God's New Year&Day Calendar
Beljonde Titel
Beljonde Stonehenge Stamp

Beljonde: Diversity Sucks!

Titel: Diversity Sucks

Myths and histories about diversity – a free text by Bertram Eljon Holubek, Version 2.0 2021

Diversity freaks claim that it's nice to mix people of different race and quality. The idea silently became a worldwide liberal dogma that hardly can be challenged. But just like for instance that old Christian geocentric model, it is obviously faulty. For dorks diversity seems to be solid ground, on which they can build a new world of the future. In reality diversity is like a swamp, with alien things lurking in the lair.

A mysterious Scene of Frank's Casket

If you can spare the time, then take a look at this casket. It shows a weird scene from Viking mythology, with a cryptic message written in Anglo-Saxon runes, including some special unique glyphs. So who dares to try and interpret this scene? As we study the texts of the experts, we find that they judge that the animal at the centre is a sad horse! A horse called Hos is also allegedly mentioned in the text, and the person in front of it seems to be Erta. Is this our Earth Goddess? Congratulations! You found the page that answers the above riddle. See sub-chapter 3. for more.

Chapter Twelve: Why Diversity Sucks

Fractal magic links one leaf to the other. It eventually links our well developed people to the few angelic worlds. But diverse miserable darklings instead link us to the millions of miserable other planets. Such links suck lifeforce from us, bringing bad destiny in return.

1. The Treasure of Hengist and Horsa was their Genes

When the two manly Viking chiefs Hengist and Horsa sailed to Britain, they were not really welcome by most British. But it was the will of God that they and other Anglo-Saxons should settle there. The objective was to brighten up the gene-pool, that had been darkened before by the invasions of the Celtic-Iberians, the Romans and some Irish Picts and Scots too. These guys from the North of Germania and Europe maybe had no great culture, but they had classy genes. When the Goddess looked them in the bright eyes she saw her better future coming, and foresaw that all would be well on Lar too. Just like the Franks of that era, they weren't such greedy robbers. Instead of wearing necklaces they rather wore long shining hair. Some brushed it into the face, it made them look like angels.

Gildas was the first British writer who reported in detail about the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons into England. But his writings are very tendentious from a fearful Christian point of view. While Gildas harshly criticized the Saxons, he chided the Britons even more. From his point of view it was due to the sins especially of their local petty kings, that God delivered them into the bondage of the Saxons, Frisians and Angles. Gildas chiefly raised the accusation that the British nobles were leading luxurious, rich and careless lives. They must have much profited from the retreat of the last Romans around 410 a. The consequence was that the remaining British didn't need to pay the high Roman taxes no more. But apparently, the British petty kings and nobles now erected a rule over their lands that was not wiser nor more fair than that of the Romans had been. They had been the descendants of intermarriages of the British with the Romans and other similar migrants. The shameless, careless and pleasant lifestyle of the Romans had weakened the Romano-British. Gildas complained that the British had kings who but were tyrants, and judges who were wicked. These nobles would easily quarrel and fight out feuds and small wars among themselves, but they found it much harder to unite against the common enemies. Most notably Gildas mentioned this:

The British lords »plunder and terrorise the innocent, they defend and protect the guilty and thieving, they have many wives, whores and adulteresses, swear false oaths, tell lies, reward thieves, sit with murderous men, despise the humble, their commanders are enemies of God«. These British authorities are the cause of the »ruin of Britain«.

The view of Gildas was that of a fearful Christian. At his time monks were wont to devote their entire lives to revering their idols, and they rejected and despised anything worldly. Often he used an apocalyptic language, to warn the British before a coming time of doomsday. While the British were not to his liking, the Saxons he found much worse when it came to religion. They would for instance restrict the access of pilgrims to the shrines of the Christian martyrs. Surely they instead asked the people to stay at home, till the fields and care for the cattle and their huts and families. There was a great Saxon ruler, a king of the lands that they had soon won. Gildas only calls him the devil-father. At his time, around 520 a., Irish-Scottish monks dominated the Christian culture of Britain. Their orders were renowned for very strict and humbling discipline. The Irish monks eventually would receive beatings very often and for very minor offences. But the coming of the Anglo-Saxons made that sadistic and vile stream of Christian religion and tyranny peter out. It is what the good God had hoped for, that these better Germanic were too wise for such Christianity. Two centuries after the great Anglo-Saxon invasion, things were definitely much better in Britain. That is the idea that the writings of Bede give, who lived two centuries after Gildas. At his time the remaining British were leading the lives of an oppressed ethnic layer under Anglo-Saxon rule. The "Venerable Bede" took this for a sign that the British had lost God's favour. And indeed, God had already built a better and more noble Britain, with the help of the progeny of those Vikings.

Grave accusations were raised against the Anglo-Saxons and other such Germanic and Nordic invaders in Britain. The sources speak of genocides, drivings-out or enslavement. Today such views of the Anglo-Saxon invasion are little liked among the scholars. Surely it is more correct to assume that the Anglo-Saxons only subjugated the Romano-British and soon intermarried greatly with them, while only driving out and killing groups as they resisted. One consequence of this invasion was that different cultures parted Britain into a ruling and an oppressed class. We may call this cultural diversity, but it was not liked by the British. Only the pressure of more incoming invaders, and also Christian culture, eventually made the British and the Anglo-Saxons get over their deep cultural divide and find to a new British culture of unity. But until today Britain remains a rather divided land, with strong ethnic and cultural minorities in Wales and Scotland. Until today some ethnic or cultural groups keep alive the spirit of resistance against the Anglo-Saxon invaders.

Surely we need to compare this invasion to other such invasions, for instance that of the Gothic, Suebes and Vandals into Spain. All these invaders were victorious, but fewer in number than the original population. Soon they proved strangely unable to defend their original cultures. That was of course mainly due to the fact that Christian culture overlaid and deformed national and tribal cultures. Christian clerics brought down the biggest men to their knees. But just some Germanic migrants, mainly the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons, made Christianity change to the better. They had the nerves to rather resist to dangerous apocalyptic and sadistic tendencies of the monks. That was due to the secret guidance of the Earth Goddess, who has more power over Germanic types.

Multicultural societies are not stable. If two cultures must exist in one land, naturally one culture will dominate, and hopefully that culture has the better develop perspectives. But while hostile aliens and their bad development plans are so strong on this planet, people will be formed against their will, until cultures emerge who allow aliens to suck from us. Without doubt the slavish and perverted Christian culture is a culture of tyrannical aliens.

2. Christian culture was strictly opposed to diversity

Before the era of Christianity. many cultures used to hold snakes in high esteem. These were often regarded as merciful and beneficial. Legends had it that snakes wore crowns of gold and advised good people to drink milk. In the later view of the Christians, instead snakes predominantly were seen as evil and devilish. That is due to the Biblical unfairy tale, that a snake is the devil in the garden of Eden, and that God therefore cursed and punished all snakes. In reality though, good or evil rotten congeras exist, whose magic is present in all things and even in empty space. We only need to sort out the good snakes and reject the rest. But some religions are so stultifying that they make this impossible.

The great Jacob Grimm found a weird snake story in the acts of Christian saints (p. 570): Barbatus, a Catholic preacher, let his snake tongue charm the ears of Theodorada (Theuderada), the wife of king Romuald of the Lombards in Southern Italy. Those former Germanic Langobards were still adhering to their traditional heathen culture, but they tolerated Christians at their court, and not a few had become baptised. The Catholics however did not tolerate at all any other religious cultures, except the Jewish. Saint Barbatus envied the heathens, who revered a snake made of pure gold. So when the king was on a journey, he asked Theodorada to hand over the snake to him. She feared that she might die if she did this, but as the priest kept on conjuring her, she did what he desired. Barbatus then commanded his minions to fabricate Catholic mass ware from the stolen snake. King Romuald later didn't punish him.

There was also a sacred tree revered by the pagans that the Christian missionary didn't like. His legend has it that he himself felled that tree. Pagans are thus called because they revere their gods in trees (Latin: fagus means beech) and in the green nature. But from a Christian point of view nature is the home of the devil. That was especially the insane thinking of Martin Luther. Of Saint Barbatus we also read that he was a simple rural Italian of low birth, and as a priest soon ran into troubles, surely due to his special zeal. It didn't occur to such simple Italians that a tree in paradise was also the Biblical symbol of wisdom, guarded by the snake who is god. Another idol of a snake called Nehustan helped Moses in time of bitter troubles, with a magic that saved and healed. Christians however were never the wise guys, or they would have questioned their insane and mendacious beliefs. Jesus had taught them that only the dorks would enter heaven. The UTR has it that names like Theodorada especially link to the Grey Ga-Dora, an evil snake.

This holy tree had once stood in a grove near the Italian town of Benevent. The name of the grove had allegedly been Voto, a name that probably was miswritten from Wotan. In honour of their old Germanic god, the Lombards would celebrate a warlike equestrian festivity. They would shoot at the hide of an animal from behind of their backs. These Lombards knew that they needed to be fit and ready for wars. But when the Byzantine emperor Constans-2 marched into the region with his army, the priests of Catholics seemed to provide better advice than the priests of the pagan grove. Barbatus prophesied correctly that the Greeks would unsuccessfully besiege Benevent. The gods of the Christians seemed to care little for this world, but to better help in times of war. From the point of view of the UTR, indeed the Greys take more of an interest in this world when wars and feuds are fought out. Soon after the war against the Greeks was won, a large trek of Bulgarians under Alzek (the tick) marched into Italy. These darklings had reproduced too much at home, and of the Italians they demanded cities and land to settle down. Shocked by the religious conversion that Barbatus had initiated, the Lombards and the other Italians did not resist to these dangerous migrants from Inner Asia. The Greeks of Byzantium but fought them back in many severe battles.

Christians did never favour diversity. Quite contrarily, they were the most fanatical of all the Jewish sects. When Christians nevertheless welcome potentially hostile strangers in their lands, this is often the consequence of the shortcomings of their fraudulent priests.

3. The weirdest Side of Frank's Casket

Here is my transcription of the Anglo-Saxon runes, that can be found on the weirdest side of the above casket – into Odins Runes. This is one of the most depressing and best works of British art. So do take a close look at this very rare document of Anglo-Saxon culture, that was written with Anglo-Saxon runes. I would date it into the time of around 710 b. In that entire era England was much troubled by the constant raids and invasions of Danish and other Vikings. So it would not surprise us if the Anglo-Saxon master, who carved this weird casket, was no good friend of these Nordic bandits and savages. On the main sides of the casket he carved in scenes that the Catholics of that era must have liked: Romulus and Remus travelled far to hell. Then we see the conquest of Jerusalem by the later emperor Titus. On the front side there is the scene how three holy kings, or rather Magi, revered Mary and Jesus (instead of False Smerdis). There are also scenes of Nordic myths on this box. We see the smith Wayland (Wieland), who was enslaved and crippled but who took cruel revenge. On top of Frank's casket there is another scene from Nordic mythology. But what then does the above shown scene on the right side mean? To further complicate the matter, the carver only here used some special runes. He tried to be as accurate as possible when carving in vowels of his language, for whom there neither existed a Latin letter nor an Anglo-Saxon rune. Here is the common translation of the above text, the one most widely accepted by the scholars:

Hēr Hōs siteþ on hearmbeorge: agl? drīgeþ swā hire Erta gescræf sār-denn sorge and sefan torne. rixe / wudu / bita

Here Hos sits on the sorrow-mound; She suffers distress as Ertae had imposed it upon her, a wretched den of sorrows and of torments of mind. rushes / wood / biter

So this text is about Hos and Ertä, but who are these? The Wikipedia comment of 01/2021 finds it especially hard to even describe what the image shows. We only read of animals and people. And instead of cunning combinations in the style of Sherlock Holmes now, about an unknown saga of Hos and Ertä maybe, we read that some scholars try to interpret the scene as that of the mourning of the Germanic hero Siegfried, by his horse Grani and his daughter and wife Gudrun! That scene may indeed have inspired the artist. But then again, the big animal that dominates the scene does not look much like a horse. It's rather a hound! And what is the other animal supposed to be, that sits on a mound like a heathen goddess? To me this looks like an anthropomorphous sow! In fact this idol looks like a pig goddess revered at a tree. The official description has it that the armed man in front of the idol is attacking it. Since this is truly a scene of the mourning of a dead hero, then this warrior must be Siegfried after death. In his lifetime he probably expected to meet the Æsir: Wodan, Thor and Tyr. That expectation maybe made him fight bravely, since the Valkyries allegedly only carry those up to Asgard who died in battle, or were slain, or at least wounded for the Nordic gods. But, instead, what he meets in heaven is this pig goddess! What a nasty surprise! Now here are my transscription and translation of the inscription, in both Deutsch and English:

Häřh ås sitəþ ån hərmbäřgə, aglí dřigswá! hiři értaägis gřáfs ərden sårge and séft åřnə.
Rísə, wudu bítæ!

Hier Ase sitzt am Harmberge, eklige Drecksau! Ihr Ehrtage [sie] greift Erden-Sorge und säuft Urin! Reiß, Wald-Beißer! – Here the Ås sits on harm-mountain, ugly dirt sow! [On] her honour days [she] grabs earth's sorrow and sips urine. Tear [her], Wood-Biter!

My translation identifies the idol on the image as an Ås, one of the Aesir, the Nordic angels. That idea is not new, and certainly it is much preferable to the idea to read it as a horse called Hos. But since the few scholars who occupied with such weird stuff typically had sympathies for Nordic culture and mythology, they surely often refused to read this text as a vile intellectual defamation of the Nordic heathen religion. For the same reason they did not interpret the central animal as a hound, despite of the fact that the kenning "Wood-Biter" clearly speaks against it being a horse.

This bitter text makes us think of a Deutsche artist. He surely had reason to hate the Vikings. When he carved in a scene of the revenge of Wayland – instead of a planned deluge scene – that maybe signified that he had become a slave of these heathens. The artist's intuition made him realize the weaknesses of the religion of the old Norsemen. Vikings dreamed of an afterlife in the festive halls of the gods. But in reality such Aesir didn't exist! Guided by his good sense of inspiration and his Christian convictions, the artist of this casket sensed correctly that something was wrong in Asgard. Instead of Nordic gods, pig demons appeared to welcome dead warriors!

Some artists found out a lot about the secrets of the Earth Goddess. Indeed she is much in pains and has to carry all the sorrows of her earth. The Greys mix acid into her blood.
Eventually the Feken goddesses would help Ewa, to mislead and scare away enemies.

There's more to see on the carefully designed right side of Frank's casket. Did you notice the kind of pretzel, right below the body of the central dog? On Nordic illustrations often such ornaments occur, of interwoven and crossing lines. Such ornaments make people think in three dimensions. This sharpens the sense of visual-spatial imagination and brings the mind nearer to the inspiration of the good Earth Goddess. The here shown pretzel however is something special. Such symbols are called valknuts, knots of destiny. In it's strict form, a valknut resembles a twisted cypher 8. It's not a coincidence. The eight is a common cosmic symbol for eternal space. The same symbol ∞ is also used by our mathematicians to express infinity. But they don't understand the meaning of this symbol, since their cosmological theories have it that the universe was created in split-seconds by way of a big bang. Some Christian wise-crackers then add to this their idea that it was God who made the big bang bang. At it is typical for nonsense that the clerics approve, any attempt to teach some better sense to it's believers would be a waste of time. The truth is off limits for such types.

The valknut is a Nordic symbol often shown below Sleipnir, the mare of Odin. It symbolizes the power and magic of the Nordic gods. But here we see a kind of valknut below this watchdog. If we take this dog as a symbol for the Greys – of the local dog stars and others – then the valknut correctly symbolizes their eternal presence, within the habitable regions of the infinite universe.

On the right side, of this image of the right side of Frank's casket, we also see three guys looking like gods, wizards or monks. These may be interpreted as the three saviour gods of the old Nordic religion, called Wodan, Hœnir and Loður. The tales of the Edda have it that these three were the creator gods. The UTR but teaches that Wodan only used to create poems in his Harz temple, and that he eventually met other such guys. However, these three Aesir of the image may be correctly interpreted as symbolizing the three saviour gods of the local group: Jonathan of Sesam, me from Gaia and Fred from Lar. And did you notice that there is also the small image of a hall or cave at the bottom of this image? A woman is in there aside ornaments resembling many doors. That is of course the Betyle of the Earth Goddess. Her innermost chamber, the grail, indeed has millions of gates, who look a bit like the eyebrows of an owl. Ewa is lucky since the three saviours protect her. Out there in space, symbolized by the left side of the image, the goddesses of the Feken live in similar mestabs. But these are not lucky ones, and saviours couldn't change that any time soon.

The Edda, the Nordic bible, has many tales about mythical monsters. Few people know that the Vœlospa (talk of the seeress) also speaks of a hellhound called Garm. He is a dangerous beast fettered before the field Gnipahellir. When doomsday comes, Garm allegedly will yell out aloud several times, each time before a wolf breaks loose. Such a yell means the sounds of celestial bodies falling down on us. The Bible but has it that seven angels shall make these sounds with their trumpets. In the ensuing doomsday battles, the Aesir will allegedly fight against many such monsters to death. Of Garm the story goes that he and the Ås Tyr will slay each others. Surely it played a role that Gorm the old, the great Danish king, had a name that sounded like the name of this dog. He used to harshly persecute the Christians, since he knew well how bad they were. But he did not realize that the Earth Goddess had good reasons to grant victory to the Romans. That was what the Greys enforced, whose threats to bombard us are still to be taken seriously.

4. The Goats of the Nordic Devil Loki

As people study the ancient myths of gods and heroes today, they mostly ignore details who don't seem important or who remain mysterious. In the old days however, people would spend much more attention on such minor and mysterious aspects of the sagas. For heathens these stories and poems were as important and significant as Bible texts are for Christians. Heathens would find it important that Freyr (the Lord), the main god of the Swedish pagans, would appear at the side of a wonder swine called Gullinbursti (a deity with golden bristles). Also some Deutsche sagas refer to idols of boars made from pure gold (Grimm p. 177). Such a boar was also put at the side of the mythical Germanic hero Dietrich (Thidrek). A tale has it that he appeared at Christmas and would eventually damage ploughs and other such devices. In myths often some god or hero represents me, the saviour. At her man's side the Earth Goddess then had to find a symbol for her presence. She eventually appeared as Sleipnir, the eight-legged mare of Odin. She would even be a cicada! But sometimes there was no alternative than to use the detrimental links to the Feken goddesses.

Especially in Anglo-Saxon culture the alien Feken tried to interfere, making pigs become popular. Also in the Anglo-Saxon sagas of emperor Constantine and his mother Elena, swines would appear. One tale even had it that Constantine saw a sign in a dream, and that furthermore the symbol (cumble) of a swine protected him and his mother. That is quite contrary to the historical story, but it's a sign of the power of the Feken congeras. Especially the leading Grey Fe-Luka works harm, linked to helpful links to Feken planets. God didn't all that could be done to stop this, since we needed to assist our sister planet Lar. The Greys and Cräybs try to single out this planet as their last hostage. Therefore, both Lar and our strongly linked Anglo-American culture need more help from the Feken.

In Nordic folklore, a Loki of the sky has taken up the role of the devil. People would blame Loki if weeds would grow on their fields or on their pastures. The heathens would then say that Loki had »sown his oat«. They would also say that Loki sucked water, when a drought occurred. The name Lokibrenna (Loki's brennen, or burning) was a Nordic name for the scorching star Sirius! Nordic sagas would also warn before the "goats of Loki". That religious kenning meant the mists of the summer heat, that would drift down to Earth, and who were believed to bring bad magic. That meets well the explanation of the UTR regarding bad destiny. All bad things in life are the consequence of N-rays from the sky above. Such N-rays are measurable here as ray eruptions called gamma ray bursts, or whistler waves. They enter our atmosphere as disturbances of the magnetic fields. They form clusters, rows of black spots in the dayglow of the ionosphere. It's a fitting analogy to describe these as noxious goats, driven out by a cosmic devil (Grimm p. 201). Just like the "oats of Loki", weeds that may harm our cattle, the "goats of Loki" may harm our people. Some such devilish weeds eventually also damage our health, if people smoke them.

The Nordic were sly already in heathen times. The simple country folks eventually knew and understood more of nature and religion than the Vikings or the scholars. The Danes would warn that "Loki draws water", when scorching heat seemed to suck away fertility from the soil. The UTR indeed teaches that N-rays from enemy stars suck away static particles (like the nelectrons, neutral electrons) from our world. Fresh water brings back such particles and thus discharges the body. But the "cosmic Loki" also sows out weeds and spreads pest. Such hostile aliens also make bad darklings reproduce and migrate! It must warn us that Christians of the worse sorts press hard for to bring us false refugees.

Heathens were often tolerant. Semitic denominations but are instead renowned for their intolerance. For centuries Christians cruelly persecuted heathens and adherers of other religions, and this is what primitive Muslims still do today. But just Christianity was and is especially morbid and primitive, and like Judaism hostile towards the god of this world. Behind heathen tolerance however there stood the idea, that the competition of diverse religions should help the best religion to win. The most able gods should win the favour of the most and best believers. With the UTR it became clear that there is one good god who rules this world. In the era of true religion there is no need for heathen diversity, nor can we furthermore tolerate the methods of the Semites to defend their erroneous lores.

So isn't it fun and fine culture, if Asians perform the most bizarre and colourful dances and rites in honour of their exotic deities? We don't live on this planet for our amusement! Our goddess is working extremely hard, and she is dangerously in pains and overburdened. We can't have fun all day and night in our yellow submarine, but we need to cope better with depth charges, thrown by cosmic enemies of many planets. We are at war with Fe-Luka and many other cosmic devils, and we absolutely can't afford to lose this war. If we make great mistakes here, then perhaps another one of the Feken planets would be the next to suffer a global cataclysm, a ruining global attack of the cosmic devils with many celestial bodies. That perspective of doomsday, conjured by also the old Nordic religion, should remind us that the devils can do much worse things to living planets than just to suck away lifeforce from them. For to cope with such cosmic enemies we don't need humble clerics in high positions, but better new generations who are committed and able enough to fight voluntarily at the side of their god. And for to win such winners we need not a plethora of most diverse cultures, with typical comparable weaknesses, but we need one culture for winners.

5. Of Magical Rings and the Holy Lance of Jesus

Now look at this diversity ring! It's maybe worth of serious worries of our magicians. It looks so bizarre and flashy! It looks like a master ring of all rings of this world. Should we eventually send out a hobbit to steal it, and throw it into the gorge of a volcano?

Now really, this sounds as if I have been thinking too much about the saga of LOTR, once again. In truth this ring of course has nothing of the magic of one of the magical rings of Middle Earth. It's just a weird piece of artwork, made by the Bavarian Karl Fritsch. His artwork is truly multicultural, since he moved to New Zealand. On a photo we see him in a shapeless colourful frock reminding of the style of the Polynesians. Also the rings that Karl fabricates are often extreme and rough, they look like the stuff that punks and Gothics used to like, or maybe the orcs, those bad guys of the LOTR saga. Will such stuff rise in value some other time? I would say that the era of the punks and orcs has come to an end. But ageing LOTR fans surely will disagree.

The fantasy world of the ›Lord of the Rings‹ has lots of nasty creatures. That starts with Sauron, an anti-saviour resurrected from the dead and supported by undead spirits, who but needs a master-ring to win the support of his buddies, baddies and uglies. Wouldn't the world of Middle Earth be boring without such evil types, who eventually attack the good guys as if they ask to be slain? If such bad guys weren't a problem, all that the king of Rohan would have to do is to sit and drink and listen to the sermon of Snake Tongue.

Diversity freaks claim that many cultures are better than one because they are more colourful. But if we try to mingle most diverse cultures, then the results may look as ugly as a ring replete with colourful stones. Too easily diverse cultures don't integrate, but instead they compete and feud. In such typical cases a clash of cultures is the consequence. Then liberals still deem that competition is good for us all and helps cultures to evolve. But that idea doesn't work out well, since it makes too many people become poor and exploited. Liberals often claim that the world markets regulate well this world. But they are blind for the fact that secretly higher powers interfere, good and very evil ones. There are evil demons in the sky who slyly try to despoil and damage our planet! The Greys don't play the bad guys and find it okay to be vanquished, but they struggle to enslave us.

In ages past, the Celts were among the bravest barbarians. In the times of Alexander the Great, a saying had it that the only thing that the Celts feared was, that the sky might fall down on their heads. That sounds tragicomical today, while true belief has escaped from many world leaders. But for those who know the truth about the sky, this story can still be a warning. Let us not make the same mistakes again that so many men of ages past made, who were driven into unjustified wars or other conflicts and dramas by alien spirits, that they failed to recognize as evil enemies. The main idea of the saga of LOTR has it, that one ring is a most powerful magical object. That idea much reminds of the true story of the Deutsche king Heinrich-1. When confronted with the invading Hungarians, his snake-tongued bishops told him to trust into the power of a holy lance! Allegedly it was the lance that killed Jesus. When that Christian acquired this lance, for the price of lands and peasants, it seemed to help him. In reality though it would have better helped those knights to know that their iron helmets sucked away ions and lifeforce particles from their brains. That magic works just like a faradic cage, the invention of the British physicist Michael Faraday.

›Lord of the Rings‹ is maybe the most popular fantasy saga from Britain of all time. The motives and ideas of this saga are however generally as bad and stupid as they are misleading. Instead of such silly entertainment we need a culture that enables us to cope with the real evil magic of the cosmic devils. They need not super-rings here but puny clerics, as amplifiers for their delusions.

Did Jesus own a super-ring, that allowed him to do great miracles? One old legend has it that he had studied the magical arts in Egypt. The UTR but explains his miracle working with his pig name! Yes, the name Jesus sounded much like the Greek word συς, the pig. In reality this ugly Semite dwarf couldn't heal. Only the Earth Goddess has such powers.

Let's take another look at the diversity ring above. Surely this monster of jewellery reminds of the flashy electronics ware from China or Japan. But Papua-New Guinea is maybe the land where the Äbos (the Austral-Negroes of the major race five) like to wear the most flashy outfits, made from crass paint, eventually including feathers of rare birds of paradise. But without such false ado, all those many too many darklings just look inhumanely unattractive. Flashy stuff can't change that.

6. Of Sweet William and his sad Blond Babe

There is a lady who rides a white horse, mild as milk.
She seems to come right from fairyland, west of the hills,
Where in the towns many fairies are treading their mills.
She wears a coy coat, and a green gown soft as silk.

There was Sweet William. Some fellows called him a bilk.
He charmed and married a brownie, despite of her ills.
She had been granted a fortune by several wills.
He loved a blond babe, as trusting and true as that ilk.

Into her bower he came for their last rendezvous!
He hugged her so gently, caressing her breasts and her lips,
He took up her skirts, and heavily worked on her hips.
When it was over he honestly said: "I love you".

Onto a scar she then climbed, she was ready to rue.
Up there the north wind blew, biting her into her fingertips.
He seemed to whisper "We work on such vixens with whips!"
She whiffled and went to her workplace, where she was due.

There is this Lady whose whereabouts are little known.
While she is not pretty and young she takes refuge to lies.
She is not willing to welcome a young lady's ghost.

There is this Lady who spies from a lair of her own.
She was the one who created the fishes and flies.
She is our goddess, who cares for her fairies the most.

I wrote the above sonnet just today, on 20x02x21 of the Year & Day calendar that comes with the UTR too. Originally I had planned to write a poem about Childe Maurice, the protagonist of an old English ballad. But I found that stuff too sad and silly. Instead I wrote another poem, inspired by the famous ballads of Sweet William. They are mysterious and tragic, like most or all of these ballads are. A Margaret appears in some of these ballads, as the woman at the side of this dubious hero. The UTR has it that the name strongly links to Ga-Reta, a powerful Grey of the local group. The word marg (cf: French morgue) seems to mean death and redemption, it fits to such a Grey.

Of Childe Maurice then, the ballad tells us that he was sending a lad with a ring to the wife of another man. He sweetly asked her to come to Silver Wood to meet him. But by bad luck John Steward, the lady's husband, found out about this. And clad into the gown, mantle and hood of his wife, the man rode to meet Childe Maurice in that forest. John didn't pay attention to the fact that Childe Maurice greeted him as "mother", as he helped him to climb down from his horse, wondering why the lady that he loved suddenly seemed to have gained weight. So possessed was John with the rage and zeal to take revenge, that he killed the other man right away. He cut off the head of Childe Maurice, to take it home and terrify his allegedly untrue wife. But she told him that the Childe had been her illegitimate son, a fruit of her younger days while she still had been with her mother! That is why she was meeting the Childe. Now John was aghast and soon in rage again. He blamed his servants for the misfortune. Why didn't anyone care to inform him?

The tragic ballad of Childe Maurice remains a mystery, even while all the details of the case are fully known. Who is to blame for that strange evil twist of destiny? Judges will find it hard to put John Steward to the scaffold for such a manslaughter, since such deeds of revenge are generally regarded as justified, at least in moreless primitive societies. With more primitive darklings, such primitive thinking also will enter again into the countries of Europe. But while civilised cultures treat such perpetrators more mildly and wisely, they are not aware of the implications. Very often the hostile aliens work bad destiny. For the Greys such horrid cases are like playing evil games. Of the Earth Goddess they demand cooperation and eventually enforce it with the help of devilish cruelty. It helps them that God's humans are so poorly informed about magic and mental abilities.

So who is to blame for the sad case of Childe Maurice? Definitely that guy went too far when he was sending a ring to his mother. He maybe intended to expose her before her husband, since he was not satisfied with the role of an illegitimate child kept secret. The Childe was having lusty feelings for his mother too. That may be a consequence in cases when the feelings of mothers for their sons are less than chaste. That's sinful of course but not uncommon. Mama's love may stop boyish men who should not have kids. It's a dire necessity for God to support such magic.

All people are mentally linked with each others. Family members are closer connected than others. Some key persons, for instance priests, are more aware of this than others; some may have more power to make destiny. But while the host of our old-time experts strictly denies that such phenomena exist, most of our people fail to cope well with them.

7. The real Magic of the Wizard Gwydion

If you search in the Internet for the word Mabinogi nowadays, the first thing you will find about it is much about a computer game with this name. It is one of these games that abduct our younger ones into fantasy worlds. There they eventually learn much about the magic that is working in the game. But that magic is for sale, it is foolery; and such game playing fills promising heads with useless stuff, in the stead of useful knowledge that they can only learn in their younger days. This is not different though if our young ones should read the old Welsh fairy tales, who are called the Mabinogi. Here too we find unreal stories about wizards and sorcery. They originate from ages long gone. They tell of people who weren't really able to understand and handle magic, but found it unwise to admit that. Furthermore such tales were distorted by many centuries of oral tradition. Nevertheless such stories eventually make much more sense than adventures in unreal computer game worlds – if interpreted with the knowledge of real magic and history that the UTR provides.

The fourth and last branch of the Mabinogi tells us of king Math, who once ruled over Gwynedd in Northern Wales. He was a good mind reader, but already wretched and confined to his hold, where he found it most comforting to lay his feet into the lap of a young maiden called Goewin. Math had two nobles at his court, Gwydion and Gilfaethwy, who had won the confidence of the king. The tale calls them his nephews, but I heard that Gwydion was really a travelling bard and leather worker from Strathclyde. That bard famed the tasty meat of pigs, until the king wanted pigs too. Gwydion therefore travelled to the court of king Pryderi of Dyfedd. There he traded in horses and dogs, equipped with leather saddles and collars, for some pigs. Soon later the gifts of Gwydion magically deteriorated!! That made the usual small war of the kingdoms get serious. The war band of king Math won the main battle, and Gwydion personally killed king Pryderi. The court wizard now helped his brother to lay with Goewin against her will. But while Math banned the rogues from his court, apparently their many children inherited his realm. Definitely the pigs hadn't brought luck to the king of Gwyneth, nor to the other Welshmen of the time around 370 b. I reckon that Germanic Belgians at that time had invaded Britain, men of racially better quality.

God constantly corrects destiny, to prevent bad deeds and misfortunes before they can happen. There is so much more that God could do to help humans. But many people are so unwise and uninformed, that they too often stumble into the traps of destiny that the evil Greys lay out for them. In the past the masses of people were kept silly like sheep with the help of bad stultifying religions. But the time is overdue when God must try to make some people get really wise! Getting really wise means to no longer ignore the fact that miracles, like for instance mind-reading or the deterioration of things, can happen. For to handle God's wisdom we need a new culture, for the chosen bright people. What we don't need is primitive darklings, who can't escape from their bad outdated cultures. The bad and ugly people may still be able to realize that miracles happen, but then they just naturally are less able to resist to the bad ideas and guidances of the hostile aliens.

Gywdion then raised Llew formidably! Blodeuwedd seemed to be created as his wife. So wasn't he a saviour god? He couldn't meet such expectations. I hear that he lately was wrathful all of the time! She then betrayed him, plotting for his death. But when Llew was killed in his bath, he was transformed into an eagle! These people must have believed that the souls of the dead eventually wander into animals. Gwydion but found, using a sniffer sow, Llew's rotting corpse in the woods.

Welsh folklore centres around myths of the wizard Gwydion and his kin. The UTR has it that he became very renowned due to the events that had happened in the Wales of Lar shortly before his time. Gwydion mirrored the wizard Gudorn, who later was seen as the father god of the Hersen. The Hersen are the Aesir of the Nordic religion of planet Lar.

8. Diversity sucks away Lifeforce from us

There is no accurate translation into Deutsch (German) yet for the English saying »this sucks«. But we may well relate this phrase to our word bloodsucker. If something sucks we feel exploited and aged afterwards. It may be the feeling that athletes have after they gave all at the Olympics. Next time they are due in Toyko, and we might think that it helps if we cheer and hope for our guys. But one problem with such a world culture is, that such live transmissions and intercultural events help to distribute and share lifeforce, since they link people of very different regions and cultures. It's typical for the Brits that they only reluctantly participate in global events, and rather prefer Commonwealth events. At the Olympics of 1936, Hitler tried to prove to the world that Deutschland was the greatest nation of them all, also when it comes to sports. The Nazis planned to install a tyranny of Deutsche warlords in all of the world. In truth this world is so diverse that no nation alone could rule it, even if this is God's own nation. The Greys can handle the cultures of the darklings so well, that often some darklings tended to become miraculous super-athletes. The plans of the UTR are the opposite of the plans of the Nazis. God wants his most promising youngsters to remain peaceful and be wise, and to develop forth in selected parts of Deutschland.

Do you remember the British rock group Blur? That was a band that the media regarded as the next great British and international rock band. But the Indy style that Blur played wasn't really melodic and successful. The era of great British rock bands was about to end. At the same time the Gothic style came up, an especially dark and bizarre subculture. Also this was rather a style for a subgroup of unhappy youngsters. This world looks out for a leading culture, especially on the fields of music and entertainment. But also Hollywood films lately fail to provide the glamour of the "La La land" of ages past. It's a clear sign that a new era of human development begins. God now wants not the best and fairest people to squander their energy for the amusement and well-being of the dark masses of faraway lands. We can't and won't develop Negro Africa, since that leads to nothing on the long term. The new era demands of the people of the West to keep to themselves, and to segregate from the mass of less worthy people, since their cultures suck. When it comes to the cultures of all the darklings, the name of their caretaker is Finn de Sickle.

Surely right now many darklings also help to build our world. They grow fruits and send them to us for little money, they fabricate machines and do lowly and disliked jobs. All this is appreciated by God, who tries to do beneficial things for the good people of this world. But when the people of the Third World demand more and more development aid, threatening to burn down their rain forests and kill rare wildlife, we Westerners must make clear to them that the true name of God is not Santa Clause, who travels the world with a sack full of x-mas presents. But just like the name Nike, that most popular goddess of Victory of the Græco-Roman era, also the name of Nikolaus reminds too much of Fe-Nike, the leading goddess of the Feken, and her Troy in her Minor Asia.

Fractal magic links one leaf to the other. It eventually links our well developed people to the few angelic worlds. But diverse miserable darklings instead link us to the millions of miserable other planets. Such links suck lifeforce from us, bringing bad destiny in return.

Zur freien Verbreitung! Distribute freely! Bertram Eljon (und Sofia Ewa) Holubek, Zuelpicher St. 300, 50937 Koeln, Deutschland, Ga-Jewas Planet / Fragen? Kommentare? Questions? Comments? Send your E-Mail to beljonde{ät]yahoo.de