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Beljonde: Diversity Sucks!

Titel: Diversity Sucks

Myths and histories about diversity – a free text by Bertram Eljon Holubek, Version 2.0 2021

Diversity freaks claim that it's nice to mix people of different race and quality. The idea silently became a worldwide liberal dogma that hardly can be challenged. But just like for instance that old Christian geocentric model, it is obviously faulty. For dorks diversity seems to be solid ground, on which they can build a new world of the future. In reality diversity is like a swamp, with alien things lurking in the lair.

A mysterious Scene of Frank's Casket

Chapter Three: White Snake, Red Dragon

When the Viking chief Hengist travelled to Britain, he introduced a new kind of diversity that few of the surviving British did value. In search of the powers who are behind such invasions, we find some of the monsters mentioned in the Beowulf saga. Compared to these Hengist was an angel.

1. The Artwork of the Sons of the Vikings

This is a classical image from the famous album of the British rock group Whitesnake. Debates have arisen over whether this scene should be regarded as obscene. When the album ›Lovehunter‹ came out, in the rocky 1980's, it raised protests; and some record shops only sold it with a neutral cover. Strictly judged the woman in front only shows her naked behind. Such nude scenes are still not pornographic. But definitely this is an erotic scene of a girl with that white fantasy snake. The beautiful redhead rises her head in lust, while the mood of the snake seems to be likewise excited. What we see here has definitely something to do with witchcraft. That image asks the question: Who is this snake supposed to be? That question exceeds the borders of old-time human wisdom. The two horns of the vicious looking snake remind of the traditional horns of a devil. The UTR teaches that by their skin colour, the good gods and angels and the evil Greys are distinguishable. The good snakes wear white, while the skin of the zombie-like Greys is grey and in a rotten state. Also the famous book ›The White Goddess‹ of Robert Graves points out that our Earth Goddess has white skin as her characteristic feature. On this image her vision however seems to be blurred and mixed with that of the Greys. These often interfere with their evil creativity when they search for lifeforce. Our White Goddess however is indeed a "lovehunter". Sofia Ewa loves her evolved creatures. The two to six horns or wings of such a fantasy alien often symbolize her blood cranes. On this image the split tongue is a sign of warning. That snake is not symbolizing a truthful spirit.

I remember well the great songs of that rock group. Forty years ago, or so, I used to be a fan of rock music. Today the Wikipedia has it, that Whitesnake only became a classical super-group when the keyboarder Jon Lord joined it. Like the founder of the group, David Coverdale, Jon Lord had come from the group Deep Purple. That British rock group was, in the Seventies of the past century, the biggest and hardest of a new era. It was also a group that used many themes of classical music and old-time religion. One of their greatest hits was ›Smoke on the Water‹. I remember that I didn't like really like it, but it seemed to touch something in the hearts of many people of that era, who were still moreless Christians. But, like their ancestors from the age of the Vikings, those young Christians must have had the bitter idea that they would end up in hell since they weren't in God's favour. That is why they howled like hell-hounds in ›Child in Time‹.

Smoke on the Water, Fire in the Sky (the original title was: Durh, Durh, Durh)

That is the main text line of the big Deep Purple hit ›Smoke on the Water‹. The text tells us that the group was in Montreux, Switzerland, when a catastrophe occurred there. The dark bizarre gay US-musician Frank Zappa had been performing there with his band, the Mothers of Invention, in a casino. But the story goes that some »stupid with a flare gun« burned that place to the ground. So what? The secret of the success of this rather plain and conventional rock song was, that it told a message of apocalypse. That again must have alluded to the secret fears of Christian rock fans. But their big problem was and still is, that Jesus is dead and not in the skies, with Zarathustra and all the other puny prophets of old time. With courage and luck our real existing White Snake also tries to educate our youth. During the mid-seventies Sofia Ewa had heard enough of Deep Purple and decided to withhold God's creativity. Their music became dull, and then they split up and left.

Strange is that the first really successful album of the rock group Deep Purple was called after the book of the famous Welsh bard Taliesyn. That shows that fractal connections existed to the Welshmen of our neighbouring planet Lar. And then the name Jonathan Lord strongly links to our second-next living planet Sesam. The local saviour of Ga-Rina's planet is called Jonathan.

In the early Seventies Deep Purple was the loudest rock group influencing the tougher of the younger ones. They best performed live, for instance in Japan. Commentators fame the »duels«, that the keyboarder Jon Lord and his guitarist Ritchie Blackmore would play out for many minutes. Much has been written about their metal music, but of course this set also has a spiritual dimension. Believing people could see in Mr. Lord some likeness of God the Father, while Mr. Blackmore represented the Swarthy Man, the mythical anti- deity of not only the Christians. The tension between these two leading musicians of the band also reflects the tension between God and the Devil in Christian mythology. That is of course one aspect of diversity. It may seem that our life would be dull if not slavish, if directed by an over-powerful God only. Doesn't such a tyrannical god like the Yahweh of the Bible need a wild rebel as counterpart for to make life more exciting and diverse? On stage these "duels" definitely made the music win power. But the tale of ›Smoke on the Water‹ should warn us that it is risky to play with the forces of evil. The cosmic demons are in fact not the counterparts of an almighty lord, whose role it is to challenge Him and to punish the sinners, for the sake of a more diverse and entertaining creation. In truth those cosmic Greys are our mindless enemies, who try to thoroughly wreck our earths.

2. So far even our Best are not good enough for God's best Wisdom

In the old days of the Northmen, for a man there seemed to be no better lifestyle than that of a raider at sea and a boozer at home. In their halls, where the "honourables" sat, drank and slept, the bards were always singing of Viking chiefs and their deeds of strange valour. Out on the sea they were fishing, and on the lands they watched the cattle grazing, but that was not stuff for the great tales. Of Hengest they knew that he had been a really bad robber, a breaker of oaths. The godes preached that these would end up in snake pits of the goddess Hel. But wasn't the fame worth it that these Vikings reaped? At least people like Hengest became rich. They had gold to give away, also to the heathen temples. But Beowulf told them that their goddess didn't like this.

Hnæf hleoþrode ða, heaþogeong cyning:
"Ne ðis ne dagað eastan, ne her draca ne fleogeð,
ne her ðisse healle hornas ne byrnað.
Ac her forþ berað; fugelas singað,
gylleð græghama, guðwudu hlynneð,
scyld scefte oncwyð. Nu scyneð þes mona
waðol under wolcnum. Nu arisað weadæda
ðe ðisne folces nið, fremman willað,
Ac onwacnigeað nu, wigend mine,
habbað eowre linda, hicgeaþ on ellen,
winnað on orde, wesað onmode!"

Hnaef clepeth there, the heath-going king:
"This is no day's dawn, nor here a dragon flies, nor here this hall's horns are burning.
As here a force bears, the birds sing,
jangles grey-armour, spear-wood clank,
shield provides answer. Now shines the Moon
wattled under clouds. Now arise woe-deeds
that these folks' envy, to frame is willed,
As you awaken now, vagabonds mine,
heave your linden shields, go into a line,
win in order, dismiss discourage!"

These verses are the rests of a lost Anglo-Saxon war poem. King Hnaef the Half-Dane had been out on patrol, maybe on the island of Sylt. Time before his men had attacked and taken the hall. But now, in the night, something spooky was out there! Was there a dragon, that was about to spit fire down from the sky? But no, a band of warriors was nearing, about to attack before daybreak. We assume today that the Frisians of king Finn had had enough of these wild strangers from the North. The poem described the events from the point of view of the marauders. It's not nice to read that the bard defamed the Frisian warriors. Their envy allegedly made them attack, a drive that often does not emerge from a man's own soul. The Finnsburg events are, relatively correctly, mentioned in the poem ›Beowulf‹ too. This version tells in verse 1142, that Hengest was clutched by a »forceful drive« when he decided to break oaths and peace treaties with the Frisians. Envy and old hate and the thirst for revenge, the lust for combat and booty were just too hard too fight back in those bad old days. Definitely the Anglo-Saxon chief Hengest, who built Britain much more than king Arthur did, was a brave and sly man, a highly evolved human being. It was a pity that God could not do more to make such people as noble as they deserved it. But it was of course no alternative to put lesser darker men to the first line of combat, who would not be able to take a better stand against those wild emotions. The Greys often try to shove the lesser guys to the front, to mislead the whole bunch. They put weak guys into your line, who fail when the enemy attacks.

3. Hengist had more of a Real Angel than Jesus had

A local legend from the Frisian island of Sylt has it that from there the Viking chiefs Hengist and Horsa set sail to conquer Britain, from the old Wenningstedt harbour. These and other tales and traces tell of two such warlords. And who would doubt that their story is true, that they became the brave and able mercenaries of king Vortigern, until they became too many and demanded too much? Strangely enough, it has become the modern point of view of the scholars, to deem that these two guys never existed! After 1945 such Germanic types had become disliked, and the leftists and diversity freaks of all countries emotionally rejected them being among the men who were building Britain. Some say that Hengist and Horsa had been gods of the Northmen, comparable to other twin gods like Castor and Pollux, Bran and Beli or Wotan and Wili. Since Hengest had been such a disgrace, we would expect him to try and start in Britain a new life under a new name. In fact thorough studies of the sources cannot really clear up this mystery, since authors like Gildas or Nennius were bitter monks, who wrote from a basis of confusing orally transmitted legends only. And wasn't Jesus, their false god, a similar confusing historical figure? It is mentioned even in the Bible that he had had brothers. One of them was Judas, who later was called Theudas (Thaddeus, Dad). Mendacious priests like to believe that Jesus could do any miracles at will, just like Harry Potter could. But while they have no real ideas of sorcery, many take the truth easy. In truth Jesus had been a last Canaanite and a vicious enemy of the pious Jews. At first he asked them to do penitence. When they derided the extreme pauper he thoroughly cursed their cities. Of course this hate against the Jews later influenced Hitler a lot. There are so many flukes and fakes in the Gospel. Napoleon therefore used to doubt that Jesus ever existed. Undoubtedly our world would have developed faster without Christian religion. But, regarding Hengest again, the decision of God is understandable to not let people get too wise.

The historian Saxo Grammaticus wrote that the Anglo-Saxons, who had conquered Britain, were the descendants of some guy called Angul. That sounds like a typical eponymous hero legend. In ancient Britain they used to likewise speculate, that the British descended from a Brit or Brutus. There can't be doubt that guys with such names did exist here and there. And sometimes because of their names they became special if not famous. It's part of the fractal magic that rules our blunt reality. The ›Germania‹ has it that indeed the Ingaeveones had been one of the three main peoples of ancient Germany, those of the North. This is where the name Angles must have come from. Like the Gallic, the Germanic were divided into three sub-peoples, from North to South. That is as characteristic as it is unexplainable for our experts. Only the UTR can explain such mysteries. If we look at the way races and peoples were originally placed on this planet, there can't be doubt that humankind was created and diligently separated due to a plan. The idea of diversity is it to let all people mix freely. But by this way ignorant leftists, liberals and underlings mess with creation structures they don't understand the least. It was no coincidence that the name Angles reminds of Germanic words for angel. Their old tribe name Ingaeveones may be read as: Children of Ewa. The old tribe name of the Britons, and that of their ancestor Brit, reminds of my own name Bert.

4. The true Story of Beowulf's Monster Fight

It is very strange that the legend of Beowulf is completely missing in the diligent works of Saxo, who wrote up all the tales and myths of the old Danes. But if we look very closely into the books of that Danish monk (6:2), we find a story that seems to be the true story of that monster fight. It is a story that Saxo tries to link with other events of his collection of myths and tales. Now, when we read of a Halfdan (a half Dane) who was troubled hard by the attacks of twelve brothers, the story reminds of that of Beowulf, who fought against the fire-spitting dragon with twelve vassals.

Halfdan was troubled much by the attacks of twelve brothers. They all bore names like Björn (Bear). These brothers had fortified an island into a moat. That was their hideout, from where they raided and devastated the neighbouring lands. They were young and of big size, but they had lost their band of warriors. But since Björn possessed a strong horse and a terrible magical hound, and while the island was hard to find, they had not been troubled. Halfdan now searched the help of the Swede Fridlev in Russia. Fridlev managed to win Björns horse. He won men, putting prices on the heads of those twelve robbers. But then again, he decided to be a brave warrior himself. So he killed a slave who was wearing his clothes, and let him flow away in the river. With the help of the wonder horse, he secretly managed to cross the river. On tiptoes he entered into the moat, where the robbers were sitting and drinking. Fridlev hid under a roof. Just then Björn called out, scared by a vision: He had seen a monster rising from the waves and spewing flames, that set the world on fire! Christian missionaries must have told this. Scared Björn then asked his men to search all the island for this monster. Obviously he had been warned. The robbers only found the wonder horse that Fridlev had won, and now they believed that Fridlev was dead. Due to the wonder horse, the men of Fridlev also thought that he had died. They now wanted to take revenge. Fridlev, who had still managed to remain inside of the fortified island, loosened the draw bridge of the moat for his men in due time. With his avengers Fridlev now killed all the robbers save Björn. He found just this robber of use, calling him a flower of valour that he decided to pluck. We hear no more of Björn's dog, who at times would overpower twelve men at a time!

We may well call this the true story of the tale of the Bear's son. The author of ›Beowulf‹ turned this into his fantasy poem, combining it with other sagas and tales from Denmark, putting it into the year of 590. Maybe Björn and his men became robbers out of desperation, when their harvests failed. Monsters existed in the nightmares of the drunken robber only. But a real hound may have played the role of the monster Grendel. Maybe in those bitter times they fed beasts with humans. In this tale the monster-dog represents Ga-Sama and Ga-Dora, Ga-Musa and Ga-Thula, the Greys of the near dog-stars Sirius and Procyon. The horse however represents our Earth Goddess. God often sees to it that the bad guys run out of luck early, and get ugly and small, and find no partner. In the end of the poem Beowulf remains without wife. His best mate, Wiglaf Wihstan's son, calls him »beloved« (v. 2823, compare Deutsch: Wichser, jerk). Was this why professor J.R.R. Tolkien turned the Beowulf stuff into all-male dwarf fantasies? In reality the Gauts lost their realm in 540, due to an eruption of the faraway volcano Ilopango. That was causing a year without summer, a fimbul winter. The Edda prophesies that this will happen before Surt will cause a conflagration.

Another tale that Saxo related (1:6) tells us of a good witch called Hardgrepa (hard grip). She appeared to king Hadding and helped him against a magical hand. Such magic often appears in the disguise of gloves. The ›Beowulf‹ poem has it that Grendel tried to capture Beowulf with the help of a glove of enormous size. A monster glove seemed to clutch at people, holding them for painful hours. A Frisian tale has it that the ghost of valorous king Radbod owned such gloves. In reality though this is what the congeras do with the help of their N-rays. It is so typical that they hold fast people especially after they were dozing! Due to this eagles or griffins became heraldic animals of many countries. The tale of the Bear's son has it that a guy called Hondskioh (glove) was the hero's best mate. If you know the fettering magic of the congeras you understand this.

Zur freien Verbreitung! Distribute freely! Bertram Eljon (und Sofia Ewa) Holubek, Zuelpicher St. 300, 50937 Koeln, Deutschland, Ga-Jewas Planet / Fragen? Kommentare? Questions? Comments? Send your E-Mail to beljonde{ät]yahoo.de