The BHL Year&Day Calendar
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Arminius Marke
A Goddess is introduced Revealing the one and only Earth Goddess.
A Goddess with thousand names. Images and texts of the first ever religion.
A Goddess has many foes ...but links to all the world. A Goddess Great in Fashion Beauty is divine
Wir need to be sly, quoth Donald Trump

This second part of the text is about the recent Islamic assault at Orlando, Florida, that did cost unusually many lives. What can we do to prevent the next such incident? We need to be sly, quoth the US-American politician Donald Trump. Media people often bash Trump for being a populist, but in fact populists often get rather unpopular because they dare to address overseen problems, who concern simple citizens much more than those who live in posh suburbian houses or well-guarded apartments. Well, but is it really sly what Trump proposed once again, that we just don't let alien Muslims enter into our western countries? We can't correctly answer this question without putting into consideration some 'esoterical' aspects. Islam is not based on just one book. Behind religions we find looming otherworldly powers.

1. Bad Books make Good People get bad

The campaign called LIES! Abou Nagie handed out the Koran for free

2. We can't observe Them all

The Orlando assassin Omar was known to be a highly aggressive young man. He was also a suspect in a number of crime cases. That's not untypical for young Muslims in Europe, and maybe in the USA too. Omar's name had been added to the FBI's watch list of terror suspects, but was later removed from that list. We can't watch them all. People who blame our cops now should keep in mind that many extra hours are spent watching suspicious Muslims, while our guys eventually get the blame if alien Muslims crack up. So can't we be more sly? But what does it mean to be sly, facing Muslims? The current chief of the Cologne CID (criminal investigation department, or division), recently explained to the press that the Deutsche (German) state of NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen) keeps under special surveillance approximately 170 „endangerers“. Good people should be alarmed when he puts his warning like this:

«Many of these guys are ticking time-bombs. They don't fear for their own lives. (We) invest a lot to keep these persons under control.»

In Egypt too our good guys try and survey the potential rogues. Worst of them all are the so-called Salafists. But even Muslims who openly support holy war and terrorism can freely build up their structures here in Deutschland. That's the way soft and liberal people interpret our laws. We were able to uncover serious terrorist plots, who eventually would have killed thousands of citizens. The infamous Sauerland group (in fact they came from the Blackwood Forest, in the most Roman Catholic state of all in Deutschland) had material to build improvised bombs so strong that they would have rocked the entire city centre of Cologne. We caught these guys in time, mainly with the help of the US-American secret services. Right now we seem to be able to observe those endangerers and stop potential terrorists. But we can't observe all those many ordinary Muslims who might suddenly turn into terrorists. How big is the danger that bad immigrants from North Africa, so-called Nafris who form Deutschland's worst criminal minority right now, turn to the IS? It may happen fast that clever IS-propaganda transforms a bad young Muslim into a dangerous terrorist. On Mallorca, Spain, recently a Mohammed from Morocco tried to recruit refugees for terror assaults. Drugs were found in his flat. Drugs make brains soft and help bad ideas to enter. In North Africa millions of poor Islamic youngsters dream of a life of glamour and prosperity in Europe. They enter boats to travel to Spain, Greece and Italy; they come to break our laws. Most of these fail and end up in suburbs and camps where migrant gangsters rule. The IS tries to recruits some of these by way of a death insurance. They promise to pay a sum to their families as they die butchering Europeans. The instigators in the background are not only those heat-crazed and traditionally belligerent Muslims of the Syrian IS. They are also rich bored idlers from Arab oil countries. Often there is a connection to organized crime, the trade of drugs and arms. In many Deutsche cities, Turks and Arabs are the especially bad rogues in the sub-cultures of the biker-gangs, nightclub gangsters, protection racketeers, pimps and panderers. In some big cities of Deutschland, about 80 percent of the young intensive perpetrators are Muslims. Some such aliens turn away from crime as they start reading the Koran. But that doesn't make all these people less dangerous at all. One thing is sure, it is as simple as a mathematical equation: The more aliens of this sort we will let enter into the USA, Deutschland and Europe, the more dangerous and rough our life will become.

Introducing the Ethics of Wise Selection

We westerners spend so much time and effort on terror prevention. But we are unable to stop right now all those Islamic terrorists and organized gangsters and intensive malefactors, who make our newspapers thick like pregnant women with the daily news of all their bad deeds. Sociologists tell us that in most any society, overpopulation makes creatures get more combative. Biologists tell us that some pesterous species tend to migrate into better areas. But so far we are hardly willing to stop bad Muslims from migrating into the west, people who will foreseeably become dangerous as they reproduce. Why can't we be more sly? I say it's because the west is still unable to compute Islam, a religion that didn't grow so mighty due to coincidence. Behind religions there work remote uncanny otherworldly powers. As we try and succeed to understand these powers and their objectives and methods, we may hope to better understand and contain not only Islam, but also other bad old-time religions. True religion can soon become a solid basis for all sorts of new science. Easily we may then overcome odd taboos, who twist our thinking right now and turn experts into half-wits. Then sociology and evolution biology may allow us to part different types of humans. Naturally then we should help better types to spread, while preventing low-quality, dangerous and pesterous types from reproduction. We do this kind of wise selection with our cattle too, and it does some good, doesn't it?

3. How normal Muslims become Talibs

Above to the right we see one prevented terrorist before court in Düsseldorf, Deutschland. Like others, he just fell for Islam. They start to read the Koran, and then it comes into their minds to try and kill. That is the essence of the lore of Islam: Kill and be killed and you will be received with special honors in the sky. So do they mean Donald Duck's world? The afterlife promises of Islam don't sound very likely, and you need to be a real dork to believe that God will provide you with lots of whores for free, to give you thanks for a spoilt life that you ended as a crackpot terrorist. Simple talibs are those who are most likely to misinterpret the Koran like this. They don't know much of anything, but they think they got God's message. They just that bad book, and eventually keep words of hate preachers in their minds. They don't care what our worldly laws say, since the Koran sees all things differently. Islam is not only a religion, but it's a political ideology too. Islam demands of the Muslims to erect the dar al-Islam, the realm of Islam. That realm is ruled by the emir al-muslimin, aka the khalif, the supreme Muslim chief. Seen from this extremist point of view, a Muslim terrorist is one who does what is right, if he does what the khalif tells him and what the Koran tells him. Muslims are law-abiding, but it's a bad old religious law that they keep. This is what the Islam expert Gustav Edmund von Grunebaum from UCLA once wrote about political Islam and the role of the talibs:

«The talib are verbally students. But in fact they are scholars of minor stature.»

Talibs just studied the Koran a little, and now they think that they are already scholars who can gather disciples and teach them. But while they know so little, they tend to hold high the book and strictly keep to anything that is written in it. We may well rather call them Koran-dwarfs, to distinguish them from that murderous Islamic sect in Pakistan and Afghanistan that is called the Taliban. As some commonly interpret the Koran in the same way, they easily may form such a sect. But many of those guys read the Koran in the way they like it best, using only selected verses. They then think that God asks them to erect a worldwide realm of violence and arbitrariness. Muslims who abide to the Koran try to subdue all the world, including their women, by way of force. That badness is a part of Islam, and it can only be abolished at a time when the Mahdi has come, and destiny lets the rule of Islam end. Before that time, especially Oriental women will hardly be able to escape from the negative effects that Islam has on the minds of potentially good men.

4. Why Islam will have to be abolished

Western people hardly imagine how bad Muslims may become in Arab countries, where with the introduction of Islam the 1400 years of overpopulation, tyranny, cruelty and continuous wars, feuds and troubles started. We read in the famous Book of the Princess from Saudi Arabia this about some simple Arabs and their religion, some decades ago:

«Their entire education came from the Koran. They interpreted it... in any way they liked. The master of the household took the subordinate rank, that the Koran attributes to women, for slavery. Any woman that was not Islamic was regarded as a prostitute.»

It is not illegal in Islamic states like Saudi Arabia to rape, enslave, torture and execute women for no good reason, including for instance unsuspecting house-maids from third-world countries. Arab fundamentalists just have a completely different understanding of laws and justice than we have. They also foster terrorism in many countries, and need not do much more that to hand out blood money. When Muslims won political powers in Iran they became this planet's dangerous terror supporters. Shi'ite religion is utter nonsense, but the bombs they assemble pose a real threat. Under the influence of a bad and mad religion, all those Orientals are the bad and mad guys. Many Muslims like to play the meek and tolerant guys, they say that extremists are not Muslims. But that's a lie. They are not fit yet for a life in a modern, western society, if that old-time religion cannot be reformed fundamentally. Who else but God would be able to factually abolish an entire world religion? It has been done before.

Our Ongoing War against Terror

Years ago the USA was waging a war against rogue nations in the Middle East. We were fighting our war against terror. But lately the soft US-president Barack Obama and others discontinued to use that term. Now many think that the US military forces are mainly trying to help American firms to make money abroad, on more or less legal ways. Many police officers though keep up the thinking that they are facing and must fight not some rogues, but crime in principle. Behind crime there is evil, it's a force that you can eventually sense. We may well take Islam as one traditional method to fight against evil and overcome it. But that old-time religion just didn't work out too well, since Mohammed was much of a rogue himself and didn't know a lot about God. Without a religion that tells you the truth now, and prepares you the right way, you can't really take a stand as you resist to evil.

5. Good Genes make a Difference too

Here in Cologne right now, the chief of CID chided much the above-shown preacher Abou Nagie (left). He's the one who hands out the Koran for free. Well, at least this welfare-khalif who was once caught as a fraudster with a hefty income, later started his Koran campaign under the title of „Lies!“ (Deutsch: Read!). We may read this, like talibs read the Koran, the way it was meant or in any other way we like. Many Arabs, and especially some Taliban Pashtunes, have good genes and could be much wiser. In times that we already foresee they will perform much better in life.

In Deutschland right now there is a worse old book than the Koran. It is called 'Mein Kampf' by Adolf Hitler. Most recently that Nazi Bible was again edited, but that edition comes with a big warning commentary. So we might consider to add a similar commentary to the Koran too, and to not let people receive this book without that commentary. But I reckon that some Christians may object, whose book, the Bible, is in some parts worse even than the Koran. We have no experts right now who might be able to write really good commentaries for these dangerous books. We would need experts for this who know the otherworldly powers much better, including their ways to manipulate human minds. There are no such experts right now. Few mortals realize that their minds are closely supervised and eventually boggled by vastly powerful aliens, who are only shadowy known to the believers under such terms as God or devils. The absence of real knowledge leaves room for the many speculations of old-time religions. The Messiah is the one who tells the truth to the world, and by this way he lays dry the swamps of illusions and false teachings of old-time religions. Without the Messiah, some humans may get a hunch that something is wrong with their culture and their expertise, but while they lack the mental guidance of true religion, they are easy prey only for remote devils.

6. There are Helpful Aspects of Islam

When the Muslim Omar shot down so many US-Americans in Orlando, that was mainly one of those typical acts of Islamic terror. But of course there are also similarities to those many other shooting incidents and amok runs who happen in the USA. Surely it is not justified to put the blame on radical Islam alone, regarding the case of Omar. We must suspect that he was having troubles that nobody understood. So doesn't the Koran teach to Orientals to better abstain from alcohol? Omar didn't listen. We must think that western atheist science is, right now, all but able to correctly explain such shooting incidents. Concerned left-wingers want to put a ban on guns, once again. But not guns are our problem, the people are who abuse them. How come people suddenly get to the idea to try and shoot dead class mates or any disliked people? Some gullible people may hear voices who tell them that this is what the otherworldly want. They get stimulated into such acts! Especially when men get a little female, a strong forcing may result. Right now our young people are all unprepared for such mental phenomena, who really are the consequence of N-rays sent out from pulsars, as I have shown. Atheist science but teaches, still following Freud, that any mental problems happen in your head alone. Shrinks want you to talk to them and pay them and take in proscribed medication. That may indeed make your brain shrink. But old-time experts cannot explain the phenomena of religion. How can it be that there are phenomena like mind-reading and esp? There are fractal links and rays that connect minds. By this way also the uncanny otherworldly can contact you. Evil aliens from outer space eventually implant bad ideas into your mind, while at the same time applying a forcing to make you obey. As westerners try to find out more about this they read the Bible, while Orientals read the Koran then. The problem is that believers now encounter bad old religions. Especially the Koran sows a bad seed of hate and tyranny into the minds of our young people. The Koran tells them some things that are correct and others that are not. Before the times of the coming of the Messiah (Mahdi), there just was no better word from God that came to the humans. Of course you should resist to bad voices who tell you to get bad, you should reject these as devilish. But neither the Bible or the Koran make you strong enough for that.

Understanding the Koran

As we try to understand how readers understand the Koran, and how they receive it's religious message, we surely have to part some sorts of outsiders from the ordinary rest. Certain people, who are not necessarily bad, tend to interpret the Koran in a way that is all at odds with modern thinking and the achievements of civilisation. Not only for radical Muslims, Islam is the lore that tells them more about phenomena that are offically unknown to western experts. The old west holds up high Jewish science (the science of old-time atheists with Jewish-Christian education). Based on teachings like those of the Jewish-Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud, this old-time ideology purports the theory that people are alone with themselves in their heads and live without divine interference. Experiments have but shown that there exists extra-sensory perception. Mind-reading may work, but not in a reliable way. You cannot read other people's minds the way you can read other people's books. But you may eventually get some idea or hear an inner voice that tells you what other people think. Serious research was done on these fields, but it led to no good results. One problem is that the inner voices may lie to you, another problem is that real events may get spooky now. You try to control those phenomena, and suddenly you realize that there are the otherworldly behind them! You may surrender to them, but they easily get very nasty. You may try to remember and write up things, but nothing is reliable now. While many people have a hunch that such phenomena exist, few are able to even express with words what they might think about them. In the western world most people cannot handle such things. There is so much the west fails to understand! The Bible is to blame for this deficit, with it's hostility towards Mother Nature and creation. While Christians are so much at odds with the truth, while they are so poorly informed about the otherworldly, God must search for darker sources of help. Many Muslims have not only a more correct view on God, while they turn with their prayers to Mecca as the place where the House of God seems to be. They also have a religion that is overall better usable and more correct than that of the Bible. Isn't it a shame that still today western culture is based on a book that dates back to the times of the Bronze age, and mainly promotes an outdated offering cult? The west needs to fundamentally rethink it's culture and science, and that can't easily happen in the age of what-me-worry liberalism. Well, as long as so many people must find that in all those books of Jewish science and liberal politics the real God is not mentioned with one word, many are likely to start reading the Koran, wherein God is mentioned all the time. The Koran is not a bad book for bad boys, who want to become IS-rogues. It often concerns good people, who better realize than others that there is a truth that the western world chose to ignore and reject, a long time ago.

Most Westerners don't realize how bad Islam really is

Ahmad Mansour (UTR may read this as: Savior, Humanoid Dinosaur) has one of those names that eventually raise the attention of otherwordly forces. Ahmad is an Arab who was born in Israel. Surely such Muslims have more reason than others to hate the west in general, and to try to come here and destroy our societies, also by way of influencing young people in an incorrect way. The west just chose to support Jews taking land in Palestine, and that was much less than justified from the perspective of the international law. However, we must keep in mind that in the Orient, traditionally people reproduce much more than they should. It is rather common to trick and feud in Palestine, as all those many too many Muslims and other Orientals struggle and feud over territory. With the coming of the Jews some more western reason entered into this troubled region. The foundation of Israel was good for the entire region. But that is why crazy and hateful bad Muslims fight Israel now with special fervor. When he was young also Ahmad was recruited by Muslims for this unholy war against the Jews. Suddenly his parents were clutched by Islam, and they soon became quite radical. With Koran studies some kind of false pride and devilish hate entered into Ahmad's mind. One Imam, a preacher, told Ahmad to hate especially Europeans and Americans, and also women who don't wear the foulard. Under the influence of this hate preacher Ahmad became intolerant and fanatical. Fear of hell was raised in him. Domestic violence now became common at Ahmad's home. Those poor dumb Arabs thought that God was a strict cruel punisher, so they beat each others in a similar way. Islam in fact moved them away from the goodness of the true God, and put them under the sway of devilish voices. The Imam tried a lot to raise fears in Ahmad's mind. Once he told him to lie down in an open grave. The main problem is that Islam makes Muslims believe that they are God's best and most favored guys, while in fact mainly the bad seed of the Orient falls for radical Islam. Ahmad however then met some Israelis, some Friends-of-the-Arabs who told Ahmad about the atheist Jew Freud. Love made Ahmad get away from radical Islam. He became a psychologist who migrated to Deutschland. Now we have him here, as one who fervently believes that religion is just an illusion of the sick mind. Of course he can't find back to any belief, since that would be the devilish Islam of his younger days. Today in Israel, there are many people who just turned away from old-time religion and the stupid old dwarfs completely. They try to live a life all without religion. But all of a sudden a massive surge of religion clutches then, and they start an intifada, an uprising. That is because the devils are mean and strong in the minds of the Arabs, and you can't trick them by pretending that they don't exist.

Must we fear Terror Pilots again?

Must we expect more events like that of 9/11? Mr. Trumps says yes, and warns of planes flying into towers again. He sees New York from the perspective of his own tower of course. Experts now think of the Bojinka plot, when some bad Muslim exploded a shoe-ied aboard a plane, killing one passenger. With this Bojinka plot of 1994, and also with the Transatlantic Aircraft Plot of 2006, Muslims tried to turn a larger number of passenger planes into bombs. In 2014 they seem to have abducted Malaysian plane MH370 using a bomb, and seem to have intended to fly it into the direction of Saudi Arabia. We must also think that the Koran helped to let all those bad plans fail, since the prophet Mohammed often warned well before the bad tricks of the devil. But if a conservative like Mr. Trump should become the next US-president, we must surely expect that bad and narrow-minded people all over the world then react with sudden hostility. Some left-wingers have what most Muslims have too, a tendency of eventually becoming a mendacious and angry tyrant. That tendency needs not turn up in those better citizens who are more even with the truth.

7. Terrorism and Soccer News compared

On June 12, 2016, the Muslim Omar Mateen shot dead visitors of the nightclub Pulse in Orlando, Florida. Omar killed at least 49 people, before he was shot himself by officers of a SWAT team. Even more victims were seriously wounded. So what? This nightclub was a location mainly visited by gay Latinos. Who cares for such victims? To the European public, this just sounded like the news of yet another shooting spray of those gun-happy Amis. Many people in Europe cared much more for the European soccer championship. Only a few hours later, the Deutsche national team was having it's first round one match against the Ukraine. That match took place in the smaller French city of Lille, at exactly 21:00 CEST. That was just 13 hours after the Orlando massacre. So what? I bet no political nor police expert may see any connection between those two events. From God's religious point of view however I see many things differently. From the point of view of the religion UTR, plans of terrorism don't come into the minds of the terrorists from nowhere. But behind such plans are otherworldly powers, commonly called deities or devils by all religions. We need to be sly to win the war against terror. To be sly means, that we need to allow the thinking that there are hostile otherworldly people who make Muslims commit acts of terror. Strange devils tempt and abuse, force and mislead humans, that is what Christians and most other believers believe. This should have it's effects on our strategies of terror anticipation and prevention. We use to see terrorism from the point of view of a single would-be terrorist, or a terror sect like Al-Qaeda, IS or Taliban. We must also try to see terrorism from the point of view of the remote devils, who eventually use people for their own plans and purposes. Remember what the Deutsche policeman said about the 170 Muslims in his state alone, who were considered to be ticking time-bombs? The Greys eventually make one such time-bomb explode. Millions of Muslims in many countries may eventually easily become terrorists. The Orlando terrorist Omar was such a time-bomb too, but one that maybe blew up too early and at the wrong location. It may well be that at that particular time the Greys tried to find some Muslim terrorist in Lille, to disturb the game of the Deutsche soccer team, but found that they could not find any such bad Muslim there. The Greys had more luck on Nov 13, 2015. Thence the Deutsche soccer team was having a test match in Paris. It was the same situation, the Deutsche players came back after an idle time. Islamic rogues bombed this match with two bombs, and at the same time carried out a series of assaults in Paris. What sense does that make, to try and stop the Deutsche soccer team? The events when that team plays are those rare events when Deutsche still dare to hang up in public their Deutsche flag. From the point of view of God's religion UTR, the Deutsche are God's chosen people. The Greys (devils) naturally try to bring down and destroy Deutschland, using tyrannical Roman fascists, cruel Christians or murderous Muslims. Greys make some Semites and Arabs react with anger and envy, whenever Deutschland dares anything, and seems to especially succeed on one field.

8. Muslims off Limits! Would that help?

All those Mohammads and Muhammeds don't only target New York City. On March 22 2016 a massive Islamic bomb exploded in Brussels, at the center of the European Union quarter. Surely we find here the same political tendency that Islam eventually develops in many countries. As Muslims get numerous they also get into politics. Then some always get dangerous, since they believe that the only rightful political authority is that of some khalif. There is an Islamic bandit khalif right now in Syria. Indeed that guy made Omar too allege to that troop of bandits called the ISIS, as he decided to assault that club in Orlando. As we check out the Internet we are surprised to learn, that already a number of Muslims are politically active and loud-mouthed in the USA too. Surely the best way to reduce the number of Islamic terror assaults would be to make sure to this people that they can't win the upper hand in the west by way of entering more and more Muslim immigrants, who then start some kind of armed uprising. As long as there exist belligerent Arabs in Arabia who instigate Islamic acts of terror in all the world, it is surely advisable to keep the headcount of Muslims small, also by way of returning bad types into the countries of their origin.

In the USA there dwell only very few Muslims, but there they were responsible for the most serious acts of terrorism, taking thousands of innocent lives. Extremely dangerous were the Boston marathon bombers, two Russian Muslims who had come to the USA as refugees. The Orlando assassin Mr. Mateen, who was more or less an Afghan refugee child too, had taken those two Muslims as an example. Nobody else does what such Muslims do, who come to western countries as refugees, but who then fight like soldiers in a total war, targeting not the military but civilians. We must not duck and pretend that this war does not exist. They are murdering unarmed civilians, women and children, it is justified to counteract in a warlike way. In Austria most recently, some newly arrived and treacherous refugees suddenly started to kill civilians. With this in mind let's check out again what the GOP's presidential candidate Donald Trump said in the wake of the Orlando massacre. He seemed to really care for the victims, and said:

The immigration of Muslims into the USA should be stopped. I am convinced that this is only the beginning... We need to be sly.

Mainly because of these demands, left-wingers and media liberals in many European countries raised a storm of protest against Trump. Strange but true, many media people are in tendency pro-Muslim. Their main and often only political demand right now is, to open up the borders of the EU for more and more so-called refugees, who are in fact often asylum fraudsters with bad intentions from Islamic regions of Africa and the Near East. Even most renowned old-time newspapers, liberal or conservative, support this political line. Journalists call up to do more for refugees all of the time, but Deutsche nationalists, populists or pro-ethnic conservatives are typically only mentioned when there are negative news to spread. Deutsche red-paint tabloids firstly transport bad news about right-winged populism most of the time. Later they bring many pages of soccer news, where often prominent Negroes or coloreds are displayed most favorably. Deutsche black-paint big-belly newspapers called it a scandal, that the USA so far only took up a few thousand of those Muslim so-called refugees. And really, aren't these already a few thousand too many?

The Mahdi is the only rightful Khalif

As Muslims start to study the Koran, this old book takes them back into the early times of Islam. Koran teachers tell them fairy tales of an ideal state of Islam, that is ruled by the khalif, and where politics and also nature both show an ideal state of divine order. That are tales of a future paradise. Not humans can make this dream come true, and not with weapons and terrorist assaults. These are the methods of the devils, and if you go their way, then you end up in hell on Earth, in a bandit state of Islam-rogues, who like devils relish to watch scenes of torture. Only when God steps before the world, to enhance this developing creation to an ideal level, then the good dreams of Muslims too will come true. That God is then the ruler of all believers, he is the rightful heir of all prophets and the only one to be called Mahdi.

When Muslims come in Lady Liberty leaves

In Europe now many chide Turkey for lately getting tyrannical. The Turks were sending us a million of dangerous Orientals in 2015, and only stopped this reluctantly. They say that they shall either send more refugees or more Turks soon. Why do many millions of Turks want so much to migrate into the EU? Right now president Erdogan is successful with his politics. But Istanbul is so replete with Muslims that they illegally build houses in empty river beds, where the risk is high that a strong rain will sweep them away. Major parts of Turkey are so overpopulated that the drive of migration makes many Turks desperately try to enter into Deutschland. Here Turks already dominate entire city quarters. So how do we react, regarding all those of angry young men who won't be stopped with sweet talking? The left-winged Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras said, regarding the million of refugees of 2015: «We cannot detain them.» I say: «Yes we can!» When 500 boat people from Turkey invade an island where only a few Greeks hardly make their living, something bad is bound to happen. Many times the Turks just drove other people away or killed them, to take their lands. 100 years ago Turks killed more than one million Armenians. Muslims now live on their lands. In Turkey and in many other places Muslims naturally did what Omar did in Orlando, they killed other people, mainly Christians. Today however Turkey bitterly contests the fact that Turks committed a genocide in times of World War One. It's a crime to even mention this in Turkey. Imagine that Muslims would rule the USA now. We would not read a word about the Orlando massacre or the genocide on Armenians in any of our newspapers.

9. Mustn't we help Refugees more?

From many countries of Arabia and Africa, Muslims right now desperately try to migrate into Europe. They deem that all is better in the west, and we westerns surely must agree. Many soft people in the west think that we need to help Muslims more, and try to integrate millions of Arabs and Negroes into Deutschland. The ones who object often seem to be the wealthy egoists who are unwilling to share their wealth with the poor. That is why in European media and politics, a loudmouthed majority welcomes most any refugees, and also eventually overlooks the facts that those who come are not really refugees in need, but rich egoists who want to make more money in Europe the illegal way. If we but look at this from the strict and sober perspective of a politician who should do a good job, we must find that many shortcomings and detriments of this apparently humane politics are overseen. Sociology for instance can help a lot here. What happens if people reproduce so fast that their country cannot provide food and housing for all? They get aggressive, some migrate, others fight, others starve. So what good people should do is, have few children. In just that situation, Muslims instead have especially many children. In Syria alone, in the 20 years of the Israel-fiend Hafiz al-Assad, the population doubled! In the 20th Christian century the total worldwide headcount of Muslims rose from 100 millions to over 1 billion. Let's look for instance at the troubles hotspot Hamastan aka the Gaza Strip. There women have half a dozend of children or so, after a report from ten years ago. There school children paint pictures of Muslim gunmen, and on a visit in a zoo they attack the animals. This is just a much more aggressive sort of humans than we have in Europe. Many US-Americans believe that people can be educated and evolved to a higher state. This is the essence of the lore of Scientology. But as we regard those Arabs, we must find that they just lack development perspectives. They bring down their countries, they trick and tyrannize each others, and while they all get so uncomfortable at home more and more just want to just get out any time soon. Any Arab from Palestine desperately wants a British passport. Must we allow such people into western countries for humanitarian reasons? We should look at the bitter results: Instead of happy Muslims who integrate into British or European culture, we find a sharp rise in related crime cyphers. We find that ghettos form and no-go areas, where western women can't go on the streets alone. In Paris there are a few blocks where armed Negroes, predominantly Muslims, sell drugs and keep out any police. But as the French are asked to leave, radicals and gangsters come in. Then we must fear a Taliban state in Europe. Boys may throw stones after girls who dare to play soccer. Islam just does not approve gaming, but demands of the Muslims to fight (Sure 2:212, 216). That is why the Taliban reallocated soccer and sports stadiums into torture arenas. There people would watch how victims were whipped, mutilated or stoned. Radical Islam makes many Muslims become obsessed with cruelty. Muslims brought down or troubled so many countries in the past and still try this today. Any soft liberal who is sure that this can't happen in the west, since our Arabs are other Arabs, must be called a liar or an insane person. Bad people come with good intentions into the west. They try to take a stand, they work hard at first. But so many so often only fail ingloriously, because they are not meant to stay here and succeed. We must not let a lesser, bad seed spread from the third world into the west, but we must better then life of the people there, with the help of better people.

10. Some Guys just lack Social Skills

On photos of Omar we first notice his broad, negroid nose. It's a simple fact that Negroes and negroid people typically have less self-control and social skills. The Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen was a guy with much aggressivity inside and too little respect for the traditions and the lifestyle of the USA. Omar was the son of Seddique, an immigrant from Afghanistan, who on TV expressed his sympathy with the Taliban. We must find it typical that such Orientals, as they enter into western countries, try to adapt to western thinking, but may get clutched by rougher Oriental traditions. Arabs and people from the Middle East are not only by tradition much more lawless and prone to violence than western people. Just read what Lawrence of Arabia wrote about those hot-headed and lawless desert dwellers. We must strongly suspect that it's a matter of the Semite race too. Many Arab countries are more chaotic and violent than the west is. With immigrants from such countries their bad tendencies naturally come to us too. It's not by coincidence that such wild people say: Peace! as they meet. Sometimes you better not trust them too much.

It's hard to stop being a randy Gay Guy

There are obvious and strange aspects of the case of Omar. We are surprised to hear that Omar frequently visited this gay club (LGBT they say now, for four sorts of queers). He ran into problems there because of his aggressivity. We might think that on a crackpot mission of revenge he then tried to kill those gays he hated. Indeed such mad drives to take revenge often play more of a role in acts of terrorism than we might expect. But what we read of Omar tells us another story. He was not a gay hater but one who occasionally was getting homosexual. On the other hand Omar married women and tried to get straight. Can it be that he failed to be a heterosexual, and put the blame for this on gays? Some people say that gay sex is easy and very lusty at first, but hard to give up. I remember that some guy once raised that issue in the British science mag New Scientist. Nobody even seemed to be ready to discuss the fact that there exist forcings that may keep people gay against their will. But this may indeed happen in your dreams or while you try to get lusty. This is surely one reason why Christian religion is traditionally so reluctant regarding the joy of sex. But that doesn't prevent many priests from secretly playing a lusty women at nights. Western liberals tell people that they can have sex any way they like it, and even enjoy some perversions without consequences. But that does not meet the facts. Sex and drugs can easily lead to an addiction. Little do western experts, who often must be atheists or quit, know about all of this so far.

Drugs may have worse effects than Alcohol

It's rather obvious that self-control can help you much more in trouble. You lose self-control a bit with intoxication, and therefore the Koran teaches to hot-headed and often immoral Arabs to better not drink wine. The same but applies to certain drugs. And you also have less self-control in situations of distress, for instance due to bad food. Negroes have typically rather little self-control, but people are unwilling to admit that right now. Half-breed Omar was one of those time-bombs, who kept on ticking for some time. For years he had been dangerous, and at times he had been added to the watch list of the FBI. How can we make such people less aggressive and dangerous? The way that the Islam proposes is to install a worldwide realm of strict and very cruel tyranny. Islamic propaganda makes many people believe that by this way, all things get better on Earth. In reality though the opposite is true. With the introduction of Islam an age of constant wars, feuds, of slavery and injustice started in the Orient, an age that isn't over yet. The west but has another strategy. We try to make people become mentally strong and morally good. Maybe those darker and naturally more aggressive Orientals are better off with more strict laws and less personal freedoms. We westerners but believe in personal freedom. Good people should gain in strenght and self-control with that personal freedom, so that it gets more and more difficult for bad inner drives to bring them down, enslave them and to make them get bad and mad.

Islamic and Leftist Hatred united

Here is a snippet of news from Deutschland 2016: Mehmet D. got raving mad with anger as his bank card failed to work. He called the bank lady a «Nazi-Pig and Hitler», and used more bad words. That Turk resides in Deutschland for 25 years but failed to learn more words of Deutsch (German). Also his English was so bad that he managed to get away with a fine, charges dropped. He was having a good lawyer, who reinterpreted the word Hitler into the word hit. Not only in this particular case we find that radical Islam and left-winged and roguish hate propaganda can associate to form a special dangerous mix. While all the world is still so accustomed to regarding Deutschland not as the land of rightfully chosen people but as the land of the Nazis, bad Orientals are more prone to drift into a bad mental state of falsely justified anger and hate. Also most recently in Graefing, Bavaria a very similar man stabbed to death another man, shouting Islam slogans. They said the perpetrator had been a madman, and we didn't hear anything else. I reckon such guys apparently get worse as they get more Islamic.

11. Did Omar prove Mr. Trump wrong?

Liberals say today: All people, even dangerous Muslims, have the human right to move to all the places they like to visit. But when the USA was at war with Japan in times of World War Two, many Japs were detained. They were just strangers who didn't fit into the west, and then liberals too started to worry. It's hard to recount today whether this politics was really necessary and did some good. But we must keep in mind how dangerous Japan had suddenly become in the times of World War Two. The entire western world was about to fall under the sway of a worldwide network of tyrannical states. And isn't the same danger again on our political agenda today? We may well compare the attack of 9/11 to the attack of Pearl Harbor. Those perpetrators were supported by the bad hopes of millions of supporters and by tyrannical, expansive and belligerent nations. But we read in the Roman-Catholic newspaper Könische Rundschau (KR)

«Orlando: A Deed apparently without men in the background.».

Hey guys, I just checked the Wiki and found a woman in the background in less than one minute! Noor Zahi Salman, the wife of the terrorist, helped to buy arms and ammo and also drove him to that club. In a man's world it is one typical mistake to overlook the women in the background. A mother will often be the one who wishes and talks her son into this or that thinking or faith or not. But as we look for people in the background of all those murderous terrorists, we find the fast growing population of the Arab and Oriental countries. They watch on TV how good life seems to be in the west, they read in the Internet how easy it is to be an asylum fraudster and bad Muslim in Deutschland, and then they come and want our lands for themselves. And isn't this the medicine that the Koran proscribes them? The west needs to do more to make them realize that this lore is bad medicine.

We are facing Sly Enemies, of course

So here's the main question of this text again. Candidate Trump repeatedly proposed to not let Muslims immigrate into the USA. In times of a cold war against Islam, that is a measure well worth our serious consideration. Trump wants to make the USA a safer place and to reduce the risk of more acts of terror. We may well think that this makes sense. Our man in Washington, Dirk Hautkapp, cried out his objection, and so do many other dubious leftists and liberals; and that makes us think that we are definitely touching the sore point now. We read in the KR:

It was clear that Donald Trump would not hesitate to provide a speed-up for the fire that this assault had raised. Instead of reaching out a shoulder for common grief, to try and get over speechlessness, Trump reacted in an irresponsible and harmful way...

...and so forth. Trump just wasn't what many dumb people were now, speechless. That made him foreseeably popular among concerned citizens, and this worried those who rally for the success of the democratic party's candidate, Ms. Clinton senior. She had asked for a better politics to keep «arms like those that Omar Mateen used» away from such people. That idea was really that of President Obama, it's not wrong, at least in theory. But really, not firearms are the problem regarding the typical Islamic terrorists, who often use improvised explosive devices. And how can a president support illegals and Latinos so much, and then expect the concernced citizens to get more peaceful, and to surrender their weapons?

But back to Dirk once more. Dirk also addressed one question that we must take more seriously. After the Islamic attacks of San Bernadino in December 2015, carried out by a couple of Pakis, Mr. Trump brought up the idea to keep out those foreign Muslims. Next terrorist Omar however was home-grown, like the experts say. Mr. Mateen was born and raised in the USA. So didn't Omar prove Donald wrong? Right here we need to be sly, just like Mr. Trump said too.

Facing the threat of terrorism, we need to be sly. That means we must put into consideration that the enemy reacts to our moves. Mr. Trump recently proposed to keep out foreign Muslims. So we might well expect that some Muslims born in the USA come up with the plan for the next terrorist assault. Omar and Noor may have had in mind too to prove Mr. Trump wrong, and to damage his political standing in the forthcoming presidential election.

There's more to be said

There's much more to be said. UTR pundits may get the hunch that it was because of the name too that Omar Seddique Mateen got so dangerous. And I don't intend to talk about his dick here. Just like the name of Martin Bornträger, the name Mateen fractally links to the name of Mardin, the Jesus of neighboring planet Lar. While the elves of Lar are having trouble with old-time religions too, people with certain key names become more prone for bad destiny. Seen this way, the name Donald should fractally link to the good planets of Utoids (Ducks). I take this for good karma.