The BHL Year&Day Calendar
Beljonde Titel
Arminius Marke
A Goddess is introduced Revealing the one and only Earth Goddess.
The Nordic Hailsway A short Nordic Introduction into God's Universal Truth Religion
The Three Light Gods of the Germanic and Celts were all that the Bright Nordic needed
Title: God in the Lion's Den

The bitter oriental Roots of better European Culture and Religion

Seal Cylinder Print with Goddess on Lion and Man

Many aspects of European culture are genuinely European, and that is often good. Other aspects however are rooted in the Orient; and not in the super-rich, feudal, tyrannic or chaotic, war-torn, miserable and too diverse oriental nations of today. From Christian religion to the horoscopes, every-day aspects of western culture lead back to bitter and murky ancient oriental roots. Irish, Roman and other clerics commonly spread mendacious blarney about Jesus, but these are hardly able nor willing to understand the gloomy background of the cultures of such Semites and Orientals. Even prophets knew not what they were saying in those bad old days, and often they had a typical Semitic tendency of hate and rash anger, egotism and swindle. This text finds some of the bitter roots of European culture in the Orient.

The above illustration shows a print from a typical oriental seal cylinder. To the right we see a goddess standing on a lion within a solar corona. The guy to the left may be taken as her Messiah, her prophet or some adorer. The ray aura of the goddess reminds of the Sun on my Westbanner. Note that while my quotations are accurate, some interpretations of the names follow inspiration.

1. The Heavenly Father of Jesus wasn't Jesus, of course

Jesus was supposed to be the one and only god, this is what the Christians used to believe. But when we read the Gospel we find that the historical Jesus was teaching contemporaries to believe into a different person: The Father in Heaven. Today's Christian lore has it that Jesus and this mythical father were the same person, but in church they also say that Jesus sits to the right of the father on a throne in heaven. That strange fustian makes no good sense, and we can understand why, in the gospel of Saint Matthew (5:3), Jesus preaches: »Blessed are the mental paupers, they will possess the realm of heaven«. The Bible has is that this was what Jesus preached first in his Sermon of the Mountain. But a comparison with the other texts of the Gospel shows that this sermon was a late compilation, of some famous teachings of Jesus that his disciples remembered best. The Bible has it that a Matthaios (Matthew) wrote this up. Well, this name means in Greek: Fool. I assume that this was a mock name, that was given to Levi the tax collector. Levi agreed when Jesus invited himself and other paupers and rabble to the sabbath meal of the taxators (cf. Mark 2:14). At that time Jesus had been a member of the twelve leaders of a millenarian and strictly communist sect, later called the Ebionites (Aramaic: paupers). Those who wanted to be followers of Jesus had to sell all their belongings and donate the money to his sect, but the Gospel has it that Jesus had asked them to donate all this to »the poor«. In the onset Jesus had been under the sway of a strong possessing spirit. During weeks of madness he had been fooled and plagued by bad miracles. Back in his home town Kafernaum (Capernaum) he then attracted attention with rebellious preachings who rudely criticized and challenged the Jewish authorities. Jesus then gathered followers at the mountain. We read: (Marcus 3:13 etc): »He stepped onto the mountain, and called to him those that he wanted, and they came to him. And he assigned twelve... Simon whom he gave the name of Petrus, and Jacob the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of Jacob, to whose he gave the name Boanerges, that is: Sons of Thunder...« So what does this strange name mean? The true story of the family of Jesus has been obfuscated. At first he definitely reaped fame as a clever rebel preacher, and an exorcist and miracle healer. But his spell left him relatively soon, just at his hometown, where later he was unable to do any miracles. After his haughty performance on the mountain, his family decided to send out men to catch him as a madman. Disappointed and wrathful he refused to meet his family ever again. He might have ended up now as a detained madman. But some pious Jews saved him. They judged that Jesus drove out evil spirits with the help of the spirit Beelzebul. We may read this name as: Lord Sibyl, so this really refers to a wise god. Zebedee may be read: Baptizing God, the one who lets it rain.

So who was this Father in Heaven really? As it seems Jesus at first tried to form a troika, together with his two brothers Jacob and Judas (here wrongly called Johannes). Of Jacobus the brother of Jesus we know that twenty years later he was appointed to a high priest, the only one ever of the rebels, ravers and dumbbells. The disastrous story of Judas Theudas the brother of Jesus was later completely erased from the Acts of the Apostles, a very confused fake book. When Jesus named his brothers Sons of Thunder at the mountain, this definitely refers to a traditional oriental god of thunder and rain. We know such a god of thunder from many ancient oriental sources. Of course also Jews would assume that their gloomy god Adonai (Yahweh, Elohim) was a weather god too. At that time and many centuries before, Western Semites and others had called such a father god Hadad (Semitic: the-Dad). He was the supreme god of the Semitic Amorites and Assyrians. His other common name was Rimmon or Ramanu. That name is interpreted as Rainer or Thunderer. A comparable weather deity once existed in many countries. Traditionally the weather god wore a hammer, a double-ax, a bolt or a lightning-spear. In the late Nordic religion the weather god was called Thor. In the Edda we also find the name: Hlorridi (Greeny, al-Khidr). The Koran (13:14) has a weird verse about the Thunder, strangely regarding him as a fearful power who praises God. Greys like Ga-Dora tried to mask as a deity of thunder, they detest and hate but also may fear us.

From the point of view of the UTR, Jesus was at his time a typical oriental believer. He believed in a father god he hardly knew. The Greys tried to make people believe that they are the ones who let it thunder and rain. The name Ramanu however refers significantly to my own name: Bertram.

2. The Tower of Babel was God's Warning in Bricks

For many businessmen, progress and development are the standard recipes against all problems in politics and society. Many scientists are confident that a science of tomorrow will save the world from a possible crisis. The Bible however warns before superpowers who disagree with this idea.

The legend of the Tower of Babel has it that once the people of Babel were building a tower, that should reach into the sky with it's top. By this way these guys wanted to develop themselves. God however secretly disagreed. To stop them he confounded their language and dispersed them. Just like that tower tale, the story of the Garden of Eden warned humans to not acquire God's wisdom.

Truly, indeed there once stood an unfinished tower in Babel. For a long time only three of the levels had been completed. The great king Nebuchadnezzar then managed to finish this tower, all made of bricks. That tower was a sky temple. Each of the seven levels was dedicated to one astral deity: the Moon, the Sun and the planets until Saturn. This seventh golden astron was regarded as the planet Bel-Ninib. Bel was the main god of the Chaldeans, who had become the leading priests of Babel. Eastern Semites and Sumerians of coastal Mesopotamia also took up this golden name. This religion of the seven astral deities of Babel is still at the origin of our calendar of seven days. And still the idea is widespread in the west, that traditional horoscopes reveal a lot about destiny. Some such astrologers think they can calculate out the entire destiny of some client, if they only know the places where the astrons dwelt at his exact moment of birth. What an oriental nonsense!

The UTR instead teaches that God, who created this world and saves it's creatures, needs to keep many unwise humans away from God's divine technology. Plain passengers of mothership Earth are not supposed to mess with the machines. Out there are many hostile Greys, vile zombies who shoot at us with cosmic N-rays. The idea that I have of this magic right now is, that those N-rays eventually use gravitational lensing, or also use the spin of planets to gain momentum and power. That means that indeed astrons dwelling at a certain position can serve to amplify such N-rays or block them away. Typical Semites however tried in vain to find such laws of destiny. Their weird liver studies for instance were taken over by the Etruscans, the oriental foster culture of Rome. It was typical for Semites that whenever bad luck hit them, they would think that this was due to the fact that they had been sinful and not enough law-obedient. But in fact Semitic silliness came to them with innate bad luck. Sadly God hardly could help brighter Europeans with divine wisdom. Some immigrants in Mesopotamia were first called Chaldeans, eventually due to the god Chaldi.

In ancient Mesopotamia (Kurdistan, Syria, Iraq, Kuwait) at first lots of local cults existed. People had the idea that many gods demanded of them offerings and obedience. Known from the Bible is Hammurabi (Amraphel), a mighty king of the Babylonians and the Accadian Semites. The main god of these Semites was Shamash, a god of the Sun. One famous diorite stone, once placed into the Esagila temple of Babel, shows how this fictional deity hands over his divine law to that king. Just like later Bible badgers, already these early Semites believed that they needed only to obey to be in the favor of destiny. Then the kings Kedor-Lağomer and Hammurabi burned down Sodom. The Bible here mixes lies with historical true stories. So was it true that the Sodomites didn't obey enough to the gods and their laws, and had been depraved and sinful? Genesis 19 has it that some angels came to this town to save Lot in time, who was a priest of some local god and also a father of temple whores. In Genesis 14 we however read the true story, that Jewish Danites had been leading away the Jew Lot. Lot later had sex with his daughters, allegedly he thought he was the last living man, after fire fell from the sky. Plenty are the lies of the Jews that the Bible serves us.

In Babel, level two of the tower was dedicated to Shamash. But the UTR teaches that behind this fictional Semite god, Ga-Sama and other local Greys lurked. These devilish hostile aliens often try to bind believers by a mix of good and bad advice, while they secretly struggle to waste them.

When in ancient Babel bad luck was hitting people, they prayed to their celestial gods and asked them to »return to their place«, as if the astrons had left their positions at the sky. But the famous wisdom tale of Tâbi-utu-Ellil told everyone: It doesn't save believers from utmost misery if they obey to all of the rules of both the king and the gods. Only God's interference eventually saves.

3. The Laws that Kings and Prophets received weren't really God's Laws

Some of the oldest traces that matter for our culture today lead back to the Semites of Accad and Sumeria. The founder of this realm was Sargon, whose early legend much resembles the legend of Moses. Sargon (Sharrukin) too was allegedly put into a basket by his mother and sent down the river. The gardener Acci adopted the orphan. Due to the love of the goddess Ishtar (Zamama), he later won the rule over the Blackheads. That story indicates that Sargon's hair was somewhat fair. It is typical for genetically good people that their career is based on their better luck and abilities. In the earliest days of Sumeria, very many local deities existed. But with the intruding Semites, a pantheon of few supreme gods replaced that religious diversity. Now Anu, master of the sky; Ellil of Nippur, lord of the lands; and Ea of Eridu, god of the seas, were arranged to a prominent triad. The UTR identifies Ea with our goddess Ewa. The name of her cult center, Eridu, fits to other words for Earth. While Ellil must be taken for Ewa's savior god, Anu definitely means Anna, the dead mother of Ewa. More popular than these however was Ishtar, whose name also means: Star. Some orientals also called her Astaroth, a name that denoted the Stars as well as the Goddesses. Also popular were Shamash the god of the Sun; Sin of Ur, god of the Moon; Nebo, the oracle god of Borsippa, and Ninib of Nippur. That last name may be read as: God Nib from Nib's burg. Was that Nib identical with Nebo? Many people must have had the feeling that they didn't really know well their deities. The tendency was already there in Accad and Sumeria to regard all those local deities as aspects only of one little known god. That fictitious universal god was sometimes called Ilu, Semitic: El. It's a Western Semitic name for god, translatable as: He. But since the people of Israel had the idea that several gods are just one, they rather called god Elohim (The He's). For the same reason Mohammed found for god the very abstract name Allah, also meaning: The God.

We may think that the Semites were rather practical and rational people, compared to the ancient Egyptians. Priests and wise men very diligently and rationally tried to develop a theology. They for instance checked out signs and omens, and stories of good luck and mishap. By this way they tried to find out more about the gods and the laws of destiny. Of course this Semitic science didn't really work out. So often people would have to suffer, and so often the gods seemed to bring wars and troubles. People cried and complained, and the priests often explained that they apparently were sinners and should obey more to the gods. So what did the gods want? Nobody really knew that. In many cases people believed that they needed to placate the deities, also some deities they didn't know. They would pray and offer to the known deities and also to »the deity that I don't know«. The realm of Accad and Sumeria culminated with king Hammurabi. In him we find again a ruler whose story much reminds of that of Moses. The legend has it that Shamash of Sippara, now the main god of the Semites of Babel, had given Hammurabi a law, that the king then gave to his realm. The law of Hammurabi was simplistic, strict and cruel regarding retaliation. Just like this law the Biblical law of Moses demanded (Exodus 21:24): Eye for an eye, hand for a hand. Hammurabi's law did still last when some Chaldeans introduced their new religion to Babylonia. Shamash, the ancient god of the Sun, was replaced in his leading role by Ninib, now the god of planet Saturn. Another name for Ninib was Bel, a name resembling my website's name Beljonde. Nebo was the god of planet Mercury, and also was the god of king Nebuchadnezzar. The Tower of Babel now looked like a Stairway to Heaven, it ended with the level seven of Bel. What did this mean? The UTR has it that Nebo (Nib) links to the celestial Frogs, remote helpers in the sky. These Ranoids pushed away the Greys of the local clan (sib) of Ga, who group around Ga-Sama. These she-devils made Hammurabi believe that a Shamash was his god. This law, that they then helped to design, reflects their typical tendencies of insane retaliation as well as devilish cruelty.

The law of Hammurabi is history. But radical Muslims believe that instead the law of the Sharia, that Allah allegedly gave to the prophet Mohammed, is the only law that really comes from God. We westerners however must surely judge that this law, that wants the hands of thieves hacked off, is even more cruel than the law of Hammurabi was. That can't well be God's real law! The basic idea, that God's law saves the believers from sins and destiny problems, doesn't work out. Devils make people lose their minds, eyes and hands. Bad laws then would multiply the damage.

4. The inevitable Fall of the Tower of Babel made Room for a better Europe

Shortly before 600 b., king Nebuchadnezzar-2 came to power in Babylonia. Due to the fall of the empire of the Assyrians he soon was able to rebuild and fortify dilapidated Babel. He finished the Tower of Babel. From there, Chaldean astrologers would let gray clouds of holy smoke puff up into the air. That temple of Babel was called the Esagila, and it was a spiritual center of the entire region. The temple was dedicated to the city god Bel-Marduk. That god had gradually become the main god of Assyria too. The latter-day Assyrian historians tried to identify many gods of former times with Marduk. So who was this? The name Marduk reminds of Martu, also called Amor, the main god of the Western Semitic Amorites. The name sounds much like that of Mars, Martis, the god of war of ancient Rome. Latin words like Martius or Martialis remind of people and things who were devoted to this fictitious deity. A devotion would mean that people found their death, Latin: mortus. Still today the Roman Catholics have it that their martyrs, people who devoted themselves to death, get into the special favor of their deities. Radical Muslims believe that their death in war is what Allah likes to see. Well, it's true that many too many Muslims exist on Earth.

Mars is today our name for the red planet. In ancient Babel, level five of the Tower was dedicated to a comparable deity, Nergal of Kuta. We can well guess that this deity had a reputation of being belligerent. Most generally the color red was linked with a harsh behavior. Also the name Nergal reminds much of the Deutsche word nörgeln (to nag). The UTR has it that nagging is a typical behavior for Greys. These demons push their words into people's minds, and as people listen and reply, they help the N-rays of the Greys to self-focus on them. The English word Jabberwocky, a weird monster invented by the poet Lewis Carroll, describes two typical effects of N-rays. Inner voices jabber at you while Greys secretly, occasionally whack at you, often causing inner defects.

Already in ancient Sumeria Nergal was regarded as: A wild lion who sends diseases and death, in the case that he got wrathful. The idea that the priests had then was, that this wrathful god needed offerings. But that idea is dangerously wrong. Just like wild lions, Greys are hungry beasts who are out for booty. Greys devour most any people they can focus on, by way of sucking away their lifeforce. While lions however are just nature's beasts, Greys are evil and devilish cruel zombies. The more you surrender to them the closer they come, filled with the lust to despoil and destroy. They will get attracted by sexual lust too. That is why the Roman god of love was called Amor.

Already in the great days of the Tower of Babel, the Chaldeans must have had a hunch that there was something wrong with their religion of the seven astrons. Some of the seven »stars« seemed to be too bad if not evil. On the other hand, the help of the gods was especially needed in times of war. Wasn't the power of anger, destructiveness and cruelty helpful for warriors and for tyrants too? That is was Alexander the puny Great must have believed, as he tried to rebuild the Tower of Babel. The Persian king Xerxes-1 had destroyed that tower around the year 480 b., only around a hundred years after it's completion. Strabo wrote that a big pile of bricks was all that remained of the »Tomb of Bel«. The stairway tower formerly had had a height of one stadium (177 m, 194 y). Great king Alexander also had had in mind to conquer Arabia, he wanted the Arabians to revere him as a god. But whilst in a bath in Babylon he set a boy aflame, surely due to jealously too, and for an experiment with »Greek fire«. The cruelty of this strange tyrant must have horrified many of his friends and entourage. True gods didn't really do such things, and true believers sensed that. Alexander at that time ruled an enormous realm; but was a slave of lust, drunkenness and cruelty.

Centuries later Plutarch, one of the most good-at-heart philosophers of ancient Greece, wrote this about the Chaldeans [370 C]: »The Chaldeans call the planets Gods. Two of these are supposed to create the good, while just so many create evil. They place the three others into the middle, as belonging to both [good and evil].« That was surely only the lore of one of several sects and teachers of ancient Babylonia. From a modern point of view we must find that heathen religion, already in the earliest stage, mixed seemingly good with definitely bad and hostile deities. It was not possible then to clearly separate good gods from evil demons, or was it? Plutarch also sensed that [423 D]: »...the Deity is completely good, lacking no virtue, especially not justice and love.«

5. There is a Goddess of the Earth, with strict Objectives and a Narrow Court

When the great philosopher Plutarch came to the correct idea that God is good and virtuous, he also concluded that there must exist other gods and other worlds, where [the local] God can apply these virtues. Virtues like justice and grace are naturally sociable and need others to be applied. I think that his excellent intuition was leading Plutarch to the correct idea, that we Earthlings have other planets as neighbors, where God's help is welcome. So God is good, but why then does evil exist, and so viciously? Plutarch pointed out that the ancient Greek religion didn't differ between purely good and evil realms. Classically the fictitious gods had good and bad aspects. But already under the influence of the Aryan religion of Zarathustra, Persian dualism reshaped that thinking. Persian religion parted this world into the realms of the good god Ormazd (Ahura Mazda) and it's evil counterpart Ahriman. Plutarch became influenced by this lore, and then tended to speculate that Zeus or Jupiter (of the Olympus) is the ruler of the good world, while the evil world belongs to Hades (a deity of hell). That theology came from a later period of time, when Graeco-Roman religion had already crumbled, due to the rising influence of Christianity and other oriental cults. The thence much hated Christians took this world for the realm of Lucifer, the Bringer of Light. Just like some Persians offered to Ahriman at dark places, the Christians celebrated blasphemous cannibal rites in the catacombs. The imaginary realm of their anti-god Jesus was not of this world (John 8:23), but where was it? Such questions had already been the problem of Greek heathens. Of course their gods didn't live on top of the mountains called Olympus. The Magi, followers of Zarathustra, taught [cf. Plutarch 370A]: First Ormazd moved away from the Sun, as far as the Sun is away from the Earth. There he placed himself into an egg, that was damaged by Ahriman.

That is true for our Earth Goddess. Some European heathens took up such religious ideas, that came to them from Aryan Asia or the Orient. One reason for this phenomenon was of course the weakness of heathendom in general. Many heathens hardly separated the good and the evil parts of the world. Typical Mediterranean heathens believed that the gods, saints and spirits lived at the perimeter of their tombs or transformed into plants, in idols or temples, in the sky above or below or somewhere in the west. Not a few European heathens also identified the Sun, the Moon and the Dawn as divine. Widespread was the idea that a good motherly power lived inside of the Earth. The name Plutarch (Greek: Lord of Riches) also refers to Pluto, a Graeco-Roman god of riches in the underground. East of the Aegean Sea (where the Greek islands are) that great mother goddess was known under many names. One most ancient name was Cybele or Sibylle, originally called Kubaba or Humbaba. Still today the Hindu deity Kubera, a lord of riches, bears the same name. Naturally the Earth was seen as the bringer of good gifts, from the vegetation to the minerals and from water to oil. One big problem however was, that it was not really possible to believe in this shadowy goddess below. The Chaldeans had it that the world is hollow on the inside, like a boat. So they had some ideas about the Betyle, this former spaceship. Ewa but couldn't teach them who she is. Plutarch identified her vaguely as Venus, the mild goddess who watches over births. It was sadly more typical that orgies and sacral prostitution were linked to this goddess of love. Immoral rites of booze and group-sex, loud noise and raving were typical for the late cult of Cybele in the Roman empire. Now the Earth Goddess had obviously, more and more, lost control over this cult.

The goddess of love was called Ishtar in the ancient Orient, and identified with the planet Venus. Sargon, the first truly Semitic king of historical times, was her biggest fan, the one who also came up with that liver-analysis quack science. A very common oriental legend had it that Ishtar took a human companion and lover, called for instance Tammuz. When that mortal died, Ishtar traveled down into the Earth to demand him back, from the Earth Goddess Ereshkigal (Earth-Hill). But the goddess of death refused to let mortals resurrect. One myth also has her as the ruler of the seven spheres, who let no mortal soul escape. That myth must mean the celestial spheres of the astrons. Naturally humans want to live well. They want the Earth to give good food. They want to have a territory, find a partner, have sex and progeny. The virtual sexy goddess of fertility seemed to be their deity of first choice. The real Earth Goddess though has in mind that only some few people with best genes should inherit the Earth. Sofia Ewa didn't create this world for lowquo darklings!

6. There is a Lamp of the Angel Gabriel on our Sky Maps

The high quality standards of God the creator explain why many believers get the notion that this world is not their realm, and rely on silly fantasies of afterlife. God must have the strict plan to make creation develop very well. That is not easy, since hostile aliens punch in suffering and bad things. There are however also helpful aliens out there in space. Of all these aliens good or bad we find testimonies in many religions. Christian culture is based on ancient oriental religion too. The people of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Arabia more clearly could see the big night-sky. They asked themselves: Who lives out there? Visions would come to them and ideas. Already the oldest finds from Sumeria show scary monsters and strange images of constellations. Very often a scorpion is depicted on old clay tablets. Scorpion was also the name of one of the oldest historical pharaohs. That points to the constellation of Scorpio, still present on our sky maps! Other images show a shooting centaur (horseman). That starsign also is still there on our sky maps, it is called Sagittarius (Shooter). That region, the center of our galaxy, is densely populated by Greys. These try to create, on miserable Berk planets, such strange chimaera monsters, often from arthropods. Another common image shows a goat-and-fish. That beast became our constellation Capricorn. The fish with horns is the old likeness of Ea. The horns symbolize her two artificial blood cranes. Another common image also shows the snake, who is often a symbol for the mysterious congeras.

Often used was a dog, the image of the goddess Gula, allegedly the wife of the main god Ninib. Today several constellations exist who are allocated to dogs. Most prominent at the oriental sky is the constellation Canis Maior (Bigger Dog) of the Sirius. That near star was strangely prominent in mythology and astrology. One old list from Persian times maybe counts Sirius (here: Kaksidi, bad Lord) to our planets! What sense does it make if a rotation period of 27 years is attributed to Sirius? As it seems these data were won by way of inspiration. Sirius is indeed a double star! In ancient Egypt, Sirius (Sothis) was even more prominent. The star was at the center of a fantasy calendar of the inundations of the Nile. The Greeks and others attributed to Sirius scorching heat. Especially weird is what the Magi had about Sirius [cf. 370A]: Ormazd promoted the Sirius as guardian and master of the other stars. In truth though Sirius is the master star of the local Greys. It is appropriate that a Ghoul is regarded by the Arabs as a vampiric and man-eating desert-spirit. In Arabic, ghulat means to overdo. Ghouls steal too much mana from others, they eat them dead.

Another common image on Sumerian ownership tablets (kuddurus) is Nusku the lamp. The great historian Ed Meyer once thought that it was possibly a constellation too. In mythology that lamp became a god. Nusku was regarded as the father of the angel of fire, called Gibil. Gibil became the main savior deity of the Arab Baptists (Mandaeans, Subba). Under the name of Gabriel, this angel was first mentioned by Daniel, the Biblical prophet of Babylon. That exiled Jew had come under the influence of Chaldean and Persian mythology and spirituality. The Gospel (Luke) has the legend that Gabriel (wrongly) announced to Maria that her future son Jesus would become the Messiah. Gabriel then became the supreme angel of Islamic mythology. In a situation of distress, early in his career, Mohammed had apparently seen or perceived an angel as a person distinct from God and milder. In the same function, as the milder helper, some nameless angel already had appeared to Abraham, to save his spoiled son Isaac from the wrath of his father. So isn't it strange that this angel of fire, whose Hebrew name can be read as »Strong God«, seems to be the milder person in comparison to God? The UTR has it that behind mythical good angels several groups of helpful aliens are active. The strongest of our helpers in outer space is the Alliance of the Earths of the Humanoids. Their over 650 planets lie behind the big stars of the constellation Big Dipper (Ursa Maior). It is strange that this remarkable constellation was never mentioned on Sumerian tablets, or was it? It was! If we look at the dipper we can also take it for a clay lamp. So Nusku, this lamp at the sky and father of the fire, isn't really a god, but one home of the angels. More strange myths tell us more about aliens. Berossos wrote about Oannes, a fish-man who rose from the sea to reveal culture and religion. Experts speculated that maybe the Sumerians had been seafarers. But their mythology had it that before the age of the humans strange beasts existed. The UTR knows Frogs and Dolphins as two main groups of very old aliens who helped us to develop.

7. The odd Heritage of Babylonia links us a lost Mother-Planet of God

Of the Babylonians Herodotus wrote (1:197): The Babylonians have a tradition that I find clever. Since they have no physicians they bring their sick to the markets, asking others if they happen to know a cure. Experts find this tale exaggerated or unbelievable, but it was confirmed by Strabo. Those who know Israel can well explain the odd behavior of the Semites with their odd religions. Indeed we find a bad weird law about physicians in the codex of Hammurabi: In case a physician operates a patient, and the patient dies from this, the hands of the physician shall be hacked off. No wonder that nobody wanted to be a physician in Babylonia! These unwise laws were regarded not as the laws of just a king, but as divine laws revealed by Shamash, thence the supreme god of the Semites. In a way the Semites were the people of choice of leading Ga-Sama and the local Greys. This helps to explain the bad behavior and bad luck of Semites. The early Sumerians had been more cautious, especially regarding the sky. In the splendid early time of king Gudea, we hardly find traces of a cult of powers of the night-sky. But those later dominating Semites seem to have been more gullible. They were more ready to get over doubts and scruples with the help of doctrines and mathematical-religious foolery. They were more ready to accept bad laws and gods. In those days and also later, Jewa the god of this world just needed the humans to suffer a lot and to stop from development. The danger was there that Mesopotamia would develop much too fast.

In Babylonian mythology we find the tale of Etana. He was a puny shepherd with a big problem: His sheep weren't fertile. On a regular basis the Greys send this or that problem or suffering into this world. Humans should find a way out or suffer the consequences. The myth of Etana then has it that this dreamer flew up into the sky on the back of an eagle, in search for the herb of fertility. But that mission failed when Etana fell to death. Life can be too hard on Earth, but things won't get better if you move away from it, that's the morale of this strange tale. Another tale was that of Adapa-Manas. That fisherman allegedly had broken the wings of the shipwrecking southern wind on the gulf. Accused before the court of Anu the sky god, even saints appeared to be his helpful angels. But he refused to agree to a deal before court, warned by Ea the god of the seas. We may take this tale as a parable, to mistrust the own strength of will and intellect regarding the sky god. In this tale Adapa also symbolizes and replaces the Messiah, who indeed prevents many disasters. For the cautious Sumerians Anu was the supreme god, but his cult seemed to be unpopular. This fictitious supreme father god of the sky was often regarded as being wrathful, bad and belligerent. According to the UTR Anu symbolized Anna, the dead mother-congera of both the Greys of the local group and the Humanoids of the Alliance. A Western Semitic deity with a similar name was Anath, the goddess of war. At times those local Greys are possessed by the insane idea to avenge dead Anna. as her warriors. But all her children originally helped Anna to die, because only after her death it was possible for them to fall into planets. That story too is mentioned in Babylonian mythology. Here Anna is Tiamat (mother of the gods), who had to die before the age of creation. Gypsies then may have carried some of these central myths into the North. Herodotus called them Sigynner (Deutsch: Zigeuner). In the Edda Tiamat became Ymir (Mama), a giant who died before the age of creation. While some Aesir swiftly created nice worlds, our Earth remained in troubles. Secretly the hidden Earth Goddess tried to only let selected myths and travelers enter into Europe.

So many blackheads would have liked to just see Europe, to stay there and multiply and gradually become mighty and tyrannic. The big innate problem of the darklings but is that they are further away from the only hardly known Earth Goddess. If God is near to you, this means that intuition will link you to God's plans and feelings more easily. Then you help to pave the way to paradise. Darklings and Blackheads however, who are further away from God, get fewer good ideas and emotions. In the absence of intuition they either fall for the weird myths about many false gods, or they rely on confused logical thinking. An outstanding false logic was typical for the Semites of ancient Babylonia. They would for instance attribute to the gods lucky numbers. Anu once had the highest number 60, that still links to our clock of 60 minutes. That mathematics made a better sense on Anna's planet. Her Sauroids had had twelve fingers and an alphabet of 60 letter-cyphers. The introduction of this alien mathematics here links us to Anna's planet, and also to planet Lar.

8. They prayed and sinned and did penitence; or rather their Fervor did

Again, who were the gods of ancient Babylonia? The Semites of Accad and Sumeria, later called Chaldeans, once grouped six main gods: Anu of the sky, Ellil of the Earth, Ea of the Sea, Sin of the Moon, Shamash of the Sun and Ishtar of Venus. All seemed to demand reverence, and there were many more. The UTR interprets this or that fictional deity as a real existing power. In that Babel mix, good or evil powers were inseparable. In practical religion, Ishtar seemed to be better and more present than all the others. Ishtar was also only called Alilat (The Goddess). Herodotus called her Mylitta, when he reported about Babylonian mating traditions. It was the custom that all women would once in their lives sit as a sacred prostitute in the temple of the goddess. There also was the tradition that local women were all married at one auction. The classy girls were sold for a high price, the revenue served as dowry for the baddies. Sacral prostitution was an oriental tradition, but was this really what the Goddess of Love did approve? It was a courageous move of the heroes of ancient Rhodos to ban that shameless goddess from Europe. They must have sensed that the real goddess of this world just had too little power over those darker and lesser orientals. The name Mylitta reminds us that we have to allow bad developments, to help Ga-Leta from Lar. To help our troubled neighbor planet, God allowed here the cult of Sin (aka Suen), whose name links to the disliked unlucky swines in space (Aards). Lately Santa Claus like replaced this deity.

Not only ancient oriental traditions degraded all women to prostitutes, merchandize or booty. The consequence of those orgies too was that these wights multiplied fast. For lands who were filled with too many people, wars were the way out of crisis. Myths of the Baal-cycle found at Ugarit described a goddess like this: Anat killed the inhabitants of cities and adorned herself with heads. Wasn't that really the work of all those puny people, who were possessed by the emotions of war? Another old letter found at Ugarit quoth: »Here the love of the gods is like death: forceful, strong, terrible, mighty.« In the ancient Orient, people had little control over themselves. Even gods were different there in comparison to better lands. One most ancient god of these Western Semites was Dagon. That one had originally been Tages, Dagr or Dagda, the Nordic god of the light of day. Often frost-bitten European adventurers sailed to the Orient. Their kids changed, and so did their gods. The UTR has it that continents and regions have a fractal tendency to racially shape people. The western Semitic El was later seen as the father of young and stormy Baal. The Baal cycle has it that Baal died. Now El expressed his great grief by way of hurting himself in tragical ways. In the Bible we find a similar story: Priests of Baal would cut themselves with knives. That rite was supposed to call near their god. Jesus too strongly demanded that the Jews should do penitence in traditional ways, and he cursed them as they refused to. It may happen to people that they gravely hurt themselves while they lose self-control. That is what the Greys can do with N-rays. Stupids who do penitence have the idea that this is what the gods want and what helps against sins. The further away people are genetically from the true God, the harder it gets for God to make them rethink this. Hurting yourself is a sin against the body that God gave to you and helps to maintain.

A popular goddess of the Hittites of Minor Asia was called the Goddess of Arinna. The symbol of that »queen of the sky and of war« was the Sun. Her Churritic (today: Kurdish) name had been Hepath (Greek: Hebe), reminding of Ewa. But how much control did the real Goddess have over that portal? Often Hittite kings would be addressed as »the Sun«. Persian images too show kings below their Fervor, a winged sun (ferwer, cf. my logo). Experts think that this Fervor was the king's driving spirit and angel; this seems to have been his other self, a zealous alter ego. Just the kings had a strange strong spirit inside of them, a voice that wanted, demanded and commanded them around, that heightened them or brought them to a standstill. Officially the god of a Persian shah-in-shah (king of kings) was Ormazd. But Cyrus, that famous conqueror king, gave order that all further kings of Persia should be vowed into office at a temple of the goddess of war (Anaitis). Later a grotesque false birth legend turned Cyrus, a haughty young rebel, into the lost son of the king of the Medians, who was raised by a woman called Spako (dog). Herodotus reports this as a true story (1:110). In principle the religion of Ormazd declared lies as a despicable crime (1:136). But in a world where God was forced to take refuge to lies, mortals hardly could be more truthful.

9. When Cyrus took the Hands of the Idol of Bel, God could not object

When Cyrus, the great first king of Persia, had conquered Holy Babel (Gate of God), he would do like the Babylonian kings had done. On any New Year's Day Cyrus entered the Esagila, to put his hands into the open hands of the golden statue of Bel-Marduk. Did God like that foreign ruler? That statue couldn't say anything. But surely the true God approved when Cyrus gave orders to liberate the Israelites from Babylonian captivity, and to return them to the land that was rightfully their own. At that time the Chaldeans (Goldens) had had the idea that the true color of their god was the color of gold. In Greece the famous sculptor Phidias had made a wondrous idol of Zeus from ivory and gold. The name Zeus just meant God. Arabians thence revered the same Zeus, but also his depraved counterpart Dionysus, surely under the influence of the religion of the Persians. Some people would get to a darker impression of their god. Arabs were often robbers, who hardly dared to look an idol of God in the bright eyes but rather fell on their faces asking for forgiveness.

The Jews of that era would have had all reason to thank much Bel the god of Babel. But that was not their custom, that had even hardened in exile. Many strictly only held on to their national god. Jews didn't do like the heathens did, who often identified their traditional gods with other gods. Pagan Greeks for instance would compare Bel, god of the Sun, with their own solar deity Helios. Or was Bel rather identical with Zeus? Priests and pundits would discuss such questions for ages. Many must have sensed that they could not clearly identify the gods. An old Sumerian belief was it that the gods were meeting on New Year's Day on a mountain top, to decide over the destiny of the year. Such things may happen on some free planets of the angels, but our planet is different. In the event that would happen here, many men would surely demand a better destiny for them.

The Bible tells us legends about those days of Babylonian captivity of the Jews. Here it sounds as if the Jews were not only the best but also the wisest of all Babylonians, and most in God's favor. That makes us wonder why not all Babel converted to Judaism. Well, the Bible says that this is what happened! We read this in the tale of the statue of Dura, that was allegedly put up by king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. The size of that idol was 60 ells, so it was smaller than the Colossus of Rhodes; but then again, it was allegedly made of pure gold! So did this statue really exist, and can we in some way compare it with the colossus of Helios of Rhodos City? The Biblical book of Daniel tells us that the king of Babel gave orders that all his subordinates were supposed to adore this golden idol. When the famous three Jews Schadrach, Mechach and Abednego refused to do this, they were thrust into a burning oven. The Jewish Bible quoth then, that these three stooges miraculously escaped from the oven unharmed, and were subsequently promoted to top positions. Now even the king himself became a Jew! And he gave orders to cut into pieces all his remaining heathen Babylonians and to also turn their houses into dunghills. This is still one of the less weird stories of the Biblical book of Daniel (3). Judaism is just a religion much based on obvious lies.

Now what is true of this? The historical records that king Nebuchadnezzar left mainly show his strong efforts to rebuild and fortify his city. Some decades before the strong realm of Assyria had collapsed, and now Babylonia was an independent state again, and one heir of Assyria. The new king of Babel now immediately campaigned against Judah, one petty kingdom of the Jews. As it seems, those often excessively greedy and naturally adverse Jews failed to allege to Babylonia like they had done to Assyria. When petty king Jehoiachin of Judah failed to pay the tribute in year 597 b., he must have been hoping that the Egyptians would send him auxiliary troops for an all-out rebellion against Babel. Since when did the Egyptians help Israel? The Babylonian troops conquered fast that kingdom of Judah. Two kings, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah, were taken captive.

That was not what the Jewish prophets had foreseen. Like the Chaldeans of Babel, the Jews too believed that all destiny is fixed and foreseeable. Some Chaldeans would even claim that with the help of astrology they could foretell all destiny. When the stars betrayed them, Nebuchadnezzar apparently gave orders to execute all these guys. That was behind the story of the wise men in the oven. Also, when Cyrus had managed to vanquish Astyages, the last king of Media, that rogue gave orders to crucify all the Magi, who had failed to foretell his bad luck and thus betrayed him.

10. The Prophet Jerry had a bad Tendency to foretell false bad Luck

Exiled Jews were concentrated in Babel as laborers, and must have helped to complete the great Tower of Babel. When they weren't busy, they were found sitting at the river and wailing for their lost home country. They must have believed that their god was especially angry and dissatisfied with his people. That is what the Jews then heard from their official prophets like Jeremiah, who were among the last who participated in a partisan war against the Babylonians. Jeremiah still had predicted that the help of the Egyptians would come. But when old Jerry lately was led to Egypt, after a political assassination of his partisans, pharaoh Apries surely was not pleased to welcome refugees of that sort. The Jews saw the Babylonians as a scourge of their god, the Babylonians must have had similar ideas regarding Israel. Jerry predicted in Egypt that the Babylonians would soon conquer Egypt. Indeed, the bad luck that Jewish prophets conjured had a tendency to come true. That is what Egypt could learn from the Biblical legend of the great bad wizard Moses, who conjured one disaster after the other, from pests to pestilence, until pharaoh Ai (Eje) did let his people go. Jona-2 had also spectacularly cursed Nineveh (Ninos), the capital of Assyria. That city now lay completely in ruins, destroyed by the Medians and the Babylonians. A realm of a 1.000 years had gone under. The Jews must have hoped for a better new era, but the opposite came true. From the point of view of the UTR, the god of Nineveh (God-Eve) was the same God that the Jews call Yahweh (Jhwh). If we take the two letters h as vocals, this gives the correct name Jewa.
In the era of the collapse of the realm of Assyria, the Jews had decided to turn back strictly to the laws that Moses allegedly gave them. That had been the idea of the supreme priest Chilqija and the prophetess Chulda. That must have made the Jews more adverse, hostile and mentally insane. In the end the prophet Jeremiah cursed the day when he was born, since all bad luck, that he had been chosen to prophecy, mainly had hit his own unlucky people. Like commonly, the unwise Jews mainly blamed their disobedience for their bad luck. It's damn hard to make unwise Jews wiser. One story of Jeremiah has it that he was thrust into the latrine of the prison by his Jewish king, who disliked his prophecies. He would have died in there if not a Negro had pulled him out.

From Daniel however we learn that he made a career at the court of king Nebuchadnezzar. He and a few other nice looking Jews served as the king's pretty boys. Troubles started when they refused to eat the dishes that everybody else was eating. Their food taboos seemed to only allow them some vegetables. Since they didn't get thinner from this diet, they received a royal pardon. The open question was now whether the Jews were good and believing people, or rather adverse people who secretly held on to some kind of adverse, destructive cult. In Babylonia everybody was supposed to devote and offer to the national gods, most notably to Bel-Marduk from Babel and Nebo from Borsippa, but also to the gods of war. So can it be that those Jews converted to the Chaldean religion, that was common in Babylon? We may well assume that the original name of Abed-Nego really was Abd-Nebo, which meant: »Servant of Nebo«. The Bible also tells that now Daniel had taken up the new name Belteshazzar. It was a name that referred to Bel, the most liked god of the sect of the Chaldeans. Most Chaldeans were Semites too and just had a nicer religion.

The Biblical book of Daniel is rather unknown today, but that small text stands at the origin of all the horrible material that Christians call their eschatology, their apocalyptic doomsday-teachings. Of Daniel we read (8): »In the third year of Cyrus... I Daniel was in mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine into my mouth...« On day 24 of a fasting spree Danny saw a vision that nobody else could see. A shining man appeared to him, dressed in linen and gold, obviously an angel. Daniel explained: »when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face.« No wonder that nobody else could see that man and hear his voice. In this and other chapters we then hear about the wondrous dream fantasies that Daniel had seen. So was a victorious goat, that Daniel had seen, a symbol of the Greek king Alexander the Great? There is no myth that accords to that, but a white goat is the mascot of the soccer club 1. FC Köln. Many of the explanations, that Gabriel allegedly gave, rather sound like forgeries from later ages. We must strongly suppose that Daniel was having wet dreams too who centered around the god Bel or an angel. Danny must have tried to be a wise Chaldean, but that didn't really work out.

11. The Stairway Tower of Babel relied on it's solid Base

Now here's the story about the sex-life of Bel-Marduk, the god of Babylon. Herodotus had, as he wrote, personally visited faraway Babylon, and related extra strange stories from there (1:181):

Within the twice walled city of Babylon there is a great stair-temple with eight terraces. It is the sanctuary of Zeus Belos. On the uppermost step there stands a big temple house. In there are a big bed and a golden table. The Chaldeans, those priests, say that no idol of a god stands in this house. But eventually the god comes there in person, to visit in the nighttime a woman that was chosen for him, and that now was placed into his bed.

We find this strange report, of an Ionian Greek, confirmed by the precious testimonies found by archeologists. It's really sad that some Muslims destroy such remains, since these help a lot to better understand their past, showing that their ancestors were believers of the God they have too.

Tales say that Nebuchadnezzar erected in Babel a splendid terrace temple mainly for Nebo, the oracle god of Borsippa. Cuneiform cylinders say that the stairway symbolized the seven spheres of the Earth and heaven. Definitely Ninib, the god of level seven of that temple, was identified by the people with Bel. Before the time of Nebuchadnezzar, this unfinished temple had only had three stair terraces, but the new king now finished it right to the top. Did it have seven or eight terraces now? From what Herodotus reports it seems that the temple ground was regarded as step one, symbolizing that the Earth was a part of this stairway to heaven. We might still hear a faint echo of jubilant Babylon, at the day of the celebrations marking the finishing: Hooray! Herodotus attributed these building projects to a Nitokris, the king's daughter, while Diodor wrote up a crass fantasy tale of Semiramis. Definitely some royal women had had a lot of spiritual power in Babel. From what I know (and dislike), not only a priestess but many women were sensing some god or he-man while in bed. If they concentrated on such dreams, some had intercourse with a phantom.

Herodotus tells us of two giant-size statues inside of this temple. One showed the god Bel sitting, the other was that of a man with a height of 12 Babylonian ells (6,3 m or 21 ft). When the Persian king Darius-1 later saw that sacred statue he wanted it but didn't dare to take it away. But his son Xerxes-1 took away the statue, and just killed a priest who tried to stop him. Those statues were allegedly made of gold and precious materials. This story again reminds a bit of the story that the Bible has, of the super-statue at the plains of Dura. If such a super-statue had really existed, we could have expected Herodotus and other story-tellers to mention it with much respect. But even Diodor, a priest with a Dor-name who wrote up many utterly false fairy tales, has no word about a statue of Dura. The Bible full of libel is of course no reliable source for this all. But what is the logic of the Bible story? We read that the Jews refused to adore this statue and subsequently were thrust into the fire. But while the Bible renames Daniel into Belteshazar (possibly translatable as: Adorant of Bel), that surely indicates that some Jews at the king's court did like everybody else had to do in Babylon, religion-wise. The Bible also tells us that on one occasion the king ordered to kill all his seers, soothsayers, Chaldeans and astrologers. Nebuchadnezzar had been troubled by dreams. We may speculate that at that time, some prominent Jews were among those so-called wise men. Regarding the fact that Nebuchadnezzar's troops had just destroyed and depopulated Jerusalem, many naturally rebellious Jews must have massively hated the king. The way Jews are is, that they often take the lead of any opposing groups and become the most cynical and disliked adversaries at any court. So the main reason why king Nebuchadnezzar may have decided to put some Jews into the oven was maybe a typical political one: Jews formed a spearhead opposition.

That much is what we can find out about this from the classical rational point of view. But when old-time expertise must end, the new religion UTR explains the rest. It is for instance significant that the Dura story plays such a big role in this Biblical book. That Dor-name refers to Ga-Dora, the strongest of the devilish aliens (Greys) from the local sector. Such Ga-Dora names often turn up in times when a religion is about to collapse. As their old religion fails them, kings and queens tend to regard themselves as divine. The legend that Semiramis built this tower and lots of other things too, definitely sounds like this queen with the Ga-Sama name was taken for a goddess too.

12. When God seemed to be a Dragon, Daniel served him a Jewish dish

While this Bible text has few facts, the message may be that Jews were offered to an idol of Dura. The idea that Nebuchadnezzar erected a statue at Dura reflects the wish of Ga-Dora to be revered as a deity. The Jews who were burned then accord to her demand for most cruel human sacrifices. Such a statue of Dura seems to have never existed. But reports about the Celtic religion of Gaul say that they fabricated giant-size statues there from wood and wattle. The Druids would fill such statues with humans and animals and set fire to them. They burned these statues as an offering to Taranis, the god of thunder and rain also called Thor. It's just another deity with a Ga-Dora name.

There is an apocryphal text of the Septuagint called (Susanna Daniel) Bel and the Dragon. It's a Biblical book from earlier versions that was later discarded and left out by the Bible editors. Here we find additional helpful tales about the events at the court of king Nebuchadnezzar and his last few successors. The heathen cult of Bel apparently gets correctly described by this text. The cult was based on the idea that Bel personally visits the Esagila temple, and then eventually eats from the offerings, that were placed for him on splendid golden tables. Yeah, that can only be swindle! It was the typical fate of Jews too that they had to be the ones who dared to debunk such swindle. The statues of the temple of Bel showed the supreme god as titanic and golden. That accords well to the idea that Bel is the god of the Sun, and that of the golden planet Saturn. But who is that god really? The Greeks had the tendency to envision their gods as super-sized humans. Some Greeks believed that Athene was blue-eyed (Diodor 1:12). Diodor however found this idea tasteless, so surely he was a dark type. He but believed that the bolt-wielding Poseidon has black locks (Iliad 14:390). The renowned myths-inventors, like Orpheus, Linus or Homer, had come to the idea that the gods could take up this or that form, that of a human body or some animal. God seemed to even appear in the form of grids, who would regard the foul or pious deeds of the mortals. That is what »wandering strangers« were teaching. It accords well to the lore of the UTR that behind those virtual gods there are remote congeras who send out wandering fronts of rays. That idea later made leading inventors like Benjamin Franklin put those stripes onto the flag of the USA. So who was really behind those phenomena that were attributed by the Chaldeans to Bel-Marduk, the god of the seventh sphere of their welkin? Now, the book of Bel and the Dragon tells us that it was Daniel who came up with a new idea. According to the Jew, the supreme and greatly beloved savior deity of Babylon didn't exist at all. That was not what the seventy priests of Bel and their families liked to hear, who were truthful like Jews. They would enter the temple through hidden doors and eat up the offerings. The book of Bel and the Dragon now has it that Daniel the skeptic put into the temple of the god Bel, instead of the usual offerings, a special cake of matza. It's a feared tasteless traditional Jewish dish. The tale has it that by this way Daniel killed a dragon who lived inside of this temple! The dragon had eaten that ill prepared matza, and it's belly had burst.

So what kind of Jewish comedy was this? It's no wonder that this book misses in the later Jewish Bible. The idea is of course nonsensical that a dragon lived in that temple, together with the statue of Bel. But from the point of view of true religion this story makes better sense. We may assume that this dragon, one traditional mythical symbol from ancient Babylon, here symbolizes our good congera. The congeras work magic and eventually even animate statues. The message of this is: Bel the god of the Sun was a likeness of the future savior. But at his side another divine person could be sensed. It was his goddess, who secretly made the Babylonians believe in just her god. Only to some extent the dragon symbolized the good Earth Goddess. To those Syrian Blackheads and simple-minded Semites God cannot bring much wisdom. Therefore even God had not much control over their old-time oriental religions. The evil Greys tried to deform all religions in a way that would make believers abhor their own Earth Goddess. That was easier at the hot towns of the ancient orient, full of guys of lesser quality. Diodor related the story that in the Esagila also stood statues of Rhea and Hera. Greek religion knew them as the mother and wife of Zeus. That sounds rather correct. We may take the ziggurat of Babel as a symbol of God's realm, the Solar System. Sadly, the evil powers from beyond weren't clearly separated from it in those early days. God can reach better results with Nordic-Aryan types, who however generally are still not good enough.

13. In Search of the real God, many ended up with scary Dreams only

So did the god Bel really live and visit his temple, and who was this? It seems that doubts arose in Babylon just at the time when king Nebuchadnezzar had added young Jews among his pages and wise men. We must find it typical and correct that a prominent young Jew dared to challenge the errors and lies of false religions. But God hadn't yet planned to lead this world into the truth. The plan was to let all the evil powers try to win more control over this planet, and to waste their time.

Already the earliest cuneiform tablets report of many, many deities. In Chafadji excavators found the temple of a moon god called Nanna. Later however Nannai (Inanna) became a name of Ishtar. So was or is Nanna really? Congeras plenty exist far away in outer space, little known even to the Earth Goddess. In the ancient Orient it was typical that people were very pious. Even kings were rather priests, some would waste all their riches for building temples, for one deity after the other. Sumerians knew a god called Schara. A Sara allegedly was the wife of Abraham, a Hebrean from Chaldea (Sumeria). The Bible says that her god visited Sarah, it's a tale of her intercourse with a phantom (Gen 21:1). Then much too old and too lewd Sarah bore Isaac. In later Babylonian texts we find both Sharru and Asakku as evil spirits. The UTR has it Zara is a bad name of the Cräybs. Some Greys would make selected humans with similar names get bad, lewd, haughty and insane. Jews could hope for a future messiah, this is what I have become. Other people though were held up with the belief in fictional deities like Bel-Zeus, who had just some fractal connections to me. The people of Babylon believed in Marduk-Bel, and ascribed to him their regained independence. In all the temples they could find many idols of him. But Bel wasn't really there to be hugged as a spirit in the nighttime. Instead the king Nebuchadnezzar served as a bot of the future Savior. That may have had the effect that Nebuchadnezzar thought that he himself was this Bel! The legendary idol of Dura was surely planned as a likeness of this deified king. Some time later Dura-Europos was a place full of temples of deified kings, who were all identified as a Zeus, or Herakles maybe. Ga-Dora and Ga-Sama from Sirius have a tendency to try and build a spiritual center at the very middle of one nation. They want to be our destructive royals. The cruel god of war Ninurta was regarded as the god of the star Sirius. Other traces but even link best liked Ishtar to that foul star.

Ancient heathens just had had too many false deities. Diodor started his monumental works of history to write up a blatantly forged Egyptian legend. According to this tale, all the Greek gods had lived in a mythical early age in Egypt. The most charming of these had allegedly been Isis. That sounds much like Diodor had had lusty dreams of Isis in the nighttime. In the daytime then this darkling was just unable to discard all the nonsense that people were telling about the gods of the Egyptians. In comparison Herodotus and Plutarch report much more accurate stories about the heathen religion of Egypt. But much more popular than the writings of these few intellectuals was the simple lore of Isidoros, possibly a Thracian. That fervent follower of Isis stated: »The Syrians call her Astarte, Artemis and Anaia; Lycian peoples call her Leto; the Thracians the Mother of Gods; the Greeks Hera of the almighty throne, Aphrodite, Rhea and Demeter; and the Egyptians Thiouis. Thou alone art all the other goddesses, named by the peoples.« Indeed there was a little of the Earth Goddess in most any deity of the old-time religions. But this all-inclusive goddess is just a fantasy, it does not exist. Many heathens took the ancient Egyptians for the wisest of all the people. But the lore of the triple-wise Thoth (Hermes Trismegistos) only served to fool the fools. Easily the Earth Goddess could have used the portal of Isis. Egyptian religion could have become the one religion of all the world. Ewa but hoped to reach better results with the help of the Jews. Really, the god Bel-Marduk didn't really exist then. The Jew Daniel claimed that a dragon seemed to work magic, to fool the pagans with the help of mendacious priests. That was what this prophet had learned in the nighttime. When Daniel was dozing and dreaming, visions came to him (7:3): »Four great beasts came up from the sea... The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings... And behold another, a second beast, like a bear... it had three ribs in the mouth... and behold another, like a leopard which had upon it's back four wings of a fowl... and behold a fourth beast... had ten horns.« So what did they mean, those nightmares? Were these the beasts who masked as Bel and other gods? These are just some of the heraldic animals that the congeras of course use too.

14. The 1001 Dreams of the Prophets could show anything and nothing

The band of four that Daniel saw in his famous vision is not the only such group mentioned in the Bible. We find another such group in the better known Book of Revelation (4:7): A lion, a bull-calf, a man, and a flying eagle, each one with six wings. That was another authentic nightmare of another such dreamer. Some such guys were priests, who would ride a mythical mare at night, or maybe be the mare themselves. The UTR has it that such groups of four heraldic animals reflect the images that are emblazoned onto the four ground stones of each mestab (house of a congera). Such stones were placed by the workgroups of lost planet Mirá, where the mestabs of the local congeras were assembled. Christians take the winged lion as a symbol of Saint Mark, but truly it is the picture on the first of the four ground stones of the Betyle of our Earth Goddess. Also the bull-calf and the eagle seem to be two images that Ewa's ground stones still show. The man of stone four is but a Sauroid, a titanic reptile man like they formerly lived at Anna's star system. In comparison to those well developed Sauroids, humans are still primitive. They need better minds. Most can't understand that their god is not one such mythical animal, but in fact a cyborg, a worm that was connected with machines who allow it to develop and defend a living planet like ours. It is typical for such heraldic animals that they wear wings, since those mestab builders were flying in space. Horns and tubes in the mouth eventually represent the six blood cranes of a congera. The four beasts Daniel saw form an alien blazon. It was but surely not that of any neighboring congera. Daniel saw some most dangerous beasts that he knew. The fourth destructive beast, with iron teeth and eleven horns, may symbolize a Grey. The Bible then has it that this beast shall be really destructive. The Book of Daniel surely inspired the later Apocalypse, that claims that in the deep there lives a dragon who is the devil. But really, God is not a Sauroid with teeth and claws.

The bull is indeed a very old symbol of the savior god. There seems to exist a cosmic legend of the bull calf who, just like Sargon and Moses, was put into a cup and sent down the river after his birth. The formerly most popular legend of the ancient Orient, that of the strongman Gilgamesh, is full of allusions to bulls. His epos calls him: stingy and wild like a bull. His best friend Enkidu (aka Eabani) is also depicted as a minotaur. Enki apparently was a real person, who but later was taken for a mythical helper god. The epos has it that Gilgamesh and Enkidu traveled from their homeland Sumeria to the far away Lebanon to log cedars. In dreams on the road they found that a monster called Humbaba (aka Chuwawa, a name resembling that of Ewa) tried to stop them. In the ancient days the idea was widespread that the Earth Goddess lives under a mythical tree, that reaches up into heaven. The epos has it that Gilgamesh vanquished that mysterious tree monster and felled her sky-high tree. He then made a raft of cedar trees, and some were later used for the great wooden gate of Nippur. Indeed the Earth Goddess tried since the oldest days to stop those darklings of Mesopotamia to reproduce too much and to chop off all the trees of the mountains all around. Today most of those precious cedars are gone, and scorching summer heat is only one of the detrimental consequences. Entrepreneurs and petty town kings like Gilgamesh just didn't want to listen to God's wishes, if that meant that they had to cut back on profits and building plans. The common image of Gilgamesh shows him with a lion hide and a snake in his hand. So surely those darklings of Mesopotamia had had a hunch who Mother Nature was and what she demanded from them. It is highly important that Hercules, the comparable strongman of the west, shows not such a hostile tendency towards the Earth Goddess. On his typical image he only wears the lion's hide.

This epos mixes a true travel adventure tale with fascinating myths. Since the days of Sargon, the Semites preferred such fantasy over true wisdom, provided too by Nisaba the goddess of wisdom. Gilgamesh seems to have had troubles with Inanna (Ishtar), the alleged goddess of love, since he refused her. She then sent the bull of heaven (a deluge) to Gilgamesh's town Uruk. Gilgamesh complains to Enlil, god the father (11:174): Ye hero, wisest among the gods! Why did you make a deluge? May instead a lion or a wolf rise up to reduce population! Or do send us starvation and pestilence! Enlil is sorry but refers to the fact that only Ea is the deity who brings forth anything. The true historical story but seems to be that Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, knew well that his people were just too many (1:56): He drummed the men to duty and didn't let a virgin pass to her lover.

15. So can't all these Darklings accept that they are just of Lesser Quality?

The Gilgamesh epos has it that Gilgamesh, aged and with a sorry face, tried his best escape from death. He traveled but in vain to the Mâschu, a hell of the nighttime where scorpion men live. Another table refers the fate of the allegedly immortal deluge hero Ziushudra, who had allegedly built an ark with nine levels (a mestab). Gilgamesh then must hear that the god Ellil just hadn't planned immortality for him. Nevertheless, lately Gilgamesh seemed to have found the herb of youth!! We read (11:267): Gilgamesh was binding stones to his feet, and sank down into the deep underground Apsû. There he found this plant, it has thorns like a rose. The name is: Rejuvenated shall become the Oldster. Gilgamesh said to himself: I will eat from this plant, so that my youth may return to me! But when he put it down to wash in a well, a snake secretly came forth, sensing the smell of the plant. She took the plant, and then dropped her old skin, so she was rejuvenated! It was no wonder that Gilgamesh was a snake hater, like others who believe into such fairy tales.

So can't the darklings accept that they are just of lower quality, and not eligible for God's special care? The problem that the prophet Daniel apparently had was, that he absolutely longed to be God's best wise man. The Bible tells us, in fantastic details, how Daniel's wisdom excelled just in situations of distress. When the king had already threatened to put all his Chaldeans, astrologers and other such guys to death, only Daniel was able to guess and interpret the worrying dream that Nebuchadnezzar had had. He also managed to explain a menacing message that had miraculously appeared at the walls of the palace. Indeed such disturbing miracles may happen, and often they give no good sense. The Bible fantasizes that the king was so absolutely impressed by the dream-interpretations of his Jewish Chaldean that he fell flat on his face and worshiped Daniel (4:10):

King Nebuchadnezzar saw a mighty tree rooted in the midst of the Earth. The branches of the tree grew high into heaven and unto the ends of the Earth. And the leaves were fair, the fruits were plenty. The tree was a blessing for the beasts and the fowls, and all flesh was fed with it. But a watcher from heaven came down and cried: Destroy the tree!

Any sensible man will realize that this is a message of warning before the sky. This mythical tree is maybe the Tree of Life, or the king is shown as one of the many ancestors of the Messiah here. On oriental images the tree was a symbol of the goddess of nature. This dream correctly links the tree to the good world and to the well-being of it's creatures. The watcher from heaven however here symbolizes an adverse hostile person who gives silly and bad advice and hardly masks his evil intentions. So who was stupid enough to allege to that crying fiend? Daniel the Jews then said that the tree meant the king of Babel! He also prophesied to the king, that it was his destiny to become overthrown and driven away, to live like the cattle. We read that this was what indeed happened: »At the behest of a voice from heaven, king Nebuchadnezzar was driven away from men. He did eat grass like the oxen. His hair grew like feathers and his nails like bird claws.«

That tale makes us wonder why the nobles and people of Babel didn't all revere Daniel as their new god-king, in the stead of Bel! Only the Bible has this story, so it is maybe another piece of libel. Must we not demand: Turn the Bible and all that Jewish litterature into dunghills! Hold it, it is well possible that Nebuchadnezzar experienced a phase of madness, just when he learned too much about true religion. Then maybe his daughter Nitokris took over his duties. It is typical that eager soothsayers and star gazers issue bad and mean prophecies and thus help to make such bad destiny come true. Definitely Daniel was one of the eager sort, we might call him a bad conjurer.

There was another king in Babel thence whose luck met this prophecy. They gave him vegetables instead of bread, and his hair and nails could grow. It was Jehoiachin, king of Judah, the brave but unlucky tax rebel! He survived to the time of Amil-Marduk (in the Bible wrongly: Belsazar): »In the 37th year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, king Evil-Merodach began his reign. He granted a royal pardon now to the Jew, who did eat bread now before him.« Berossos called this king a tyrant, who ruled so unjust and spend-thrift that he was deposed soon. After the later invasion of the Persians, bad guessing made most Babylonians support the usurper Smerdis. That man with a Sam-name ultimately caused the fall of the Tower and the destruction of Babel.

16. There were Lies in Israel, Errors in Babel, Doubts in Greece

When Jerusalem was conquered and the Jews were led into Babylonian captivity, this only could have happened after the Assyrian empire had collapsed. Many Jews must have seen this bad fate, as usual, not as the consequence of their adverse religion and their innate oriental stupidity, but as some kind of punishment from heaven above, for sins and disobedience. It is sad that a bad and insane belief, then also mixed with brazen and ill lies, has come to us as the essence of Judaism. While they were exiled in Babylonia, not a few Jews must have tried to win fame and fortune at the perimeter of the royal court. But at that place religion was the domain of the Chaldeans. Their hereditary priests were no match for the Jews, since definitely the Chaldeans knew much about astronomy. It happened that one soothsayer alone gained an enormous reputation. That had been the case too at the court of some last king of Assyria. The Sardanapal legend has it that Belesys, a wise man and soothsayer, plotted with the Medians who won the war against Assyria. The Jews then surely had hoped for something similar to happen in Babel. But Daniel was no new Belesys.

The Bible is definitely a source of very mendacious, biased and poor quality. Nevertheless lots of older, lesser, shadier and darker people still favor this bad stuff over other, obviously better lores. The Biblical lore that all the dumbbells welcome most is that destiny and god favor them. It is natural that genetically brighter people try to find out the truth, while darker and lesser people shy away from it. Sadly, in ages past, it was God's strategy to not allow anyone much of the truth. It was not safe to let people realize how devils work on them. God used the Jews to fool the world.

If we look back today into the age of antiquity, then the splendor of Babel still earns our respect and interest. Diodor wrote that the Chaldeans sensed what our astrophysicists still fail to realize: Space is eternal, and the way the astrons move reflects a divine order. But the idea is absolutely wrong that the planets much influence our destiny. Nevertheless the belief into liked and murky nonsense was typical just for the Orientals. In ancient Babel they fervently believed in astrology, from year to year they polished up this nonsensical lore some more. Diodor pointed out that at the same time the European Greeks had a tendency to turn from one philosophical lore to the next. There always came up so many new teachers and new schools. The wiser and more courageous Greeks obviously sensed that they still hadn't found out the secrets of the gods and destiny. That was, and still is, the big difference between the oriental and the western guys. While the western types of humans are just nearer to God's mind, their instincts work better on the field of wisdom. Murky orientals but naturally shy away from a shining wisdom that is just not digestible for them. In the absence of true wisdom, false ideas grow and become dangerously fixed within the minds of lesser people. This or that lore contains some truth, but typically the murky parts spoil the rest.

Chaldeans used to regard stars as divine. Some Chaldeans studied the colors of the planets. It was not wrong to think that gods or demons can manipulate that, thus sending signs. When the Tower of Babel fell, also this lore crumbled. Strabo lately wrote that several sects had come up in Babel:

»Some also take it upon themselves to interpret the positions of the stars at the hour of birth. These however are not respected by the others.«

Surely this sort of astrology is the worst nonsense of all the teachings of the Chaldeans. Of course it was destined, that this late sectarian lore discredited that star religion. God lives here on Earth!

As the heathendom of the age of antiquity was about to end, tendencies of an incomplete dualism became more dominant among the brave and the wise. Now rich and leading people with evolved minds and practical and responsible characters separated two ways of destiny. Firstly there is the way of light. It is the harder way of trying to make the best of oneself and others and to best cope with destiny. For the children of light, entelechy means to evolve to the best possible form, with the help of the god of light. The other way is the way to not care much for a better life and a good destiny. In Graeco-Roman heathendom Apollon and Dionysus, as role-models, symbolized these two ways. Alexander the Great was seen as a typical Dionysian god, and didn't destiny grant him invincibility? It was a sign of warning then when God made the west believe in Jesus. With a god like this, things would go terribly wrong. God's message is that this world needed a better Savior.

17. Only the Messiah can help the World to get past Jewish Swindle

Now the big last story of Daniel is of course, that he escaped unharmed from the lion's den! In the Book of Daniel we find the story that Darius, in truth a Persian great king of a much later age, had allegedly condemned Daniel to death, for excessive praying! But the lions allegedly failed to eat that dish. Darius then converted to Judaism. That is what the Bible says, but no historical text. It seems to me that here we have again stories of dream visions of Daniel, and of a Hambakoum:

Ole Danny slept in bed, when a vision banged his head.
Since from the sea a beast, turned up to have a feast.
A lion was that thing, up reached the griffin wing.
The monster raised it's claws, abiding to it's laws.
It's mouth got wet like dew, but then it cried: »A Jew!«
And filled now with disdain, it disappeared again.

My few comic verses duly express the big problems that God had. Often Jews had the better luck that genetically better people would have earned, since there are evil enemies active in our sphere of events. Greys have a tendency to let Jews live and prosper, while they press on the better guys. That was a problem that God feared much in past ages, since the Bible contains so much libel and has a bad hostile tendency against God. The illustration of this text shows a goddess upon a lion, a symbol too of God's enemies. Only the Messiah can teach the world to better part good and evil.

Christians used to believe that the Messiah had already come. According to Matthew, Jesus had been born in Bethlehem, thus fulfilling an old Jewish prophecy. That birth legend is one of many lies, it's obvious for those who critically analyze those texts. But then again, there is a message in this legend that we may interpret correctly. The name Bethlehem may mean: House of the Lions. If we take the beasts as symbols of demons, then indeed the Messiah was born into the lion's den. That was also the problem of the Earth Goddess, who here appears as the mother of the Messiah. We have one Goddess in our planet, who works extremely hard to make this world become a nice and noble place. All around live many congeras who heeded the same plans, but failed ages ago. With their planets bombed away from their orbits they became Greys: destroyed, devilish, mad oppressors. The Greys appear under many likenesses, eventually also as lions or other carnivores. The Earth Goddess has the problem that she still can't well warn her slowly developing humans. Instead she often had to appear as a beast mistress, as one who is in control of those beasts. God was forced to lie to the people, since the truth would endanger them and do damage to the world. With the unwilling help of Jews, God managed to mislead the world. Call it the curse of the Jews.

The Bible has it that the prophecies of the prophets always came true, since the future is exactly foreseeable. This often didn't work out, and subsequently tales and texts were forged. Most Magi, sages, soothsayers, astrologers, Chaldeans and Goethians of these days were confused calculators and clever bluffers and guessers at the same time. The gullible people wanted to be cheated, or so it seemed. But when their arts failed them, all these magicians were treated with disrespect. While Augustus, the future emperor, had still been the political friend of Antonius, who also was taken for the god Dionysus, a horde of star-gazing wizards was driven out of Rome, once again. While such businessmen found that they were ill respected by the upcoming rational spirit of Europe, some had the tendency to find stronger backing in the East. Surely the star gazers, who allegedly had found Jesus in the manger, didn't expect that the Christians would treat them with likewise disrespect. Many westerners but sensed that something was wrong with this oriental lore. In the Middle Ages, Christians were so scared by their ill religion that they abhorred most any miracles.

Still today, some last Bible badgers think that they can understand all the universe with the help of their book. But they can't compute what Daniel prophesied in the end (11:11): From the time when the daily sacrifice will be removed until the time when a beast rises up, 1290 days will pass. The Jewish law has it that daily bloody offerings for the Jewish god are essential, and that if these should cease grand punishment must be expected. But those offerings stopped 1.950 years ago. The true god had already planned to abolish such primitive rites. Danny maybe got a hunch of it.

18. Some Visions of ancient Seers and Poets were surprisingly accurate

Daniel's mythical 1290 days appear again in the Book of Revelation (aka Apocalypse). In the last book of the Bible we read that a dragon and another beast, composed from a leopard, a bear and a lion, rise from the sea. For a time of 42 month great power will be allegedly given to them. That myth accords well to the legendary 42 month of Jesus, from the day when an evil spirit drove him into the desert, until the day when he died, at Easter of the year 33 a. So in a way this prophecy came true, it was triggered by Daniel's soothsaying. But what does this magical number signify? I find that nearly 43 month of our calendar add up to one year of the calendar of Mirá. The internal clocks of all the mestabs of the children of Anna work according to this calendar of a lost world. Local Greys apparently had vowed to make a local Messiah big within a year, to then silence him.

The dragon of this tale was designed after the Sauroids who once lived at Anna's world. In the pleasant ancient Egyptian tale of The Shipwrecked we find a dragon saving an Egyptian seaman. A storm had wrecked his ship, but he had landed at the shores of a paradisaical island south of the Red Sea. There he met a mythical talking snake, allegedly the last survivor of a species of snakes. As it turns out, this ruler of that Island of Paradise was very powerful as well as of a jovial mood. That super-snake was a god but did not even demand offerings! A similar tale can be found in the works of Diodor (2:55): The Island of Iambulus. That tale has it that Iambulus, who was forced by some sectarian Negroes from Ethiopia to sail eastwards, discovered the mythical Island of Paradise. We read unbelievable things like these: The inhabitants of this island are all designed by the same way, above four ells (188 cm, 6 ft 2) in size, and have flexible legs. They have very finely built bodies and are very beautiful. They have wondrous tongues and voices and can even well imitate the birds. Neither heat nor frost trouble them, they have fruits all year long. Western pundits reckon that this island of Iambulus can only have been Ceylon, today Sri Lanka. But I've been there and find that they must be absolutely wrong. If I would have tried to break the bones of some pestering beach peddlers and brats, I would surely have found that these are not flexible! However, alien super-evolved creatures definitely live on those lucky planets of the Humanoids. Diodor also wrote that seven of these islands existed. Here again we find that mythical number. If we scrutinize the texts about the Chaldeans and other seers and fantasy writers of ages past, we may find that some of these arrived at astonishingly correct models of worlds beyond our own. In fact the wisest of the Chaldeans of splendid Holy Babel had realized that their seven gods weren't identical with their seven astrons. Lately the Sibitti, apparently not the Pleiades but seven alien planets, were placed in first rank by some Chaldeans. I suspect that many Greeks learned from the unique tale of the bad witch Theodoris of Lemnos, that indeed demons exist, who eventually link to soothsayers too. Just Ga-Dora tends to spoil women with a Dor-Name. The Aryan-Persian religion then tried to replace the seven deities or demons of Babel with just Ormazd and Ahriman. But it is significant that a Band of Seven emerged from principles, to be taken for higher powers. The UTR has it that the structures of three, seven or twelve leaders accord to a cosmic operation and planet construction system called Berk-OS. That made some of the Greys of the local group also try to appear as seven deified saints or forefathers. They eventually also group in other ways.

We must conclude that already thousands of years ago, some wise and clever people were so near to catching up the true secrets of our world and space beyond! Some had had divine wisdom right before their inner eyes, and still were unable to make good use of it. The basic idea of those early star gazers and Chaldeans was it that cosmic powers make our destiny from day to day. That was a better astrology than what is common today. The problem was that these astrologers had found demons not gods. Later westerners would not want to hear of this. Even psychology used to teach that destiny and mental troubles can be best explained by views into our early childhood days. Some Orientals react with scorn to this western foolery. Islamic Scoundrels behave in mindless, shameless and roguish ways, pretending that God approves! Christians then think of tales like the British A Clockwork Orange: Bad boys may be terrible. Some may find to God. But with divine wisdom comes devilish retribution. Hopefully this text helps at least the worthy guys to avoid the terrors that the Greys bring, if they are found out, to those formerly deluded and too weak people.

Entelechy warning: This is bound to be big! Don't judge it from it's humble start. You may distribute and translate freely God's revelations! Bertram Eljon & Sofia Ewa Holubek, Zuelpicher St. 300, 50937 Koeln, Deutschland, Ga-Jewa's Planet. Questions? Comments? Send your E-Mail to beljonde{ät], or maybe not.