The Corona virus pandemia erupted in China, and
it is regarded there as especially bad. It would be consequential if
western medics would scrutinize firstly whether the Whites do not
less badly react to this disease. But the strong taboos when it comes
to the topic of race obviously prevent the experts and underwriters
in this case to do their jobs in the reasonable and correct ways. If you
hear anything officially about the question of races, then often it's only
something to refute the expectation that Corona has a stronger impact
on underlings.
The Origins of the Piltdown Man a very short HTML text

The Magic and Luck of Great Britain html Version,
pdf Version, 447 kb 26 p
A short text about the European Song Contest 2019
The Mystics of the ESC 2019 HTML, Version 2

The important Spring Break Text: God in the Lion's Den
PDF Version 360 kb
Are you still fond of Bible stuff? Read this to find out more about old-time oriental
religions, how they it influenced us, or rather failed to meet European standards.

A New Look on Old Stonehenge
This short text has astonishing facts about how to understand
Stonehenge and also explains some myths of Troy. While Europe is facing some kind of Muslim invasion,
in an era of religious transition, we need to remember a great past and look forward to a better
future. A great Goddess is definitely in the making. Stonehenge was one of her sanctuaries, before
it was devoted to Belon the god of light.
A New Old Religion for Europe This concise text
looks at the key issues of migration, globalization and the Brexit from a classical European perspective. So who cares for the roots of
our culture? God does, of course.
This concise text has rare and strange facts about the history
of Rhodes and also Mother Europa. While Europe is facing some kind of Muslim invasion,
in an era of religious change, we need to remember and look forward into a better
future. A great Goddess is definitely in the making, Lindos shows her traces.
Terrorism is not invincible
Our Answer to all the Terror Attacks! Stop the Decline of the West!

Bad Aliens off Limits, the Main Page This mid-size top-text
proposes a tough new politics for Europe and the West to get out bad aliens.

1. Bad Ideas and Bad Destiny are definitely linked to dark racial
2. A Politics of Deportation needs Courage but can be humane and
3. It's just not good to let Bad Aliens freely move to
and organize in the West
4. Some bad or weak Westerners form a Dark Front of Silence and
5. Best Westerners need to find the God with the Will to
save and refine Creation
6. Atheist Science leaves open big Questions. It's obvious
that Higher Powers exist

This Top Text is not only something for Students and Experts!
The End of the Ice Ages This long top-text with many graphs
explains the cycles that shape our climate with the help of guardian angels. A bonus chapter about
Global Warming explains why politicians in Deutschland recently decided
to stop worrying and love Global Warming. This Text as PDF, 1.4 MB 70 p.