God's New Year&Day Calendar
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Beljonde Stonehenge Stamp

Beljonde: Diversity Sucks!

Titel: Diversity Sucks

Myths and histories about diversity – a free text by Bertram Eljon Holubek, Version 2.0 2021

Diversity freaks claim that it's nice to mix people of different race and quality. The idea silently became a worldwide liberal dogma that hardly can be challenged. But just like for instance that old Christian geocentric model, it is obviously faulty. For dorks diversity seems to be solid ground, on which they can build a new world of the future. In reality diversity is like a swamp, with alien things lurking in the lair.

A mysterious Scene of Frank's Casket

Chapter One – The Human Sacrifice and Great Jubilee in Rome of Year 1600

This chapter is about the famous tragic scientist Giordano Bruno. He realized that out there in the sky many inhabited planets must exist. Indeed we are living in a situation of cosmic diversity. But it's not good to share our reality with aliens who are often of a most miserable and hostile quality.

1. Punks traditionally have "No Future"

Whatever happened to all of the zeroes, who played in punk bands? Punk had no future!

It was a time of great joy in Rome, especially in the Vatican! Pope Clemens-8 (the clement) had declared the year of 1600 a. (after, AD say the Christians) a jubilee year, in reminiscence of the legendary year of the birth of Jesus. In Britain at that time, many people had become weary of the scandals and crimes of the Tudors. A reunification of the Anglican church with that of Rome was imminent. And didn't they all believe, after all, in the same holy book, regardless of what it might teach them? Most Christians of that era basically agreed that the things that the Bible told them had to be regarded as true to the word. And if the world seemed to be different, let it be damned!

There were however, heroes who were seeing things in heaven and earth absolutely differently. One most famous of them was Giordano Bruno. Just in the jubilee year of pope Clemens-8 they burned him alive at the stake. It was on February the 17th. This human sacrifice reminds a bit of that of Jesus, who had been a punk and a lawless rebel too – but a dunce, not a wise genius. Around the year of 1600 a. most astronomers and some intellectuals had already, silently taken up the new lore of Copernicus, based on that of the ancient Greek Aristarch. This heliocentric model had been finally niggled out by another Deutsche, John Kepler. Their basic idea was that of a cosmic sphere that had the Sun at it's centre. But it was the Italian Giordano Bruno, from a town near Naples, who went far beyond all this with his cosmological speculations. He wrote:

»Unique is therefore the cosmos, immeasurable space, the universal lap, hugging everything, the region of ether; wherein everything stirs and moves. Within it exist – rich in number – planets, earth balls, suns and earths; who are visible and perceptible. Countless others must be reasonably inferred... Therefore there is not only one world, one earth and one sun, but so many worlds like we see shining sparks above us...«

Until today, the teachings of Giordano Bruno are rather forgotten. Bruno was a philosopher of the era when it was still hotly disputed, whether our Sun might circle around our Earth or vice versa. Nicolaus Copernicus, a Deutsche (German) astronomer from remote Eastern Prussia, had already pointed out that the heliocentric model of space, with the Sun in the middle, just better meets with the observations and calculations of the astronomers. The Vatican however automatically took the side of all those who believed that the geocentric model, with the Earth in the middle, would meet better with their interpretation of the Bible, and also with their Italian Catholic sense of intuition.

Mr. Bruno thought out what we know today, that the universe is replete with celestial bodies. So what? The problem Christians have with this lore is, that the Bible doesn't mention other suns and worlds. Therefore, already in the year 1277 a. the Vatican had decided that it was not allowed to teach such a lore. When Giordano Bruno dared to teach such things, he broke the law. The young courageous Italian even dared to speak of alien "sun worlds", solar systems. So what alien species were supposed to live there on alien planets, and what alien gods had created these? Mr. Bruno speculated that there was a common spirit, a kind of cosmic ghost, that was filling everything in the universe with the same state of mind. Regarding ourselves, it must be a cruel and crazy ghost. Giordano Bruno must have had bad ideas about a spirit that seems to rule the immeasurable sky. In one of his books, with the title: ›The driving out of the triumphant beast‹, Bruno put it like this:

»Let us put in order, above all, this sky that lies within ourselves; and then that visible sky that bodily appears to our eyes. Let us remove from the heaven of our spirit the she-bear of rudeness, the arrow of envy, the filly of easy virtue, the dog of bad slander, the she-dog of ingratiation. Let's ban the Hercules of brutality, the Lyre of conspiracy … As soon as we will have, by this way, cleansed our house and recreated our heaven, then also new constellations, new influences and powers, new destinies shall rule …«

What was that lore supposed to mean? The idea of a new heaven and a new earth also briefly appears in the Book of the Apocalypse. But while the philosophers and pundits were checking out these ideas, many would find that some voice from the old sky did not agree with Mr. Bruno.

Giordano Bruno won't come back one fine day to lay down on Broadway. Surely he even sensed that, and that made him howl with agony when he died. Thomas Aquinas had justified the death sentence against so-called heretics, accusing them to »forge the faith«. But faith is not the same in every mind. Some people are naturally just wiser than others. Some may also receive better hints and ideas from the gentler inner voice, that is the voice of the true god. Mr. Bruno put it like this:

»The very bright light of the Sun does neither shine to all, nor – to all that it shines to – by the same way, nor do all turn towards it … their spirits in the same manner.«

That refuted an ancient Roman proverb: Sol lucet omnibus – the Sun shines to all. Giordano had been a monk of the order of the Dominicans, nicknamed the hounds of the Lord. But already at the age of 18 he took down the pictures of Saint Catherine and Saint Anthony, who had adorned his cell. He started to read the books of heretics like Erasmus von Rotterdam. The hounds of the church of Rome accused him of heresy, and for many years chased him from one place in Europe to the other, including London. Here and there he also found supporters, who were better in touch with the light of true wisdom than others. But just in Italy those enlightened types seemed to be comparably rare. When he finally ventured back there, invited into a trap, a college student wrote:

»They tell that the Nolean Bruno now is living and teaching in Padua. Is this really true? What is this for a man, who dares to return to Italy.«

Giordano Bruno was born in a town called Nola. The UTR has it that this name can help to explain his extraordinary destiny in an astrological way. Ga-Nola is the name of one of the Greys of the near twin star 61 Cygni. Several such stars form a cosmic devils' circle around our earth and that of neighbouring Ga-Leta, directly behind the "dog star" Sirius. Bruno was correct when he sensed that the two Dogs of the sky are – now astrologically interpreted – especially mendacious and pestering constellations. Worse however are the aliens of the constellation Lyre. Those Greys of the Cräybs indeed are leading some evil interstellar conspiracy. Our best helpers however live in the constellation of the Bear. The typical snare of countless evil aliens is to bind target persons with mendacious chat and bizarre lust. Greys like Ga-Toma angle for people with similar names, like Thomas.

It's hard for Christians to even imagine that the gods, saints and angels they used to commit and pray to are in fact non-existent in the sky above. But the idea that there exist many alien worlds in the sky, comparable to our Solar System, surely comes much nearer to the truth. Some people are just lucky, and wise enough to sense this. Others don't have this luck. It often leaves with old age. In 1889 many Italians had come to their senses, religion-wise. They erected a statue in Rome for Giordano Bruno, at the exact place where he had been executed. Pope Leo-13 must have fumed with wrath. He was just in the "exile of the Vatican", it was a strike against the birth of the nation of Italy. Commemorating Giordano Bruno, pope Leo-13 declared that he regarded his deeds as:

»Insincere, mendacious, completely egotistic, intolerant against any opposing opinion, definitely of an evil nature, and full of a sycophantic flattery that distorts reality.«

Darn, this philippika sounds like the pope's judgement about his own popery. Only in the year of 1965, when I was three, some clerics suddenly grew organised and courageous enough to remove the books and theses of Bruno from their index of forbidden books. So they are learning, but with the speed of codgers. Soon later, already Sci-Fi series like ›Star Trek‹ or ›Star Fleet‹ were popular on TV, and the age of the monumental mendacious Hollywood Bible films came to a sudden end.

Twenty years ago or so I wrote a gospel song called ›Heavenly Jordan‹. It was about a mythical river running down from the sky, that should take us to the promised lands up there in heaven. Indeed that is what God must plan now: To move with this precious rare world from our devilish neighbours to angelic worlds, dwelling behind the seven stars of the Big Dipper. We are bound for a new heaven, and for this we must transform our rather miserable planet into a new earth. Fractal links are reaching from my mythical river Jordan to Giordano Bruno. But, just like it is the case with the real river Jordan in the Land of the Bible, this water is scarce and precious. It can't quench everyone's thirst. The current Pope Franziskus took up the name of a monk from Assisi, who was a weird pauper and a punk within his church. Well, punks traditionally have "no future".

2. How good was the Intuition of Giordano Bruno?

So was the burning of Giordano Bruno some kind of human sacrifice? That is of course a matter of theology. I am quite sure that the Vatican inquisitors, who decided over the fate of Bruno, had the impression that they were strongly guided by the sky; that means, by celestial inner voices, and signs too. The sky must have wanted to see this man dead. It was much different when it came to other cases of suspected heresy or sinful behaviour. For instance, when the infamous pope Alexander-6 had celebrated 1500 years of Christianity with orgies in the Vatican, or when many nobles and artists of the Age of Renaissance had revived the pagan mythology of the Age of Antiquity, the sky apparently didn't object. They don't take Christianity so seriously up there.

Who lives up there, anyway? Dante Alighieri had fantasized about a travel through hell below to the New World at the other side of the globe; and then up into the sky from one planet to the next and to the stars at last. Along the way he seemed to look the angel Lucifer (Bringer of Light) into it's three faces. The one at the centre was red! Dante seems to have wrongly envisioned the ensign of the Earth Goddess. It looks exactly like the RAF roundel, a circular ensign with blue and white rings around a red spot. All congeras of the local group of Ga wear similar roundels. The Cräyb congeras however use triangular ensigns. Grey congeras lose one of their colours, after they fail and lose all life on their planets. Such cosmic zombies then must become the parasites of others.

It is surely noteworthy that still today, Italy holds Dante in supreme esteem. His image as a poet with laurel even adorns the Italian 2 € coins. The six large tomes of the ›Enciclopedia dantesca‹ are dedicated to Dante studies. But from an enlightened point of view, he was only a comedian. With luck he realized at his early time, that the other side of the globe isn't just a water desert, like the church-teacher Augustinus had stated. Christoph Columbus only therefore dared to sail west to try and reach India. However, all those Christian dorks could have easily realized or at least expected that there must be a New World west of Europe, making a voyage from Spain westwards to India impossible. The contours of the western coast of the Americas were already there on maps drawn according to Ptolemy. That must have been a piece of news that Roman and other sailors had heard in the Far East. Now, Dante fantasized that it was possible to reach America with dry feet, simply by stepping down into a cave south of the Alps, and then taking the way through hell. That is of course not possible. The Betyle, the House of God dwells down there. But it is relatively small, and besides the immaculate body of the Goddess there are only her machines and robots down there. However, Dante was correct again when he fantasized that his angel Lucifer sticks with half of his body in solid ice. In fact it's very cold inside of the Betyle. That is necessary to allow superconductivity. Dante of course couldn't understand that.

Lately, our humans even learned that their moon is only a dry celestial body that also harbours no dead souls, unlike Dante wrote. So where are all the dead? Dead souls are gone of course, like the software of a computer that stopped running. Realizing this we should expect that the Italians one day will find it more correct to replace the portrait of Dante on their coins with that of Giordano Bruno, maybe. But how worthy would he be of such a prominent role? How good was Giordano Bruno's intuition when it comes to outer space, a region still unknown to humankind? He wrote in his treatise ›de l’infinito, universo e mondi‹, a philosophical dialogue about possible alien worlds:

»"So all the other worlds would be inhabited, just like this one?" – "If not just so, and if not better, then at least in any case not lesser and not worse; since it is impossible that a reasonable, and reasonably awakened mind can imagine that those countless worlds … who are either suns or to whom a sun does send rays who are not less majestic and stimulating … that all these worlds should be bereft of similar and better inhabitants.«

Woe! Giordano Bruno dared to imagine that other worlds would be at least as fine as our world is or even better. How could he think this? He thought that the same spirit that would rule and save this world was also governing and regulating those countless other worlds. He didn't realize that in truth there is no such one divine universal spirit. But many evil Greys plague and ruin most of those alien worlds. 99 % of the 950.000 living alien planets of our galaxy were ruined by series of catastrophes, teaches the UTR. Why was Mr. Bruno so insensitive when it came to the evil nature of this spirit of the sky? He was a rather meagre and stormy young man with a tiny, Jewish, chin.

3. The Problem with Mr. Bruno was one of Diversity

Also Isaac Newton wasn't a big and well developed man. But he was lucky to be British. Already some decades after the shameful execution of Giordano Bruno, it had become clear to many wise men that our Sun is at the centre of our little home in the universe, with the planets nicely circling around it. All the fixed stars but are very far away! The stars must be suns, more or less like our own. We find this insight in the writings of Immanuel Kant. This philosopher from East Prussia had diligently studied the writings of Isaac Newton, and benefited from the rational spirit that had been guiding Newton. Newton was born as a weakling, a child of seven months, and it's a miracle that he later became one of our most successful scientists. He found out about the laws of gravity, did he not? Until today our astronomers calculate out the movements of the planets with the help of his simple equations. It only slightly worries them that these calculations are less than correct. Until today astronomers "found" hundreds of disturbing new planets, but never with a telescope.

Already at the time of Newton however, people realized that something was wrong with the way the planets were moving. According to his calculations, the biggest planets Jupiter and Saturn would influence and attract each others a lot. They were supposed to get nearer and nearer and collide in the end! Now wasn't this extremely worrying? It was the Frenchman Laplace who put an end to these worries, with the help of refined calculations. Maybe he had just eaten frogs when this came into his mind. Again Newton had the better idea how to solve such problems. He believed in God, which saved him in his younger days. We read in Newton's ›Opticks‹ that

The Earth doesn't circle around the Sun in an ideal ellipse. But while the planets exert influence on each others, the result are wavering courses. Irregularities can mount up to threaten the entire solar system. In such cases however God regulates and rebuilds.

So does God really constantly regulate and rectify our Solar System? Evidence for this has lately been found by our astronomers. Indeed, typical stars are only suns, comparable to our own. Alien planets have been detected in large numbers. But hardly anywhere in the near sky, there seems to exist a system of planets comparable to our own – with the exception of 47 Ursa Maior, that is one of the three living earths of our group of cosmic hostages. Modern astronomy provides good proof for the lore of the UTR, that our Earth is indeed a very rare planet in the sky, and especially regulated and saved by good higher powers. So Newton was right, and it's strange that until today most experts are unwilling to admit this. It's again due to the influence of misleading inspiration.

In the Bible we read a mystery tale about the Sun and Moon standing still. According to the Book of Joshua (10:12), it happened when this warlord fought against the Amorites with the help of the god of the Hebrews. My inspiration tells me that this happened in the year 1394 b., that was, decades before Moses-3 left Egypt! One big problem with the Bible is that these very old Jewish tales, orally transmitted and gathered by rather dumb priests, are no good substitute for the true story. eventually retold by the Earth Goddess.

How can it be that the Sun and the Moon stand still? This is possible when those higher powers manipulate time, which is possible in limited regions. I know this since I saw this occasionally. The Sun just failed to set. Sometimes even people and river boats were standing still. But flowers suddenly appeared on the surrounding grounds, in yellow and purple, all at the same time. Even my diver's wristwatch would stand still, to then jump for ten minutes or so. The Greys destabilize space-time by this way to do damage. In those days I started to collect radio-controlled watches.

Well, the stars are only suns like our own. When Giordano Bruno came up with this lore, it infuriated those Christians who thought that our world is something special, that it is at the centre of the sky and under God's special fervour, surveillance and sway. That is the picture that the Bible gives, and it is correct from the perspective of our Earth Goddess. The main problem that Sofia Ewa had with the lore of Bruno was one of diversity. Alien planets tried to inform us that we are not alone, asking us to contact and join with them. In fact the near Feken desperately try to clutch at us, and so do the much worse Cräybs. The best way to save and liberate our earth is to keep bad aliens off limits, also mentally.

4. Solitary Martyrdom for the Sake of Truth

One year before the Roman Catholics burned Mr. Bruno alive, they already had put to the stake a Mr. Menocchio from the alpine village of Montereale. He had been some kind of mayor there and a servant of the church. It was surely the noble name of this village – Royal Mountain – that had made this old man become so courageous. The church had considered him to be a heretic. They especially blamed him of talking to illiterates too. Mr. Menocchio explained his beliefs like this:

Jesus wasn't a god. Mary was no virgin. God can be explained with the four elements: The fire is God, the air is the Father, the earth is the Son, and the Holy Ghost is water.

The inquisitor of this case was Felice da Montefalco of the order of the Franciscans. Lucky of the Falcon Mount must have wondered how this old hillbilly had come to his unique ideas. From the point of view of the UTR, it's important that Mr. Menocchio identified the elements of this earth with god. At that time the Christians used to believe that Jesus lived in the sky and was talking to them from a distance that is not a part of the Earth. In reality though the Earth Goddess, who lives underground, thence was the one and only god of her planet. God is inseparable from creation. The Earth Goddess but always had to talk with multiple voices, and often was forced to play dead Jesus or Maria for the Christians. Mr. Menocchio had found to God like older people sometimes do, with the help of logic and good emotions. Late in his life he said he didn't fear the death on the stake. He apparently thought that his martyrdom was a good way to spread his justified doubts about the official doctrines of his church, who are indeed laughably wrong until the present day.

The 16th Christian century had started, in year 1500 a., with great hopes. The infamous pope Alexander-6 made his decadent church look as if it's last days had come near. The reformer Martin Luther then openly defied the Vatican, and got away with this as a hero. But it was emperor Karl-5 who thwarted the hopes and efforts of the Protestants, to bring down a church that was megalomaniac, tyrannical, insane and cruel. Towards the end of that century, other reformers and rebels defied the Roman Catholic church with a rising feeling of bitterness, sometimes provoking their martyrdom. At that fin de siècle, both Mr. Menocchio and Mr. Bruno must have thought that their solitary protests were worth their lives. They sensed what many others must have sensed too, that Christianity reminds of a smelly crock. It is remarkable that both were obviously right but also completely alone.

Into the latrine of his abbey, Mr. Bruno had thrown writings of Hieronymus (Jerome), one of the most renowned church teachers. That was a spectacular bad deed of the young rebel; it surely made him unpopular right away. Surely it would have been wiser for him to try and find backing in some community. But nowhere Giordano Bruno seems to have found committed disciples or followers. Otherwise he might have become fast the founder of a new Universalist religion. The mysterious God obviously didn't promote nor tolerate that. With harsh polemics Giordano Bruno chided the scholars of Oxford and the society of London. Mr. Bruno was a radical liberator of the church too; but most clerics remained, sheepishly, in the stables where they received their food.

Today the motto of the Italian air force is: Con valore verso le stelle. We may easily translate this as: »With valour versus the stars«. But the open question remains: Are the stars our friends, or do we see the need to combat them? The UTR has it that indeed the worlds of the Humanoids, and of the Utoids (Ducks) and Ranoids (Frogs), and some others, are our helpers. We badly rely on their support. But how good is the common spirit that seems to rule the sky, and eventually talks to us in a rude way? Bruno's pantheist ideas of this spirit reminded of those of Thales from Milet. That Greek philosopher had stated that all the world was replete with what he called gods. Mr. Bruno in tendency separated the good God from that rude spirit. He would hardly have managed to cope with the knowledge that the Earth Goddess is of her world and good. It's a trick of the evil aliens, to try and move closer to Sofia Ewa puny rebel types, whom she eventually can't really rely upon.

The UTR has it that a Hieronymos is regarded as the chief apostle of our near sister world Lar. It is due to that endangered earth behind Sirius, that God cannot dare too much on this earth. In fact our three rare living planets are cosmic hostages! They were raised and positioned in space by those evil Greys and their enslaved planets. With luck we shall now succeed to struggle free.

5. The Troubles of Giordano Bruno had to do with Magic

When Giordano Bruno brought up the idea that our universe must be full of inhabited planets, he met not only the stubborn resistance of the Christians, who believed that the sky is a sphere with the stars fixed to it by God. He also met the resistance of God, who obviously had good reasons to not let humankind get acquainted yet with all those aliens. It's because most are of bad quality.

In Geneva Mr. Bruno became a member of the thence extremist sect of the Calvinists. He held lectures at the university. But when he feuded with a thesis against the professor Antoine de la Faye, he was arrested and driven away. The UTR has it that the name Faye (Deutsch spoken: Fee) is the tribal or clan name of the Feken. These descendants of pigs are too much under the devilish sway of the Greys. The name Antoine links to the last ruined Feken planet of Fe-Tona.

Mr. Bruno had a phenomenal memory! That was one remarkable feature that helped him with his career abroad. In fact you mainly need much reading discipline and memorizing training for this. But when people noticed this, some even spoke of magic. But was this magic divine? Was Mr. Bruno in the favour of the higher powers or not? In the Deutsche Wikipedia of 2020 we read that:

»At first he taught in Padua, but the chair was soon given to Galileo Galilei. Afterwards Bruno accepted an invitation to Venice. His host, Zuane Mocenigo … the General Inspector of [a village of] Marano, wanted to be in the know of his arts of memorizing, but it is much more likely that he hoped that Bruno would provide him insights into much more "magical" arts. It must have been due to the disappointment, that these expectations had not been met, when quarrels arose. While Bruno still was making up his mind to leave Venice, he was denunciated by Mocenigo and … arrested.«

I find this version of the events speculative and doubtful. To me it rather seems that the invitation to Venice was a trap. The Roman Catholic church secretly may have tried to find out more about the magic that Mr. Bruno seemed to possess. When they found that Mr. Bruno was not really in charge of this magic, and had little knowledge of such stuff anyway, that was too bad for him. We may see Mr. Bruno as a purely rational thinker, who believed that the secrets of the earth, the sky and the higher powers were easily accessible by way of rational thinking and natural philosophy. But the religious authorities of that time knew much better that these secrets were closely guided by the higher powers, who had their ways to play with them, luring some guys into hellish traps.

6. In Memory of a Martyr and a Punk

Wow! This statue is supposed to remind us of Giordano Bruno. It's in Berlin, where he never was – strangely enough. Can't you see it's him? No? Well, that is typical for modern art. But since the statue reaches from the first sub-level of a Berlin tube station up to the street level, we get the idea: This must have been a really big man! The statue from Berlin shows Mr. Bruno with his feet in the air, the head smashed on the ground. A passer-by must often get the idea that he was one of the guys who committed suicide, by jumping down from a bridge or something. Maybe the statue would be more interesting if the artists would have cared enough about this case to model the rather chinless face of Mr. Bruno. But a realistic statue would maybe not fit well into the present era of "modern art", and invite dope heads to spray paint it all over or even bash it to smithereens. Rioters did such things in the USA in 2020, copying what radical Muslims had done before in their lands of bloodstained sands. Isn't this the true spirit of diversity? All those guys are still up with their feet in the air, religion-wise. They missed the solid ground that only true religion can provide.

Another statue, the one in Rome, shows Mr. Bruno in the old-fashioned realistic way. He has a frock on as if he were a monk. Indeed he had been a monk early in his career. But he defrocked himself and became a rebel, some kind of punk. If he hadn't been so aggressive and rude, maybe the inquisitors would have let him go. But one accusation against him was that he had left his order without permission. Lately all those orders just fell apart, due to a lack of novices. That reminds of all the old punk bands. In fact surprisingly many punk artists died young, due to drugs and alcohol.

Zur freien Verbreitung! Distribute freely! Bertram Eljon (und Sofia Ewa) Holubek, Zuelpicher St. 300, 50937 Koeln, Deutschland, Ga-Jewas Planet / Fragen? Kommentare? Questions? Comments? Send your E-Mail to beljonde{ät]yahoo.de