God's New Year&Day Calendar
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Beljonde: Diversity Sucks!

Titel: Diversity Sucks

Myths and histories about diversity – a free text by Bertram Eljon Holubek, Version 2.0 2021

Diversity freaks claim that it's nice to mix people of different race and quality. The idea silently became a worldwide liberal dogma that hardly can be challenged. But just like for instance that old Christian geocentric model, it is obviously faulty. For dorks diversity seems to be solid ground, on which they can build a new world of the future. In reality diversity is like a swamp, with alien things lurking in the lair.

A mysterious Scene of Frank's Casket

Chapter Two: The demonic and dangerous Aspect of alien Magic

So you think you never heard of aliens? But you may know the elf Dobby from the Harry Potter saga. True myths of encounters with aliens are behind such modern fantasies of sorcery. The bad luck of many such aliens is imaginable as we imagine what bad creators must have created these.

1. The Movie Elf Dobby reminds of real Aliens

This odd image shows the Elf Dobby. It's from a Harry Potter movie. The rather dark saga of this sorcerer apprentice was created by the British author J. K. Rowling. If we search for cultural stuff that has shaped and reshaped not only the culture of Britain, then surely this saga needs to be mentioned. For many it's just entertainment. But is there more to it than Harry Potter readers and movie spectators may be able to believe? Surely the answer to the question depends on whether magic truly exists or not. From the point of view of the UTR, it is absolutely correct when Ms. Rowling wrote about muggles, "normal" people who can neither see magic nor believe in it.

In the Harry Potter saga the house elf Dobby is a main character. The tale has it that he used to be a slave of bad Draco. After Harry liberated him, Dobby helped him much with his special strong magic. Regarding his very low brow, it's believable that Dobby is a simpleton. A dagger then kills Dobby in the end, that was thrown by the witch Bellatrix Lestrange – a truly cosmic alien name. At the side of Harry Potter, silly Dobby makes him look like a freak too, some kind of Mr. Bean. It was surely in the origin the message of the saga, that all the hobbity folks, the darklings, freaks and racial people, can unite to form a coalition against the more normal and establishment people. However Ms. Rowling is quite intelligent and also has a good sense for real magic and humour. At least in the films, the people around Harry Potter turn out to be the fair-haired and intelligent looking guys in the end; while the adversaries group around Draco who has dyed blond hair only.

Mainly the spectacular special effects made the Harry Potter movies become major box office hits. It was truly fascinating to watch such animated characters like the elf Dobby, as they seemed to interact with real actors. A worrying aspect of this is though, that such creatures are also known from tales of real mythology. Until most recently, elves seemed to be present for instance in Iceland. Roads were replanned according to their demands. One such story goes like this: An elf lives in a boulder, that therefore may not be moved.

One aspect typical for the Harry Potter saga was that it was moderately prone towards racial and ethnic diversity. Harry was a rather dark and small guy, a Celtic type they say. He and his friends and mentors seemed to represent the more dark, liberal and leftist, eccentric but established wing of the magical folks. The group of Harry's adversaries, the later bad guys, consisted of the more egoistic, elitist or right-winged guys. Their leader was Draco Malfoy, a name we may interpret as "Dragon Badbelief". As the more diverse magicians feuded vs the more elitist, Dobby's special magic much helped to decide the outcome. He could do what no other magician could do: break the spells of the Malfoys. On a Harry Potter website we read that »Dobby always was very ready to help. But that wasn't always helpful, since he sometimes nearly killed Harry Potter in order to rescue him. Dobby spoke of himself, just like all other house elves, only in the third person.«

Isn't Dobby great, despite of the fact that he's dwarfish, silly and looks like a descendant of a swine? Harry Potter designers revealed that his size is supposed to be just 0.91 cm, 36 inches or one older ell. Dobby is as true and admiring as a dog, and his magic seems to be rather invincible. On the other hand he's so stupid that he is a danger rather than a help sometimes. Well, from the point of view of the diversity freaks it would be impolite and politically incorrect, yes verboten, to mention or even notice his shortcomings. Quite contrary: The more freaky some guys are, the more the pc rules seem to protect them. Hurrah for the elf Dobby, says the Harry Potter saga! But even Harry seemed to be glad when he could bury that little freak in the end. Isn't it mean if a god creates such a type? The UTR has it that these exist in outer space, from where their magic may influence us.

2. Beware of brown-nosing Aliens and Sex-Magicians!

It's a bad sign that Dobby always speaks of himself as a third person. Maybe there is no word like "I" in his own language. It's a sign of a weak and mentally enslaved mind. The Greys can strongly influence people mentally and tend to talk them down into obedience and hurt them. Dobby allegedly admires Harry Potter, who seems to be so much bigger and brighter than he is. However, when adults watch these movies they might get the impression that Harry and his mates are teenagers who fight out quarrels with firearms. Harry is a super magician in theory, but compared to the real humanoid angels he is just three feet short of being really great. And a real Dobby may understand more of magic than Harry, since on this completely isolated planet nearly all people are oafish muggles.

The saga of Harry Potter isn't finished yet. Latest news have it that the author of the saga, Ms. Rowling, occasionally adds new details and explanations while posting into internet fan forums. Often these remarks allegedly show a so-called "pro diversity tendency". That refers to the fact that in the original saga, the complete seven books, nearly all the characters are Whites. Lately Ms. Rowling for instance explained that the headmaster Mr. Dumbledore allegedly was a secret homosexual. According to the Deutsche weekly Stern (the Star), fans are not amused. Some react in the internet with adding more tales to the saga too, disturbing chat of the juvenile sort:

»Dobby killed Lady Di« (emily) »Hagrid fucked the spiders« (elle)

"Oh those naughty girls!" might a gentleman say. But just such chat can tell well what awakened teens and twens may think of this great saga. There is too little realism in it, and if it were more real it would not be so stupid in the end. Real magic is a very dangerous field, and you need to be well informed about the big players who are involved in it. When it comes to people like Dobby, real magicians should realize that such wonks are not the ones who are well in control of magic or anything else in their lives. Some are good-natured simpletons, like Dobby is supposed to be. But there are some who are the tricky, sadistic, vicious and hateful slaves of the Greys. They help them with lucid dreams. They must suffer pains but can redirect some to the people of this earth. Just lately I learned that a Cräyb guy called Rufus, a wonk messiah, is the worst such little devil that we are dealing with right now. He is only a few thousand years old and still very active and dangerous. In real sorcery books, so called grimoires, you find Rufus under the name of Lucifuge Rofocale. That alludes to the fact that such guys "flee from light". Evil magic works better in the night time or in dry heat, because then there are less protective humidity and ions in the air. Now this is what real magic is about: It's a science that the higher powers use, unknown to humankind.

The Harry Potter saga is just an unreal sorcery fantasy, but real magic is not. There still are no real masters of a sorcery academy or manuals of sorcery. This is fringe science, often outcast by traditional and humble universities. Some clever and wise youngsters can learn the basics now with the help of the religion UTR. This is a lore for white guys only, who are supposed to become the vanguard of a new, wise and immortal species. It should be understood that such magic is not for silly Negroes nor for other "Coloureds". You need to be of good white quality, and liked by the true God, to master such studies. With good reason this saga has no heroes of brown skin colour. Negroes are just inferior to all other races by nature. Only few Whites are right now of an acceptable quality, that allows it to introduce knowledge of real magic to them. Real magic needs evolved minds.

It's typical for the group of Mr. Potter that these seem to rely more on their fantasy magic, like magic wands or brooms of a special brand. The group of Mr. Malfoy is more aware that higher powers exist. But they are just puny humans too and no real match for the cosmic superpowers. The Greys often use enslaved wonks like Dobby in a tricky way, brown-nosing like nice Negroes they may come to you. They seem silly but helpful and obedient, and by strange luck they bring you harm, dangers and misfortune! It's their bad luck that these evil aliens try to share with us. The more you talk to them and notice them, the more this fractally links you to their evil masters.

Fans of diversity on the field of magic may remember the Negro Paschal B. Randolph. This black wizard started a sex cult in Britain, that was continued by the depraved Satanist Aleister Crowley.

3. Pixies are puny, and this means they are weak

This fine British illustration was made by John D. Barton. It shows elves again, here they bear the traditional British name pixies. Just like Jewboys, pixies seem to always need a cap or something else on their heads. On this illustration made for children they also wear long infant suits. But the real mythological pixies rather are ill-clothed or naked. So their fashion looks like that of Dobby. Remarkable is that they all are shown with those extreme elfish ears, who resemble those of pigs.

Pixies are potentially dangerous, that is what British folk traditions say. Some may show you the wrong way, or they may let children disappear. One expert, Thomas Keightley, mused that such accusations may have been rather raised against the fairies originally. So where's the difference between pixies and fairies? The word pixies sounds suspiciously similar to pigs. Fairies but are those guys with fair hair. In principle we should imagine that fair haired types are more of value, reliable and good natured than types who dress up and look like anthropomorphous pigs. That prejudice is confirmed by the above scene. Did you notice that these pixies make fun with the rests of a dead cow? And this cow was a long horned one, like they are common in the USA. Of course some Feken, who descend from pigs, should also have grown blond or other fair hair. If you but only dare to allude to them the obvious fact that they descend from pigs, they might feel mortally insulted. And doesn't diversity mean that we should even welcome and accept pixies? That sounds absurd right now. But imagine we would receive messages from some such aliens via radio astronomy. Then it would hardly be possible for our guys not to fall in love with those.

According to my intuition, a star cluster in the constellation Puppis, in a distance of roughly 100 lightyears, harbours the planets where such descendants of pigs (including aardvarks) really live. 63 planets of their goddesses are surrounded by less than 600 planets of Greys, former goddesses who became devilish zombies. It is a development line that was designed in a desperate situation and nearly failed. A little more than half of these planets were already ruined by the Greys from near and far, by way of impacts of celestial bodies, like they happened here too not only when the dinos died out. Typically such ugly scenes happen before people realize what is going on in the sky. They then wail and wee and do penitence, but that only makes them get worse in quality, and reduces their hopes for to escape from their precarious situation as hostages, objects of torture and prey in the end. On the ruined planets we may imagine that dwarfish pixies err through sand dunes and ruins, while priests tell them that a wrathful god smote the haughty giants of the past.

In one weird Harry Potter episode pretty Hermine, a young witch, hides elves' hats in a room. Dobby, whose job it was to clean there, finds them and puts them all on his head. That seems to allude to real problems from the real planets of such Feken. Surely bad religious rules exist there, who demand of all people to cover their heads. The Greys also enslave people with the help of moreless silly commandments. They scan if people obey, and eventually let their magic work out. That means that you may only really be able to work some magic if you wear a traditional hat. The naughty aspect of this is that the Greys silently fight out whether to fool, dupe and harm you. They are devilish sadists who like to make people on enslaved worlds struggle for to resist them.

4. The Bad Luck of Bad Aliens is contagious

Widely known is the story of the wolf and the three piglets. Today Disney and other animated films make such tales known. This tale has it that three piglets get chased by a wolf. He blows down the first and the second house that they build, made of straw and of wood. But the third house is made of stone and doesn't fall. The greedy wolf enters it through the chimney only to fall into the pot on the fire. Isn't it strange that the wolf here is blowing down houses? On ruined planets the weather is partly out of control. Due to the big meteorite craters, giant storms blow down houses and eventually destroy harvests. It was originally a pixie story, but apparently James Halliwell-Phillipps had the idea to interpret the pixies as piglets. The story must mean dwarfish and degenerated aliens, so-called wonks. These surely would not like to hear us call them piglets.

There are many other folk tales and myths who might refer to those cosmic pixies, called Feken by the UTR. Originally I named them Aards or Aardvarkoids. But that was no good choice, since most of the Feken don't have aardvarks, rather primitive animals, as their ancestors. Strangely enough, the ancient Egyptian deity Seth seems to wear the head of an aardvark, an animal that occurred in central Negro Africa. Seth had been a replacement for the only god of the Hyksos, Semitic nomads who had invaded Egypt around the year 1855 b. From the Egyptian point of view this swine god was the god of their enemies, which also included Hebrews, the ancestors of the Israelites. The UTR has it that the Egyptians are especially linked to some Feken planet.

Then there is the story of Odysseus, in English wrongly called Ulysses. I have the idea that the name Ulysses is really that of a comparable seafarer on our good neighbouring planet Lar. Of our Odysseus the tale goes that he sailed to the land of the witch Circe. She enthralled him but transformed his men into pigs, with the help of poison. Such tales from the Odyssey may also be interpreted as tales of a dream journey to the sky and other planets. In our world though the bitter tale of Circe may refer to ancestors of Slavic peoples, who often didn't welcome strangers of the darker sort. At the coasts of the Black Sea, people often didn't believe in diversity. When strangers dared to enter their territory without permission they used to offer them to their deities. It is strange that Ulysses allegedly visited all the lands of the eastern Mediterranean Sea except Egypt. God didn't want the religion and culture of ancient Egypt to mix with that of the Greeks. Less fine than the Greek saga of the Odyssey is that of the Aeneid by the Roman Vergil. There we read that the hero Aeneas, the leader of some Trojan refugees, passed the shores of Circe too as he searched for new land to settle down. Allegedly this witch had also transformed the ancient pre-Roman heros Picus into a woodpecker. The name Picus seems to refer to the peck anyway. Of this Picus we read that he was a heros (a revered nobleman, leader or fighter) who had his own statue in a sacred grove of the early Italians, who lived at the shores of later Rome before Aeneas came. The tale has it that Picus died before the age of 19. This name apparently brought him no luck. But at the origin of the strange legend of the divine woodpecker there must have been cracks and noises that were heard in the woods. When people hear mystery noises, these are often accompanied by a strange feeling that this is something supernatural. When the priests asked their gods about this, in Italy too they may have received the notion that not pigs but some "little people" in the woods were causing such noises, elves or dwarfs. In ancient Italy such creatures were also called Laren, a name that leads to the humanoids of our neighbouring planet Lar. Like the pixies, the Laren were often believed to be spirits of a house or some place. The folklore experts also found a similar word in the Swedish dialectal pyske. I also deem of the comparable sounding words pygmy and bushmen. Behind this seems to be the interstellar word for pigs. Celtic terms, like Daoine Sidhe (Shie) or Aos Sí but remind of the Latin word siderii for stars. In fact not these aliens work magic on us, but the Greys use them for their harmful tricks.

Of the pixies we read that they reward consideration and punish neglect. That reminds of a pagan religion. In the old days people would offer food to allegedly helpful powers. But in modern times the belief in such creatures slowly vanished. The reason for this is that people understand more of nature. But most guys still don't understand the magic of the Greys, who typically cause mystery sounds or visions just to make people think of them.

In one Deutsche folk tale from Hamburg called ›Der Klabautermann‹ (the hobgoblin, poltergeist) we read the rather authentic sounding story of a skipper who encountered an elf. Often in such stories the elves are depicted as benign and even helpful. Also this hobgoblin seemed to serve and protect the captain of this Hamburg launch. Martin Koch had at first heard strange noises. And when he was worried and looked what that was about, he saw a guy like a tornado of dark fog, a fidgety elf with the size of hardly more than one foot. The tale has it that the noises were caused by this hobgoblin. He would always clean the launch and caulk the planks, to stop water from entering. But that changed on the day when Martin was about to become a rogue. Martin's job was it to pilot a Danish ship into the harbour, but when he noticed that the owner had much gold aboard, he misdirected the ship and let it fail, so that he might win himself a purse of gold coins. That indeed happened, but many Danish sailors died on that day. Some time later, when other ships needed to be piloted, Martin suddenly heard the voice of the hobgoblin say that he would leave now Martin's ship. Soon later, a sudden monster wave hit the launch – and it sank. Time before the voice of the alleged elf had warned Martin that evil already had fettered his soul like with a thick rope. After his good wife had died, Martin had become spendthrift and lost much money in dubious investments. Alone with four little boys he was thinking of money all the time.

UTR pundits may already know that the name Martin is a special problem name. That is because a Martin was the Jesus of Lar. Of this Parsic miracle worker who was stoned to death, they used to believe on Lar that he resurrected from his grave and now lives in heaven – right here maybe? Only lately the foolish church elves of Lar realize that their Martin doesn't live on an alien planet like this Earth. The real saviour of their planet, Fred Willms, made them become wiser. But still a strange magic may clutch at our people called Martin. I find the story of Martin's hobgoblin very realistic. What Martin did see at first was just a mysterious little whirlwind, a so-called dust devil. But as he looked at this more closely, that thing seemed to take the shape of some mystery elf. So isn't this a good sign, since such elves are generally believed to be helpful and good-natured? The name Dobby too relates to the common Slavic word dobro, good. But let God warn you that such wonks don't really bring us good help but bad luck. Half-mad and silly but mean as they typically are, they try to share their misery and bad luck with us. Their magic may change you to the worse without you being able to notice. Some stronger ones are devils who bring us harm and pains fast.

In the times after 1945, in the USA such wonks were also often seen as aliens in space. They would "abduct" people into realistic dreams to have sex with them or carry out vile experiments. Fans of diversity on the field of magic may remember the Negro Barney Hill. That black power activist and racial desecrator brought up the cult of the alien sex molesters. At first those aliens, called (little) Greys, would appear as nice "space brothers". But by the end of the nineties, they seemed to have completely changed. People called them cruel and ice-cold. "Tender sex is out, cold-clinical actions and brutal molestations are in", wrote the reporter Jane Goldman about this period of time in 1998. The UTR has it that a change came after the year 1993, when I Bertram Eljon became the saviour of this troubled planet. That helped the Earth Goddess immediately to rectify things in the mental world, and stop those cosmic bloodsuckers from telling us lies. When indeed people notice that someone does good miracles for them, that for instance their vessels are mysteriously repaired, or that places are cleaned, then it's due to the secret magic of God of course. But you can tell by the looks of wonks like Dobby, that there is little good magic in them.

Pixies are wrongly believed to be nice. When it comes to the quality of creatures. the sheer size matters a lot. Of pixies we read that they are depicted with eyes pointed towards their temples. Such "Buddha eyes" remind of our major race two, the Mongos (East Asians with slit eyelids). Indeed such aliens of the major race two dominate the planets of the Cräybs, our worst enemies in space. In comparison the Feken are less bad, who live much nearer to us. We owe them in principle help, since our Earth Goddess only was able to create us with the help of the Feken goddesses. But right now we must try to get away from them, since their bad luck is contagious.

5. Diversity isn't good for us but bad and dangerous

Let me not talk here too much about all those Muslim rogues, terrorists, assassins and bandits. It's "in their Oriental blood" that they must think out and commit more bad deeds. Of course Muslims change our cultures, but in the overall tendency to the worse. In France for instance there was this fine culture and fun magazine called Charlie Hebdo. It's jokes and articles definitely enriched our European cultures. But a crazy Negro ended this. He was the head of a group of Islamic terrorists, who shot dead many of the cartoon artists and other French at random. Charlie Hebdo still exists today but it's quality seems to have at first deteriorated. In 2020 another terrorist went to the street in Paris where the company had resided, to just kill more French. Apologists and friends-of-the-Arabs often say that these guys are to be regarded as youngsters in puberty or exotic cases who have nothing to do with ordinary Islam. But after the attacker of 2020 was caught, his father was tracked down in Pakistan. That was at least what that Paki said that they interviewed. He openly explained that he and all his village were proud of the assault, since it had been a deed against the "infidels" and thus pleased Allah. That is what the newsman Karl-Heinz Weissmann wrote in the Deutsche oppositional weekly Junge Freiheit (16.10.20 p.15). As it is a tradition in Deutschland, the government presses hard to fight the dissenting press. They hate them as much as the Muslims hate Charlie Hebdo. What they do right now is, they menace them with tough Internet censorship laws. If the secret services only say that they scrutinize such media, that is enough for some social media and businesses to try and ban them. If you tried to find the postings of the JF on Facebook for instance, instead a link led to a warning page made by antifascists. Surely it's a tradition of the socialist former GDR, the home of chancellor Merkel, to suppress and harass the opposition. But this also reminds of the ways on which the Christians came to power. They're no angels of course. Non Angli sed Angeli – »Not Angles but Angels.« That strange exclamation but came from the Pope Gregory-1, called the Great. He did it when he regarded a young English boy with fair hair, who was just for sale on a slave market in Rome! Well, that fascination of the old man for a good looking boy is surely not atypical for clerics. Today we find that diversity also means, to tolerate and accept men who emotionally prefer men over women. But what about the spiritual aspect of this exclamation of a cleric? Who are the angels, really? God never revealed this to the Christians.

Surely Islam is a bad religion. But Christianity is even worse, honestly. Remember that already Judas Iscariot had been a disciple of Jesus and also a terrorist, a sickle-assassin. These didn't eat hashish in the final years of the state of Judea, but reading the Bible made them as bad and resentful as the typical Muslims are today. And what big bad disaster was it, that just this robber baron and illiterate communist sectarian became the figurehead of the world religion that today dominates all of Europe. So was the Jesus religion a scourge of God for the sins of humankind? One basic idea of diversity is what Jesus demanded, that the strong should care for the weak. But one main problem with that lore is, that even our best developed people are not that strong.

The UTR teaches that indeed angels plenty live in the sky. More precisely, they are good aliens living on paradisical alien planets. The nearest and most important group of them are the humanoids of the Alliance of Earths. Their heraldic symbol is the fleur de lys, the former symbol of the French monarchy. These real angels are forever young and wise, and it is regarded as a factor of quality that they are very little diverse! That means that all of them remind of our supermodels, they are big, tall, beautiful and fair haired. They don't have puny people nor gays, and no people of dark skin colour. Their local deities, who typically wear golden hair, would find it disgraceful and mean to create bad people. In our modern western societies, we learned to tolerate and accept very diverse people. We get along well with homosexuals. In Islamic states like Iran though they whip them in public or cruelly kill them. One fact is that homosexuals tend to be types with some more problems than others. They are for instance more affected by the aids disease, and tend to have less social skills. The idea of diversity means that it is good that we have homos, Muslims and Negroes. That is totally wrong! Our world gets more diverse, but also more bad and wild, immoral and stupid with more such types. But while we accept and respect gays of course and even radical Muslims in the west, we would live better without them.

6. Our best Types were still not good enough

Wæs se grimma gæst Grendel haten,
mære mearcstapa, se þe moras heold,
fen & fæsten. Fifelcynnes eard
wonsæli wer weardode hwile,
siþðan him Scyppend forscrifen hæfde
in Caines cynne. Þone cwealm gewræc,
ece Drihten, þæs þe he Abel slog.

There was this grim guest, Grendel called.
Marches, steppes until the moors he held,
Fens and fastnesses. Wives-kin's Earth,
Was living with the undead awhile,
Since him the Creator fore-scribed had
In Cain's kin. Done was torturing wrecking,
to these Thirds, for that he Abel slew.

Ne gefeah he þære fæhðe, ac He hine feor forwræc,
Metod for þy mane, mancynne fram.
Þanon untydras, ealle onwocon,
eotenas & ylfe & orcneas,
swylce gigantas, þa wið Gode wunnon
lange þrage. He him ðæs lean forgeald!

Not liked He this feud, as He henceforth wrecked, Meted for the men of mankind from Then on the Untidy, all awakened:
Jœtes and Elves and Orcs,
Such giants who with God wrangled
Long a carry. He him that lean repaid!

Now what the hell is that? Sire, these are verses from the old English poem ›Beowulf‹. The name Grendel should be known to all readers with a little classical education and to fans of movies too. That Anglo-Saxon poem stands at the onset of today's English literature. It's just a crude fantasy tale from old Denmark, and as realistic and wise as a Harry Potter book, but since this stuff is so old and traditionally Christian, it is much more accepted by the teacher types. The poem takes us back into the savage mental world of the Nordic Vikings. The above verses (77 etc.) tell us of the origin of the monster Grendel. That's the main rogue of this poem. The poem has it that Grendel was a monster that lived in a water cave. At night it entered the houses to feed on sleeping men. Now, isn't it a great idea to have such people with us, from the modern point of view of diversity?

The ghastly world of the poem of Beowulf is replete with monsters, and these are all bad beasts who need to be slain by the hero. Noteworthy is that this poem also counts in Jœtes and Elves, and Orcs of course. Jœtes are in principle the people from Jütland, that is Northern Denmark. But here the name rather means mythical bad giants, like those known from the Bible and the ancient Greek religion. Like Elves or Orcs they don't appear in this fantasy tale. Instead the hero Beowulf mainly fights with marine monsters. The name Grendel reminds of our word green, and indeed it sounds likely that the name means Green One, reminding of the Arab fantasy saint al-Khidr. This good spirit of vegetation fits much better into our real world, as seen by the UTR. In fact there are angels, gigantic good aliens who help us not only with odd fantasies. Some of the Ranoids, who descended from frogs, indeed have green frog skin. When our goddess Ga-Jewa was still space-bound, dwelling among undead Greys, and later when Ewa created her Earth, Ranoids helped her with emotional support. In our fantasies they occasionally represent the evil aliens too. That help allows it to the gods to control fantasy figures and let real badies die faster.

In the real world, feuds and mischief would wreck so many young lives in the North. Bitter traces of these tales can also be found in the poem ›Beowulf‹. There was the story of Hygelac, one king of the Gauts from Southern Sweden. As a Viking he sailed, to raid Frisia and North-Deutschland. Around 516 a. he was killed by the Chattuarians. Hygelac was famous for his size. After his death they exposed his bones. As a "giant" he appears in a ›Book of Monsters‹. Jœtes (Deutsch: Jöten) was one of the traditional names given to giants. That name denoted the inhabitants of Jütland in Northern Denmark. Around the year 450 a., Hengest had sailed from there with three warships to win land in England. Not much later those Anglo-Saxons overpowered the Romano-British lords and men of king Vortigern, by a treacherous assault. Kent subsequently was conquered by these Jütlanders. Others also won the rest of the British Isles. In principle Hengest could have become a famous national founder and hero of Anglo-Saxon Britain, maybe comparable to Julius Caesar. But another story of Hengist shows him as a guy too mean for that, an outlaw who broke oaths. The saga of the battle of the Finnsburg has it that Hengest was spending the winter there with his war band (432 a. ?). Peace had been made with the Frisians after a stalemate raid. But early next year Hengist killed his host Finn, and abducted duchess Hildeburg with much booty. The poem tells a shocking truth: Even our big, fair, sly Nordic men may not be good enough to resist to evil!

Today's scholars explain the ruthless and battle-happy Vikings with the notion that these had still been pagans. However, later Christians like the Frankish king Chlodwig, often were even more treacherous and ignoble. Wyrd, the power of destiny, played so mean tricks on them! In principle they believed that the gods were protecting them. The gods should see to it that oaths were kept and mishaps avoided. But such good hopes did not meet the reality of tricky and cruel destiny. We may think of the half-mythical Beowulf as a Nordic seer. In dreams he did let his mind wander, to find out who was out there. Who made this bad destiny for them? Beowulf did not envision Nordic gods. He met monsters in strange wildernesses. The tale has it that Beowulf battled nightly monsters of the sea, that he was killing strange sea-monsters. The poem boasts that Beowulf was the son of Eggtheow, the king of the Gauts. But an older tale has it that his mother was the servant maid Bera, who was made pregnant in the night time, by a man wearing a bear's hide.

So that was the reason why in the poem Beowulf had no other kinsmen but his "uncle", the king. The main tale of the epos ›Beowulf‹ has it that Beowulf killed the troll Grendel and his mother, who lived below a cliff and were devouring the men of the Danish hall of Heorot (today: Lejre). Some scholars put this mythical feat into the year of 512 a. But that was the exact time when the Hadubarden of Ingjald took revenge there. Breaking peace oaths and marriage bonds, they fought with the royal Danes until their hall went up in flames. Of course there were no nightly monsters, who sowed misery and doom, just because they hated it when the guys in the hall drank mead all the time and cheered happily – or were there? The UTR warns before the nightly attacks of the N-rays from outer space. The Greys who are angling with rays notice it, when people down here get too lazy and depraved. They may put bad ideas into their minds, and force them on disrespectful ways, or just make them get sick and old faster. The epos also fantasizes of the fight of Beowulf against a dragon. Often this beast is called a night flyer, who spits fire down from the sky that sets halls and huts ablaze. For such mishaps the Greys tried to blame the Earth Goddess. She too was eventually regarded as a dragon or a reptile monster, since she originates from a planet where not humanoids but reptiloids were the intelligent species. At times the Earth Goddess even appeared as a dragon-lady of dawn, announcing the sure coming of her messiah, symbolized by the Sun. Her gigantic halls down in the deep are full of machines and artful pieces. When it is written that she is a poisonous dragon, that refers to the special climate of her Betyle that men cannot survive. She also heeds lots of lost treasures from times long gone, for me to retrieve them some fine day.

In one book about Medieval literature I read about the famous Hunnish king Attila. He engaged Germanic bards to sing his praise. But of his Asian cruelty remind the horrible Icelandic songs of Atli. Truly the peoples of Europe called him "the scourge of God", since he had been so bad and savage and belligerent. From the modern point of view of diversity, some dopey guys would even welcome the Huns, surly ready to part their property with these and their sluts too, hoping that this would render Europe racially more diverse. But when the Christians raise and spread migrants of such hated sorts, it's not because they hope that these will enrich our cultures. Their idea is it that God sends these to us for a reason. These are supposed to bring us down, and to turn this fairly nice world into a hell of depravation – a planet that would be ready for doomsday. We find this basic idea of hereditary sin and divine revenge nicely explained in the above cited lines of the poem ›Beowulf‹. For the death of Abel, allegedly the Creator took sore revenge on all humankind. Allegedly God created monsters to avenge, including those with a human body.

Wasn't even Hengest, this most renowned hero of the Anglo-Saxons, some kind of monster man? In the poem ›Beowulf‹ we often read about a bad superstition of that era. Again and again boars and piglets are mentioned there. Pig images adorned many a helmet, armour or sword. They were supposed to bring luck to the people who wore them. Due to a feud over Sviagriss, a ring adorned with a piglet, the proud realm of the Gauts was destroyed. At last the UTR now warns before the bad magic of the Feken. Due to my warnings, many boar-head stickers disappeared from our cars.

In the poem ›Beowulf‹ the mythical Biblical hero Abel replaced Balder, the Germanic god of light. He stands for a fair hero who didn't make it, who died to then let a deluge come. The Greys would indeed use such a cataclysm, to try and create mischievous monsters.

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