The BHL Year&Day Calendar
The Nordic God – Page One
1. God becomes a Human
2. Odin, First of the Humans
3. To Each One's Own!
4. Humankind as a Deity
5. Shall Thor become the Fisher King?
6. Good Snake, bad Leftist
7. Good Grail, evil Grail
8. Savior, Comforter, Antichrist?
9. Red is a Dragon Color
10. The North belongs to the Nordic!
11. World-Peace or World in Flames
The Religion UTR is God's own religion. It is rather a science though. God may well be regarded as three persons: The Goddess of the Earth, God the Father, and the Worldly Spirit. But we may never forget to separate from God devilish monsters. Only those can do this who manage to understand the spooky phenomena accompanying gods and ghosts. This text explains the basics, with a view into the Nordic Edda. It is mainly meant for the young Nordic people, those who are well developed and brave enough for some kind of all-new thinking.
This text transmits God's wisdom. That is not meant for everyone. The Universal Truth Religion (UTR) is good for well developed, young white humans, with the bright Nordic-Aryan genes. Only UTR is well informed where science remains all in doubts. But only those who receive the help of the Earth Goddess and her mental force, only those who are ready to take up an all-new way to see the world, only those will really understand. For all the rest UTR is only a philosophy. With it's help they maybe will be able to answer some of the dubious questions of their religion or ideology. But UTR is not meant to step into the way of their traditions and mental ways. They may read this text, who links to the Nordic saga-book Edda, in a way they also read other tales.
Sometimes we see a proud ship on old tombstones. Strange is that the sail tends to display a net pattern, as if it were full of holes! Verily, that is the pattern that adorns the body of a congera (super-snake). Good white congeras, like Ga-Ewa, even shine. But only shadowy present are now the dead from times gone. They are dead, that's it. Not only their bauta-stones wither, but they too get blunt in the fog of history. And the idea that the dead become ghosts who live on, that idea is as unreal as the idea that a computer program may still run after the end of it's computer. There are those super-snakes who fool the know-nothings with ghostly spook. The Jewish Bible knows the Snake of the Earth as the teacher of the living, living in the Garden of Eden. The Jews deem that this snake is the supreme devil though, called Samael, leading a bunch of 199 angels who fell off from God. Here UTR corrects an old error. Verily, the she-devil Ga-Sama lives in outer space! Sama and many other gruesome Greys failed with their world creation efforts. Ghosts too can't live again there. This ship means our world of Ewa, it leads us away from those Greys. We are bound for a new sky. Unclear tidings of this can be found in the Edda. That book, just like the Christian Bible, has it that some Swarthy One (Surt) and evil monsters will destroy Earth, the Moon and the Sun. However, all the things that mentally absent seers were seeing in the old times need not come true!
Good day, good humans! Verily, God wishes that good people may
have good days. God, that means the mysterious group of persons
who created Earth as a living planet. Many local myths report
of this. The widespread Bible has a story of creation based on
the ideas and revelations of several poorly informed prophets
and priests, who often bore the name of Moses. That material is
comparable to a tale for kids, it is spoiled and hardly usable.
The Nordic Edda too reports of the creation, but only in unclear
verses and sagas, who came from Gangleri, Gylfi, Gefjon, Snorri
and other Nordic nobles, priests, rogues, skalds (bards,
poets) and female seers. Just like this the material was
created that the Universal Truth Religion now presents to the
world. That means that I see visions in my mind, or some inner
voice reveals otherworldly messages to me. I am no typical
seer or sectarian though, since I receive in principle correct
tidings. That means that destiny tells me the truth, and
nobody else but me. Some Moses would hear much nonsense from
Ga-Musa. Ewa but told me the full truth. This is the Goddess who
created Earth and who constantly protects it with courage
before dangers. That person started talking into my mind in
February 1993. The evil Grey Ga-Musa was first to address me.
But good Ga-Ewa saved me from those Greys. She chose me to be
a part of her own person. Her primary contact node was moved by
destiny into my direction, also due to my brow. Since then I,
Bertram Eljon Holubek, have become the God of Light and the
Savior of a World, of this unusual crisis planet. At my side
the Goddess of the Deep plans to appear in a human body too.
As a wonderfully beautiful, nearly eternal goddess, Sofia Ewa
made up her mind to join her creatures and spend happy days
with them. Gladly she poses as a mermaid. But more correct is
the picture that the British artist Charles Ricketts once
painted of her, that of a worm (congera) and a woman at the
same time.
Many Christians reject the female element as
lowly, worldly and impure. That theology originates from the
Anatolian Paulus (formerly: Apollos). Paulus had been banned
by the Herodian Saulus as a Jewish heretic. Subsequently that
ugly dwarf brought up his very own religion. He had to learn
that women often rejected his lore. The only woman who followed
him was sick Thecla, who suffered from the plague. Women made
Paulus reject women, the same happened after him to the rogue
Mohammed from Mecca. Nevertheless the spiritual power of women
is helpful even among the dark people. Some proof for this is that
the reverence of the Mother of God made Christianity win. Some
pious Muslims used to revere female saints in a similar way.
In the Edda we encounter the dwarf Allwis (Knows-it-all). He
knows an answer to anything. His river of speech is unstoppable.
He can't even listen, at once he interrupts and starts to flood.
Into a hall Allwis entered to acquire some bride. He has things
to offer, he became rich with mineral resources. But it is a
tradition that God must give the blessing to a marriage. Allwis
talks all night long, but a spiritual consent cannot be reached.
Then the morning comes. Now Allwis becomes strangely tired, he is
like banned! Allwis may possess a lot of worldly knowledge, but
he knows much too little of God, miracles and... of the women!
Stupid people like to keep to what Semitic books proscribe to them, even stupid stuff is welcome. If you study the religions of the dark people you may become darker from that stuff. Many bad dark people become bald-headed, crook-nosed or low-brow. God's own religion UTR only addresses the brighter better people, who want to win God's wisdom from the sources of their own culture, like the Edda. Wisdom enters their world as a heavy burden, only the better young people are able to master it. Those who are not ready to suffer psycho-real disturbances, to turn towards nature, and to lead a cool and honest life should not read on now.
Mysterious mermaid what is your concern? –
I slog and must suffer and hardly they see me. –
That may not endure, no one shall deny you! –
I like my life then since you are my love-one!
Once upon a time, those Nordic pagans believed that Odin, who is God the Father, lived in Asgard, in his giant-size divine castle! Of Asgard some priests said that it was to be found in Tyrkland (the land of the Turks), exactly at the center of the world, and surrounded by torrential rivers. With his wife Fricka, Wotan had allegedly become the first ancestor of all noble Nordic families. As a wizard he allegedly had traveled far. Often he seems to have granted victory to some warrior, but rarely these had been the better men. Wodan had the mouldy head of the dwarf Mimir always in his bag. Mimir's spirit allegedly revealed many secrets to the god... The truth is that Wodan had been a puny cleric. He won much power when he came to learn the runes, as one of the first Germanic. The wight now grew so mightily in his own reputation that he thought of himself as a deity! In his temple he put up a statue of himself. That went well for a while, but his wife Fricka got quarrelsome. After he didn't return home his wife married his two brothers! What had happened was that Wotan had been hanged up miserably, upon a tree, as a human sacrifice for himself! Since then it was common to hang people for Wotan. But after a while heathens learned that the castle of Asgard didn't exist! Many then turned towards the God of the Christians. They didn't realize that Jesus too, just like Wotan, had failed due to his haughtiness, and that the cloud castle of Jesus in the welkin does not exist as well. We may derive from all this the power that the real God has, but also God's impotence. Only this explains correctly such gaping historical religious blunders.
Tell me now truly, slithering snake:
when will this world, to Odin obey? –
Dawntly I only dare think now of this,
and hesitantly only heave up your stronghold. –
You gentle giantess, let me unfetter you,
from anxious bonds! You shall storm strongly! –
Far leads our fairway, up yber Yggdrasil!
Cautiously only I hope to confuse,
the lechers who lurk there with murderous minds,
and many a times me with malice attacked. –
Hail-heeding Hel! Well then let us wait,
to take the time till good luck will be granted.
Not any wondrous animal is really an animal. The religion UTR can better interpret many myths than ignorant and stupid researchers can. The wondrous reindeer of Father Christmas (popular in all the world, not identical with that bishop from Anatolia) refers to a congera. The Nordic Father Christmas was Thor, the Ås (Nordic half-god, one of the Aesir) with the cart of billy-goats. The Earth Goddess again and again disguised as such a magical animal, but she often could only poorly control such a masquerade. She used Wotan to stop the Celtic cult of Lug (Loki) from proceeding into Deutschland. And here also the foolery cult helped of the ale-giving bewitched goat of Wotan called Heidrun. Such wonders are widespread on the planets of the humanoids.
Odin, who was God the Father in the old North, was know to ride his
wondrous horse. On a pictorial stone that horse Sleipnir was shown
with eight legs, the god is tiny in comparison. Secretly that
carrier animal symbolizes the White Goddess of Earth. Those eight
legs may be interpreted in a way that two horses are shown here
who run side by side. The second pale horse symbolizes Ga-Leta, the
Goddess of planet Lar. Not without reason we often read the question
in the Edda: How are things at the Elves? Faithful Nordic heathens
once believed that gods like Odin were really powerful. But in truth
God the Father wins power mainly due to the pale Mother of God, who
is mentally tightly connected to him. The same may happen to a priestess!
The seeress Weleda of the Batavians (a former Flemish-Dutch tribe) won some
spiritual and political power unique in history. It was due to the fact
that her name was similar to that of Ga-Leta. That case shows the strong
role that women were having in the Germanic society and spiritual world.
That power could only manifest because many women held on to the Goddess. Only
with the influence of Christianity, the Goddess was quasi degraded, to
become the horse of the God. Wrong was the idea too that Wotan or Tyr
were that God the Father. Wrongly Wotan was called Odin then, while Tyr
similarly was called Din. As the First among the humans (Slavic-Nordic:
Odin) it is I who steps in front of the chosen people of the Deutsche
(Germans), and also of the community of nations of this world. Due to my
promotion I have become the mythical father of humankind, who is mentioned
in the Edda and other traditions as the Highness (Har, Indian-Aryan: Hari =
Vishnu). Right now I am just a Son of Man, I was not before I was born.
But since by and by vast divine powers come to me, including the power to
be the master of the destiny of planet Earth, the consequence is that I
exert some influence on the past. I appear as a deity to people long gone,
or I seem to be their genius, their better mental part and inner guide.
That means that I guide the righteous on their due ways, and the bad guys too.
Any human only lives once, and in the past he wasn't easily motivated to
resist to evil, to the force that tyrannizes us with lies and suffering from
the sky downwards. Only now the Goddess can dare to reveal to some humans
the truth that is hard to accept. Counterfeit saviors were all that Ga-Ewa
could present to the world before my time. And the future only will tell whether
her true savior will be so much better.
Artwork of the old North was partly of fine quality, regarding for instance woven patterns, wood carvings or wrought-iron works. But while we only find primitive idols of the divinities, raw lumps of woodwork, that tells us a message too. Heathens of the old time didn't know their divinities well. Some Nordic secretly thought of themselves as deities. From the Anglo-Saxons for instance our word 'angels' is derived. And not by chance the Goths bear a name who sounds much like: the Gods. The picture to the left comes from a pictorial stone from the island of Gotland (Tjængvide) from the time of around 800 a. Odin rides into his hall Valhalla, riding down a hostile worm. In front of Odin stands Freya, his wishful maid, presenting the Brisinggamen, her precious jewelry. Then we see the cat of Freya and the dog of Odin. Then there is the hall called Valhall, who surprisingly reminds us of a speed gauge or a circular piano. Such instruments already existed in those days, but at these faraway worlds of the Humanoids, like Vidblainn or Andlang, only very vaguely mentioned in those Nordic tales. The scene with the Moon in the upper right corner is hardly to see on that smashed stone, they said that it showed a human sacrifice. When the true Deity abolished the cult of Wodan and other false deities, many old offering rites came to an end including human sacrifices. The tradition to offer humans was, in ancient Germania, especially important for the Semnones, living in the region of today's Berlin. Their deity may be identified as the Celtic god of the dead called Samhuin, who by the name accords to the Roman saint Simon. Tacitus once wrote like this:
The widely spread and rich Semnones think of themselves as the ancient main tribe of the Suebes [a mighty confederation of mainly South German tribes who allegedly firstly worked iron]. With public human sacrifice the Semnones introduce the abominable celebration of their raw cult. That cult is dedicated, according to their faith, to a deity that is in charge of and who subdues everything.
From the point of view of the UTR this shows the power
that Ga-Sama had thence, one undead Grey (gray worm) of the enemy star Sirius.
The saint Simon Petrus too allegedly showed the same horrible tendency
towards martyrdom. But with the religion of Wodan, who spread from Saxony,
at least God abolished the worse religion of the old Swabians. That was
due to the warriors of Odin, those especially wild and feared Harrians,
featured too in the Germania of Tacitus. Possibly the god of the Semnones
was also identified with Odin some time later.
In Gaul, Italy and also elsewhere there once existed one special tribe
with a Sem-name. In Gaul those were the Senones, in Italy the Samnites.
In Morocco that role came to the Berber tribe called Massamuti (Masmúda).
Another Sam-Name should also warn before the Berber Melsemutus (Ibn Tumart),
one false Mahdi (Messiah). This one looked a little more Nordic than the Moors,
but he was not wiser. Never the less God used this Berber to do away with some
Moors, the Almoravids. To push back Ga-Sama often the Earth Goddess made the
Nordic migrate southwards. Often God separated the northern part of one
country from the rest, nationally and culturally. That was meant to allow
God better to develop that land and the rest of the world, from there. Often
this happened by way of the migration of Nordic humans. Scandinavia and
Deutschland (Germany) therefore were called a cradle of peoples. Migrants
with Nordic genes can be especially useful for God. That is the reason
why once the Goths were called a people of gods. Even in the Bible we find
traces of the idea that the Nordic, who at several times pushed into the
Orient, were truly angels. In the story of Lot, the Jewish pimp-priest of
Sodom, three angels appear who save Lot from the wrath of the citizens.
But the Bible reveals too that these angels had in fact been Danites,
European migrants and mercenaries in the Syrian army of Hammurabi (Amraphel).
Often there was no big difference between European and local Hebrew nomads.
Lot revered within his temple some deity called Ephod, that reminds of Ga-Ewa.
Religiously useful is also what the Gutasaga tells us of Huitastierna, the
mythical first Goth woman. The 'Grove-Star', Þielvars wife, dreamed
that three snakes were within her, who gave her three sons. UTR has it that
among the congeras of our sector there exist exacty three good white Whaits.
Those participate with the creation of good kids, but that must not mean
that the Goths, who still today live in Poland or the Ukraine, are truly
Wotan had originally been a singer-priest of Lug, a Wilzian (aka Wälsungen, Tacitus called them Alcis), who allegedly lived in Sangerhausen (vernacular Deutsch: House of the Singers, today in the state of Thüringen). Wotan texted 18 magical rune songs, but they got lost. One such song was supposed, for instance, to help to win a woman's favor. But that kind of sorcery didn't really work out, and temple customers learned that. In some of the Edda tales we find Wotan in a rather helpless situation. He lost one eye, and that is really bad, even for a seer. Many later believed that Wotan had been the Odin, the Godfather. But truly God only partly controlled the portal (ghost, likeness) of Wotan (Wodan). With Wotan the Goddess separated the religion of the Celtic Gauls who had migrated into Southern Germania. God also renewed the religion of the Nordic-Teutonic Germanic. That happened from the North, where Wotan was seen as the Odin and fast became popular. It was a Germanic Swaraj, the Nordic battled to win national-religious home-rule. The Romans failed to win over the Germanic with their cult of gray Roma. All Germanic were supposed to offer to the she-wolf in un-holy Cologne. In a similar way, since the age of reformation, Scandinavia, Britain, North-Deutschland, Deutsch-Switzerland and the Netherlands have been separated again. Often sadly, dark hordes pushed into the North, to religiously and culturally subdue the Nordic brutally. It is surprising that this happened under the spiritual influence of the stars. Those Roman field marshals Germanicus and Wallenstein both believed in astrology a lot. And when the Normands invaded England, a comet was taken by them for a good sign (more about this in book two). From the point of view of UTR though from neighboring space mainly evil works down on us. The Greys but hate the Nordic, since those are the best humans. Greys are by nature merciless. With the idea that Odin dwells in Asgard in Asia, the pagan North clearly moved away spiritually from the sky of stars. And such ideas were much based on the weird, spontaneous inspiration of the poets.
Suum cuique – To each his own. That
motto of the ancient Romans was devised by the strict Cato the Elder,
at a time when those many too many Hannibalites from Northern Africa
were showing their ugly faces in Europe too, faces who are so unlike
to God's face (so the khalif ar-Radi). Right now such North Africans
(Maghrib people, Beurs) are in France and Deutschland the worst-of
intensive criminals. Never the less Christians call up for tolerance!
Anti-German biased political rogues even forged the crime statistics!!
Deutschland can't be called a democracy with obstruction as massive as
this. Christians and leftists fooled the people and stole their votes.
Muslims hope to push away Europeans with more and more Muslims, while
tyrants and cronies think that this might help them politically. Lies,
bullying and the rule of villains are not only the fruits of socialism.
Europe came down with Roman religion. Circles of left-winged rogues try
today to provoke an uprising of European right-wingers. That would give
the press the blond beasts the world loves to hate. Some claim that
Europeans are as greedy as the Nazis were once. They ignore that still
today, the totally broke west is this planet's most effective aid donor.
The heathen Nordic of the age of antiquity were not very fond of greed.
Well reputed were those who gave, who had a feeling of honor, and who
possessed the glamour of beauty. Only with the morbid Christianity the
greed for gold came up. That is the topic of the tale of Gullweig, a
woman from the South, who was the first to raise the greed for gold
among the Nordic. Surely that name refers to a migrant moor or halfbreed who
half-jokingly might have been called Golliwog (Deutsch: Gulliweg, Intothebog).
Only now those Nordic pushed in crowds into other people's countries, to
vandalize and to viking. That spirit of robbery was still strong inside
of those armies of Napoleon-1, converted back to the Roman faith. And
Adolf Hitler too became the booty of such ancient Roman greed, instead of
letting each people and each person have his belongings. Left-winged
Stalinists too were allies of Hitler in those days, and Christians used
the Nazis to topple the democracies. The big question, then and now, was
that of religion! So can it be that the gods too grant to each one's own?
Jesus had said no to this. Therefore until today not only monks believe
that property is in theory sinful. But communists too are prone to this
lore, often because of secret religious fear, despite of the fact that
Karl Marx was teaching too that each should have his own. Well in search
of a supreme authority, one that rightfully should answer this question,
many always were looking towards the Orient. The Jews however, who were
apparently pushed by destiny into the role of the first of all peoples,
the Jews had to fail under this burden. While many Israelis worked well
for their land, some Jews with roguish minds made shameless greed
internationally become oh so popular. Now many miserables must suffer
terribly, since other oligarchs too do like the Jews show them, and
brutally exploit the poor and poor countries. Humankind always longed
to have more liberties and hoped for a more righteous people of God.
With the coming of the savior the Earth Goddess has become stronger and
wiser. The world needs to accept this. Therefore the good motto, that
each shall have one's own, must also and firstly be applied to God.
Oh say can you hear,
by the dawn's early light,
What so sadly was botched
at the twilight's last gleaming?
There's a Lady who's sure
that she masters the night,
Since the bright ones who help her are
gallantly teaming.
The Bible boasts with kiddy tales and easily recognizable lies. Alas, there was no better source of religion so far. Those who don't know more about God must believe in all the stuff that comes into the minds of the priests, even while those are often wrathful or immature like children. Many people like to believe what they find appropriate. Those who drink a lot of wine may even see it in visions, that the dead become ghosts after they die and are transported into the sky, to live there again in a fantasy heaven. It is correct though if Christianity calls people who believe such stuff: little sheep, useful beasts. In the past God just didn't tell humans the truth, but they had to remain in a state of artificial stupidity. The reason for this was that the Messiah hadn't come then into this world. Only now, while I have become this Savior, I can do what history wants me to, and to cautiously lead humankind into the truth. That means that humans right now can absolutely learn something spiritually new. A jump in evolution will ensue. Human beasts become half-divine humans. They used to be half-wild and hardly had their own minds under control. Now they can become people who clearly recognize that there is an alien part within their mind. With new and vastly improved humans we will soon also get to a vastly improved world! Humans must learn now that God is good and righteous, and that there are good reasons why God rules them. They need to learn to heed Earth like a precious treasure. They only have this one life, so they should live it as good as they can. While many humans become reasonable, they will not only improve the world but also God!
There is a divinity! This modern piece of artwork shows the snake
of the world as it surrounds the tree of life called Yggdrasil.
This piece looks a little somber, but there is good spirituality in
it. That mood is typical for artists, since these often get nearer
to God due to their inspiration. The myth of the tree of the world
is not a childhood tale. But this is how the true snake of the world
senses the humans! Ewa perceives us all as little lights at the other
end of some kind of energy bundle. We notice something of this as we
see blue 'divine sparks' appear, who often signify a strong activity of
those diverse Otherworldly. The Edda knows the Snake of the World
mainly as a whale-fish in the ocean. But many traces still show
that Teutonic and Germanic originally revered that deity as one
that is present in nature and inside of the Earth. Some used to
call her Eorþa, the Mother of Earth; that name turned into Edda.
At my side she is active, Ga-Jewa, my beloved non-human wife, the
only divinity of Earth. And she dwells deeply! In many tales she is
mentioned, often as a mermaid, a goddess, a white snake or the worm
of lent (Deutsch: Lindwurm). But she is also the somber goddess of the
dead in the nine circles of the underworld. In the Prose-Edda she is
called Even-Highness (Jafnhar). In this pagan book of tales from Old
Iceland the author Snorri describes the highnesses Har and Jafnhar
as two of the three real deities. Together with the third one called
Triti (Aryan-Indian: Thrætona, Trita) they form a trinity. These
three are the ones who really appear to the mind of the seer and poet.
They teach him about the fantasy gods, who surely were deformed
occasionally by the Christian Snorri and others. Triti, the
third real deity, symbolizes indeed the community of all humans
with their divine aspect. This is but too the divinity that occasionally
appears as the dragon slayer and as the destructing deity. In Hinduism
this is Shiva, interpreted by UTR as the consumer spirit of humans united.
God depends spiritually on the community of humans, but this is not
easily lifted upon a common level of spirituality. There are very
wise philosophers and devilish evil Muslim terrorists among us, and they
all shape this third god, called the Holy Spirit by the Christians.
Christians and Jews mingle this spirit with the spirits of demons,
but the consequence is a false mixture. Christians believe that their
god is identical with the spirit of dead Jesus, who becomes bread and
wine and enters into their bodies, as they feast. That primitive
thinking is that of cannibals. It is the consequence of the fact that,
2000 years ago, Jesus didn't know much and died fast. Where the Bible
babbles stupid stuff, and where the Koran must remain silent, there
the UTR puts not only a lore on the table that sounds correct, but
also presents a lot of facts who can support it. But it is wrong now
to conclude that the religion of the Bible and the Koran is only
yesterday's bad religion from now on. That sly confusion of the
truth shall still confuse human minds. With the help of bad religions
on one hand bad humans and subhumans must be driven away from God into
the rough. On the other hand, Greys try to use Semitic religions for their
purposes. Heaven wants to use the religions of the children of darkness,
the bad seed of the Bible, to create a bad third god, the bad spirit
of a humankind turned bad. This one is supposed to push away the two good
gods of Earth from power, to instead allege to the anti-god Surt, the
black devil of arson. For Christians and Muslims and in the Edda as well, it is
written that the world will inescapably go up in flames in the end. We God but believe
that Christians and Muslims are all wrong with these their perspectives
for the future, that their power and the power of the Greys in the
background is mainly based on raising false fears. For us this is a risky
strategy of God, with the intention to control the Greys, and to let only
people learn God's true wisdom who have good development perspectives.
Herring and porridge eats Thor in the morning,
Better bites do not exist, so he says.
Blackheady but is a master of seething.
Plenty of fame he receives from his peers.
Thor faces him frowning, the proud one is puzzled.
Into the brown brew he now dips his donut,
reaching it up to the high one: Aye, have this! –
You painful peathead! drops Thor to the dwarf.
The black-headed midget now misses an answer.
Wisdom and power need powerful victuals.
The Edda repeatedly tells of the gray giants, who dwell at the edge of the world or further outside of the orb of earth, that is surrounded by the Snake of Earth. One fairy tale has it that once the Ås Thor was angling that snake. That happened while he was visiting the giant Hymir, on a boat trip with him, rowing out far. Maybe this way Thor wanted to become the king of the fishers. He was known to be the fiercest and strongest of the Aesir. Thor had caught this snake. But Thor then failed to master that giant-size beast. He was like stymied when he realized that this snake was blowing out venom! Now Hymir, clutched by fear, cut through the fishing line. Thor then started to rave with wrath, beating Hymir out of his boat. They say that in the time of the end, Thor shall slay the Snake of Midgard with his hammer. But the good Earth Goddess just disliked such a wild guy. A mortal virgin too lets not every man angle her!
That tale also tells us of the suffering that may come to people as they realize that this Snake of the Deep connects to them. Fits of wrath, voices, pains, anxieties and stress are common, nasty miracles happen as the Greys attack now with unprecedented force. Some attribute all this to the beast down below, but in fact Ewa tries her best to help now! If people cannot arrive at a stable situation she may pretend she's gone.
The question arises what plans Thor had had with that gigantic sea snake, a creature he couldn't eat. The Ås (a divine superhuman) was always in search of something. For instance the saga of Thrym has it that Thor once searched in vain for his hammer, the symbol of his strength. Allegedly the giant Thrym had hidden the hammer Mjøllnir deep down in the ground. That deep was but the secret realm of Hel, goddess of the dead. Of her, in the old north, they feared that she would allow the dead to rise again. But in the somber realm of Hel bitter misery is in command. Of this too the old sagas report. Her powers are limited. In the saga of Hymir we read that originally Thor was searching there a kettle for to brew. Behind this there is a very old saga from ancient Europe. Some heroes and half-gods went out to search for a kettle that seemed to promise a lot. That kettle was supposed to contain the mead of the skalds (bards). One who would drink that honey-wine allegedly would become a poet, and lucid verses would enter into his mind. Often some bank-sitting folks surely hoped that they would be better able to forge verses in a state of intoxication. But while we find many mentally poor verses in Nordic sagas – for instance the news that all cooks (seethe-workers) are the descendants of a guy called Swarthøfdi (Blackheady) – we must conclude that the art of poetry has it's shortcomings. The idea that mysterious giants like Hymir provide people with verses and ideas of poetry, this idea leads to the fact that behind some giants of the sagas we rather encounter the congeras, that means gigantic worms, who are often gruesome. Behind the fairy-tale figure of Hymir (aka Ymir, Gymir) there truly sticks the mother-goddess Anna of the planet Mirá, and this one died a long time ago. Behind many other names, like Thor, Tyr, Thurses oder Thrym (giants) we find perennial efforts of the near evil Grey Ga-Dora, to find a man with a name matching her own, and to turn this guy into the arch-enemy of the Snake of the Earth. This one would become the Surt then, the destroyer of Earth.
The tale of the Holy Grail is among the most spiritual and mysterious tales of all humankind. Today the grail is also the inspiration for this or that victory chalice. In myths the grail also appears as a wondrous kettle. In there a magic potion is supposed to be, that inspires the poets and who makes people get wise, that even can quench the thirst of Thor, and that eventually lets the dead resurrect. Riding Odin on the picture above also sports a grail. According to a medieval tale from Persia the Holy Grail is the cup with the blood of God! Christians of course deem that that this means the blood of Jesus, that was spilled at his crucifixion. Any Christian knows the scene when the priest puts wine into a chalice, to gently move it in circles (don't shake it, don't stir it), so that it may transform into human blood. The priest drinks this with joy. Bah! Phew! How can people think out such bloody nonsense? That is clearly a sign. God does not approve Christian religion, yes absolutely. The reason is that the priests are wrong with some basic questions of religion. In truth the grail means the bowl where the Earth Goddess lives in. She is floating there in her own blood, and that is what feeds her. This «Geebe» is a fluid poisonous for humans, and if you would put deceased people into it they wouldn't live again. It is true though that the Goddess may inspire people, yes with inspiration. Not rarely she is able to let people live on who died too early, by way of a change of the past. That gets more difficult though the more this world is overpopulated.
According to the Nordic Edda, many wolves, monsters and giants who
appear in the sagas are by their nature hostile and bad. But only
by way of the traitor Loki they win their power. In the fantasy world
of the Edda, Loki is the tricky leftist, who but gets mean and
meaner due to his discomfort and bad moods. He challenges all the
good Aesir and plots with enemy giants, he gayly helps to give birth
to evil. But is Loki really the arch-evil-wight? Wrong, says the UTR.
He just fails to realize that cosmic monsters like steer him, who
play his stupid goodfellahs, while they are more sly than he likes to
notice. Also the Elves (Alben) are concerned when the Home of the Giants
raves, since the time of the end of two living planets has come. Those
Greys are often bored, and they like to play with doomed planets. The
Edda has it that only the Envy-Dragon in the deep will survive doomsday.
The UTR teaches that this dragon or the Snake of the World are identical
with the goddess Hel. Of her it is written that she lives in a hall
where poison is dripping down. That's correct, it is much better than
the fairy tale stuff of the Bible. We would have to expect that during a
time of catastrophes Hel would be struck by the «wrath of the
giants». That denotes cosmic N-rays who despoil her senses, then
to the point where she is losing control. Even those fantasies about Hel,
who surely show the influence of Christianity, brought her much distress.
It plays a role that cosmic snakes again and again attack humans and
put the blame on their own goddess. Ewa must even protect red rogues like
Loki, and left-winged frizzy heads and deluded Muslims, before devils.
We may learn this from this wonderful pretty scene, of a painting of the
master Howard David Johnson. Here Sigyn is shown as she is protecting her
husband Loki, who became evil, before a snake. That snake does not mean
the Earth Goddess, who is white. In truth there are snakes who spew
poison, in the deep of the Earth's mantle where the Goddess of Earth lives.
But those snakes are really refrigeration cables and supply hoses, and not snakes
used to torture rogue spirits in the underworld.
Those who take the time to look at the entire above masterpiece of Howard
David Johnson (it's in the internet) will see that Loki, that naked child of
darkness, is in a really bad situation. Well now, it is true that bad
things may happen to rogues according to the will of God. Sometimes it
is only by this way possible to protect our world from evil. The Greys
often fool targeted people by telling them that they can make them big
on bad ways. As they lose powers now Greys clutch at anyone within reach.
Spewing snakes, giving their gibber, They can cool Her, and carry Her blood. Blinking bulbs then, enlighten Her loaf, Her name may be Hel since the goddess is good.
Her shields are of steel, no hammer hews thru them,
Well knows the Wala what wonders she works.
This one is not undead who under us lies,
And in the end will all evil exprise...
Hunger was hard when She sank down from space. Gray like a grave cloth, all ice was the Earth thence. Whitish and soft, She managed to stay, She warmed up the waters to let creatures be.
She built for the boor then, the greening ground,
She bound with bride-linen the bright one at home.
This one is not lone who eternally lies,
and who at them moment her Prince Charming ties...
Some day it comes true what the Sibyl once saw, of glorious halls full of goodies and gold. Always then Idun's tall tree will provide, the food of the gods for the guileless Aesir.
Hail has the Lord for his shimmering snake,
Ewa Frau Wisdom, she weighs laws correctly.
This one is not lowly who levels while nourishing,
and who secretively, fervently, will keep on wishing...
Many fantasy-paintings show dark and bad scenes, but behind this is only the ordinary work-shop of God. The mestab or betyle has nine circles, the grail is at the very center. Outside there are many machines. Ewa has even a broken radio telephone, from the times when she could chat with the sauroids of her mother world. Now she uses earth rays to listen with concentration, and find out what is happening at many places on Earth. Since up there many too many people are crosstalking, with their minds out of control, Ewa rather does as if she does not exist, so that nobody may annoy her.
In poems and operas the grail (and his maiden) always remain all
mysterious. UTR can do now what poets could not: correctly interpret
many myths who were raising fears. The good myth of the Fisher King
is really behind the story how Thor was fishing the Snake of Midgard.
That myth is a part of the story of the Holy Grail. Often that story
was not well understood. Then it remained mysterious why then the king
of the grail, that is me the savior, also was called the Fisher King.
The tale but means that only to this monarch, who remains in hiding,
the mysterious mermaid will get near and search his trust.
He is then the roi mehaigné who must suffer, to regulate down
fertility on a planet where the population cyphers are all out of control.
Indeed the Earth is overpopulated by an estimated margin of 99.7 percent!
Our Goddess Ewa is really some kind of ancient fish of the phylum of
the lampretes. She lives in some kind of shell. This shell too is meant
with the Holy Grail. That was what the Deutsche poet Wolfram von Eschenbach
half-way realized, when he fantasized that the real grail is so
heavy that the entire humankind would be unable to lift it. He was one of
her friends, but many Nordic mistook her for a foe. She once was no friend
of the bad-mooded gode (priest) Skirnir. Much less had she been a friend of the
fanatical fisher Simon-1 called Petrus. Petrus means stone, and Ga-Sama too
lives within such a grail-stone. In Finnish myths the Sämpo turns up,
a grail with a Sam-name. Simon-3, the Petrus of Rome, at his time only
received false honors, of having been the first pope, due to his name. Simon
sounds like Sem. The name of Sem the first Semite was liked by the Grey
Ga-Sama. Ga-Sama may be identified as the evil angel Samael, often confused
with the Earth Goddess. The first bishop of Rome seems to have carried the
name Linus. That is a reference to evil Cräybs in space. But in
those days the Earth Goddess often raised the fog of confusion, to mislead
those countless cosmic enemies. Those study the thoughts of humans.
If they read then that inside of planet Earth some Sama seems to dwell,
that makes them believe that they have the false planet before them. Many
confusing myths of the Earth reflect the truth that evil monsters live up
there in space who assault us with N-rays. Even if these cosmic undead
super-zombies (Greys) would be able to transfer humans, living or dead, to
their rotten and frozen-over planets, they would only make a hell hot for
them. But also gray worms only live once, and Ga-Sama's life is nearly gone.
It is part of our historical responsibilities to terminate the life of many
such half-destroyed she-devils. Some will be glad when their suffering ends.
The Nordic type cannot live in peace, when mean dark people intrude into his land who don't belong there! Not rarely the bright Nordic humans are the honest people. They manage to find true peace, but that is not to the liking of the dark strangers. As soon as the Surtungs get numerous they also get brutal and tyrannical. They turn around western values into the opposite. The dark type is the beautiful type for them. Left-wingers associate with them, and fast they rise to political ranks. We read such a story in Saxo's third book. There the earl Balder and the skald Høder quarrel over pretty Nanna. Høder had already rather won Nanna for himself. But in Balder the hot oriental blood boils! Like a gadfly he buzzes around the fiancee of his adversary. Apparently the traditional gods approved! Odin (Wotan) was believed to be a Turk, Asgard was believed to be in Asia. Høder had to go new spiritual ways. Those who rebel against the dark people must often learn that uncanny otherworldly powers seem to support these. All reality seems to fall apart! Nasty magical tricks occur. According to Saxo's much altered version of that very old tale, Høder found unexpected help as a rebel against old-time religion. In a forest Høder met three Valkyries! And since Høder was a pro, who well knew how to play the lute, he managed to win the favor of those three Nordic women of magic. With the UTR we see them as the three good Whites of our sector. Those three fairies now handed out, strictly exceptionally, to Høder the poisonous but strengthening slaver of the snakes, the food of the gods only. Spiritually only Høder drank this mead. Then something happened that is hardly explainable by the text of Saxo. In a magical duel, in a dream Høder vanquished randy Balder. Høder remained chaste. He all concentrated on Nanna, the woman he loved and who now remained chaste too. Neither with a magical ring nor by way of an unfair attack on the underbelly, but with the help of the three good Valkyries he robbed the mojo, the sexual potency of randy Balder. The loin-power of the dark beau depended too much on the power of the cosmic Greys, it was less liked here on Earth.
Christians regard God as some kind of father,
who became a human with Jesus. Similar was what Saxons once
believed of the priest and singer Wotan. They thought this one
was the Odin. Hindus call this Father God Vishnu, the Keeper.
They deem that this god did often incarnate (took a body), as some
holy animal or as the princes Krishna and Rama. Only as the
Khalkin (the White) that God shall fully become a human. Buddhists
think of Maitreya and other mythical figures as saviors of the
future. In the same way Jews always believed into a future good
savior. Even the Muslims know such a savior deity, the Mahdi. In
the Edda he appears as Hermod (aka Modi). Ancient oriental tales
of Mot the god of the dead are behind this (in ancient Egypt:
Maat, the goddess of order). Maði is the name of this god in
Iceland. This sounds like Muse or Moses, and UTR has it that this
again refers to the evil Grey Ga-Musa. The law-abiding god of the
dead will never break the law of death, but those mean Greys
sometimes don't give the dead eternal peace, waking them up in
an inappropritate situation, like in a coffin. Even Christians
believe in a savior of the time of the end, but in a mean one.
People who were influenced by Christianity often expect that the
Antichrist, a dark figure from the Bible, would become a clever rogue,
who would meet his end soon, just like Jesus had. Jesus himself
hardly believed into a future savior, since he was of the general
opinion that the world would go under any next day. That was the
belief too of the bad child molester Mohammed from Mecca and Medina.
When Jesus didn't want to talk big he called the savior: Son of Man.
There are messianic teachings of Jesus in the gospel according to
some John (it seems they were later rewritten). Herein Jesus calls
the savior of the Bible: the comforter. The name comforter only
hints that the savior might succeed with what nobody else before
managed to: to bring the sake to the world. Roman Christians but
say that this comforter only had been some ghost. Allegedly this
ghost entered into Simon-1 Petrus at Pentecost after the death
of Jesus. Catholes believe that this one, or another Simon, is
now the god of weather and the guardian of the skies. Deutsche
protestants once discarded this erroneous lore! Too much Petrus
reminded of the Heimdall, the alleged guardsman at the rainbow
bridge. Darn, the erroneous lore was overcome a long time ago
that the sky is only a bowl of glass, surrounded by a cloudy
kingdom of god. But the lore is correct that out there in space
are forces and violences who influence us. The formerly mightiest
one of these Greys had been Ga-Sama of Sirius. Ga-Sama is still
regarded today as the leader of the Greys of the local group.
That was the reason why, in the year 664 a., the British petty king
Oswy converted to Roman Christendom. Missionaries had scared him
with the fantasy that Simon Petrus, who was regarded as the master
of heaven's gate, otherwise would not let him enter the welkin.
We may better understand this when we realize that the successors
of Cadwallader were still much under the influence of Celtic pagan
religion. This religion knew Samhuin (Simon) as god of the dead.
Christians still believe today that this spirit entered into Simon-1
Petrus already 50 days after the death of Jesus, making him so wise
that he was able to speak in alien languages he didn't really know.
The UTR however knows the rite of Pentecost as the date when the
drones are driven out on Berk-planets. And just this is what happened
at Pentecost in the year 44 a. with Simon-1 and Judas Thaddeus, the
brother of Jesus. Those radical beggars received not wisdom and
magical powers from that spirit. 4.000 were directed to the banks of
the river Jordan, to wait there. To cover up this event, the Acts of
the Apostles were forged a lot, it's hard to deny this. It is correct
when the text (4:13) calls those original Christians «illiterates
and idiots» (homines sine litteris et idiotae). The spirit
made those pride-crazy simpletons believe that a heavenly Jordan would
transport them up into the sky. When this didn't happen, many beggars
became robbers. The Romans persecuted and massacred them (Jos. JA 20:5.1). God exerts
a certain sway over those N-rays of the half-crazed Greys, who often
are not well informed about what is going on here. The real comforter,
as a spirit too, that's me, Bertram Eljon. I received the vocation to
support the spirit of the Earth Goddess. She can be understood as
the Hindu creator deity Brahma, the best deity that the Earth knows.
When naughty darklings constantly pester better women, women they are not supposed to win, then often a sex drive works on them that originates from their mother and is redirected by forces from the abyss of space. Such a guy may fast take up a mad hate against any dragons. We read of Balder that at night larvae (ghost-worms) were enticing him. They appeared to him under the likeness of erotic Nanna, to suck away his mojo. The UTR can also help Muslims to sexually get free from rogue larvae. Often the Earth Goddess demands in return obedience. Ewa wishes that radical Muslims, strange dark people and diverse rogues leave Europe. Already the story of Olennius shows that those darklings get badder and nastier fast, as if to force the Nordic to resist. Some show a typical foolish deathly courage as they stride against better fighters. Wights may go berserk, but that wrath often only harms themselves. This all shows that certain people are not liked enough by God, and that death shall be their destiny, this or that way. However, while God is still weak, destiny often plays the meaner tricks on the good and weak people.
Of Siegfried and Beowulf it is written that they slayed a poisonous lent worm in the deep underground. To both this deed allegedly did not bring luck. Often Nordic became the special target of an attack with N-rays, that would stop as they would succumb to the evil sky. Beowulf had been a robber chief only, that is what a saga tells that I found in Saxos book. Some enemy tracked down Beowulf, and entered his hall as a murderer at night. Beowulf searched for help regarding Wotan (Odin, here: Wött, Glove). But instead of his heathen god a black dragon appeared to him and other monsters. It is absurd and painful that Beowulf was reinterpreted, by some mendacious English cleric, into a pre-Christian noble warrior! We find such a cleric too behind the saga of Siegfried. Due to the Alben (Laren) it was not to avoid that Celtic Albion would often disturb, when Deutsche realized that they are truly God's own people.
Some Nordic women and men may search the magical dragon power, of
a creature that may for instance protect them before brazen dark people,
and that also helps them to counter with the right inspiration leftist
idiotic challenges. Red is also the color of conflict, and the
red circle too is a part of the token ring of the good Earth Goddess
(She would have preferred the color green though). Often the genuine
red heads are those who take care in the North that the dark and bad
people don't become too numerous and too widespread. That is some
unpleasant but necessary job. Dark people often experience poverty and
bad luck. But they are to blame for this too, since they reproduce
so terribly and are socially rather incompetent. Christians claim that
all illegals who intrude into the North were refugees. The truth is
that many are rogues, just like many Christians are, who strive to
replace good laws with tyranny. Some can be hard to themselves, at least
at first. Where the Nordic stand together, more or less free, fair and
social; there the dark people snatch and amass, trick and work hard,
until they gained too much of an alien power. They make competition unfair
and turn a life of labor into a small war. With crowds of miserables and with
slave labor and with resource cartels they dominate the world markets.
A few oligarchs become super-rich. But not a few healthy and honest people
are turned into loafers. These may live from social benefits while being
unwilling to let themselves be exploited, under conditions who damage the
health and leave the worker little or no rights. But, life without work spoils
the character. That is not only a concern of the Nordic, but the more
for those many unwelcome dark people, who get spoiled by bad religion.
These are conquered fast by the bad spirit. That spirit renders them
lazy and come-down, and drives them into adverse behavior. In the onset
many are peaceful, but in case they get many enough, they start bloody
feuds for no good reason. Sociology and criminology can well describe this,
but red and left-winged politicians ignore and deny and put all the blame
on a few right-winged rogues. New right-winged parties ask now: How can
we get rid of those many darklings? That is only possible with a religion
that is truly wise and scientifically correct. Slowly the theology of UTR
becomes the core of new political rationality. But in practical politics
right-winged populists are right now often just not wise enough.
The color red has something sane. Sometimes good left-wingers show the most courage when in society things are unjust and not okay. Right now many bosses demand more for the winners, and that means for themselves. But it is very important that the Deutsche and Nordic thrive, since these are the ancestors of future Titans, the ground-stones we build our future upon. On one hand we need justice, with the other hand we promote human evolution. With a titanic species of super-humans our planet will have a great future. We will be eligible then to join the Humanoid Earths Alliance of Ursa Maior. On their planets there are real angels, some of them have special features like wings. But they are all gentle giants. It is unthinkable that supreme chairwoman Ga-Mera, a white congera with a second titanic humanoid body, would tell lies or talk trash or tyrannize, let people suffer or steal public property. Not a few of those angels are red headed, and red here may mean the traditional color of 'to each his own' instead of 'the winner takes all' or 'to each the same'.
In the age of antiquity the Titans were believed to be the people of the golden age. In the Bible we but read that the Titans had been famous giants, the sons of angels and the daughters of humans. The Jewish God allegedly uprooted these giants altogether with the deluge. They were replaced with the three sons of Noah: Japhet, Sem and Ham. True of this story is only that (apparently in the year 1688 b.) the tragical volcano catastrophe of Thera damaged the reputation of the Earth Goddess, and this means, the power of her best humans. However, we learn from the Bible that God allegedly wears the name Jahwe (Yahweh), reminding us of Eva, Hawa, Hebe or Hepat, of ancient names of an Earth Goddess. The Biblical name Jahwe also is a little similar to Gaia, the name that the Titans once gave to the Earth Goddess. Gaia surely was formerly called Gaiwa. The letter w (the digamma) vanished in the Greek language. One mother goddess with the name Caiwa is attested, as the companion of a Herkules, for Germania. The Biblical name Yahweh also is a little similar to Gaia. That may still be called a coincidence, but it surely is none that Japhet is the same name as Yahweh. We must seen in Japhet – who, according to the Bible, was the ancestor of Europeans and Hittites – the godly human, the son of Noah who was especially chosen by God. Behind Japhet the darker brothers Sem (the Oriental) and Ham (the colored one) were ranked backwards. It's a cosmic bad old law, called Berk-OS by UTR, that our good God had to watch here. Sadly God was a hostage of many devils and had too little control here, so far. On concerned planets there are the good (bright), the bad (leftists) and the ugly (5 colored races). Only the good are meant to reproduce and effectively evolve. They must vanquish the others or go under with them. Therefore we read in the Bible (Gen. 9:27) in the blessing of Noah that God shall spread the descendants of Japhet, and even give them the huts that Sem formerly possessed. By the way, the people of Japhet is the same that is called Titans (Teutonic, Deutsche) by the myths of the Greek. Those Nordic giants revered God the Father under the name Japetus. Into Italy too they wandered, there Japetus became the main god Jupiter. This God the Father, who still today is called Dyaus-Piter by Indo-Aryan traditions, is identical with the Messiah; and that means, he is the suitor (Deutsch: Freier) and chosen one of the Earth Goddess. Using names the Earth Goddess closely linked herself to God the Father.
The circle of the world is inhabited by the human folks, and it is parted by ocean bays. With this simple statement starts the Nordic Book of Kings called Heimskringla (Old Norse: Home-Orb). The author Snorri Sturluson had been a medieval Christian. He surely believed that the Earth was a round disk. To many people of today it is still rather unknown that all firm land once formed a round disk, that by and by expanded and broke apart. The former edge of the original continent Pangaia today forms the Pacific Ring of Fire. That is also the model of the world that the Nordic Edda has. Jesus however once fantasized before court that he would possess a cloud-kingdom in heaven. Christians hope for a life after death up there, and they often ignore this world as bad and lost. That is, sadly, behind many cases of misconduct of western managers. The Nordic human may appear to be cold, but he always had more respect for his home-world. His original home was the North of Europe. The deities had separated other parts of the world by way of seas or mountains. And yes, it is definitely true that the good Earth Goddess created deserts and mountains, like the Sahara and the Himalaya, to try and keep away the colored races from the white people's regions. Of this too the Nordic had had a hunch, who also had revered the great Goddess in prehistoric times. That explains the name of Scandinavia, that still exists today. It's older version was Scadinavia, and that meant «The meadow (mead-owe) of Skadi». Skadi was regarded as the goddess of the ash of the world, aka Askadis. Her cult probably came up at the time when first seafarers settled in the North. In the tale of the Garden of Eden and others we often find the goddess with a tree of life. But of this Snorri told us nothing. At the onset of his work he introduced the later highest Nordic god Odin (Oðin), but as a fantastic Turkish priest-king, who allegedly had wandered from Asia to Saxony and then into the North, with his twelve apostles called Diar (gods) or Drottnar (a name reminding of Ga-Dora). Of Odin it is written that he was a warrior. Yes, his men allegedly were going berserk in fights, raging like wild dogs. Surprisingly peaceful however had allegedly been the god Frey, the original Lord of the North. With the introduction of the cult of Frey, Uppsala in Sweden started to get rich. That should teach us that the really Nordic people are good for the North, that they keep their peace. That peace however is endangered as dark immigrants come in. Destiny makes them lose control, in the North and among better people in general. The later times of Odin and Thor were wild times, when warriors battled continuously like mad, hoping that they would receive a place in Valhalla after death as a sick reward. The religion of Frey was much better for the North, because sure traces show that Frey was a believer of the Goddess of the Earth, while Wotan (Odin) mainly believed in ghosts and in himself and his family. Frey's first wife was called Gerda, reminding of Edda, Erda or Urd. These are names of the Earth Goddess, who made Frey get good at heart. Snorri wrote up something, that must have sounded for many in the North as highest praise:
In the time of Frey the peace of Frode commenced, and there were fruitful years in all lands.
How can God make the world find peace? The blessing of Noah already came true many times. Sea peoples and Philistines (the original Palestinians) and Ashkenazim (western Jews) carried into the Orient genes of Europeans Such a migration brings luck to the world, but the opposite often is the result of a reversed migration of lesser people into good countries. It is well-known to all who know Israel, that the bright and europid Israelis create something good there. Meanwhile some Islamic Palestinians only bear many too many kids, who often become really ghastly. It would be a catastrophe if such Arabs would now additionally settle in Europe.
From Nordic sources we know the vikings and other Nordic mainly as pirates
and seafarers. There always were feuds, and robberies, and small and big
wars. From the onset on we read such stories in Saxo's book. Saxo had been
a Christian, and with the Christians that wild time started, since clerics
were spreading mean libel about the good Earth Goddess. That is the essence
of Saxo's famous 'History of the Danes'. Here we read of the very first
Frode-1 that he fought and killed a dragon, with a tongue of three tips.
This way Frode-1 won a treasure of gold. Well, but what did he do then?
Frode-1 used his fortune to gather a band of vikings around him. And then
he started the common campaign to conquer Russia. People who are at odds
with the Earth Goddess rarely win luck from the gruesome Greys. Often these
chase a winner from one successful battle to the next, but as he retreats,
then they sock it to him. Not rarely it saved a rogue when he, due to his
bright hair, appeared as a man with a divine shimmer. Just such people are
often targeted by the Greys with lust, but it helps them that the Goddess
exerts more power over them.
The book of Saxo not only tells fantastic tales but also real wondrous stories. The most peaceful king of all time is here called Frode-3 the Peaceful. This Frode-3 allegedly created an unprecedented time of peace and prosperity, but by consequently uprooting bandits and darklings. I think that Frode-3 was confounded with Frey, since these two also have similar names. But their historical backgrounds don't match. It seems to me that Frode must have been a contemporary of the prophet Mohammed, who also diverted the attention of the Greys, so that for some years they let the Nordic have peace. At that time the days were over when priests would be regarded as living gods. Therefore king Frode-3 didn't become a priest-king and an alleged god.
Not only the Edda warns before super-catastrophes. So do the Bible and the
Koran. It is written that stars will fall down from the sky and burn the world.
That needs not be, quoth God. God does everything to save the Earth and
to improve it. That is working out with less and less, but constantly
improving Nordic humans; since these are able to notice the evil within
and to vanquish it. God is however tortured and overworked, due to those many
too many humans who are not fit for a development onto an acceptable level of
human quality. Greys like sowed out that bad seed on Earth, to force God into
a collapse. It's a treacherous trick when the Forces of Evil
strengthen just some few dark people, but strongly put the pressure on
the Nordic. The stronger God becomes the less that tactics will work out.
Instead it becomes more perceptible that the spirit of the sky is mainly
hostile, and that dark people are in general more under the sway of that
evil spirit.
In ancient times the North was no peaceful region. If for once wars didn't rage, and people didn't hunger, and weren't plagued by tyrants, that was regarded as a real miracle in the old North. But the big question was who should receive the thank for this. In holy Uppsala they thought that Frey might be behind this. But likewise important is the name of Gerda, Gymirs daughter (Gymirsdottir). Gerda is also a name of the Earth Goddess, Wagner called her Erda. In the old North she also was called Urd (english: Wyrd) and was seen as a Norn. Jointly with two other Norns this Lady Earth seemed to weave all destiny. Behind Gymir we find the name of Mirá. That was the planet of Ewa's dead creatress. The Freyr, the Lord Suitor, was traditionally a name for the God of the World, her husband. This one did exist in Ewa's earlier days only as a faint force, coming from a possible future for her help. We but learn something about him from the Frey of Uppsala. With the coming of this Lord of the World, an era of peace and prosperity begins. That concerns not only the North but all the world. Sometimes the genuine Goddess of the World made people believe that someone might be this lord who in fact wasn't, just to make people believe in something good. We might call this the hermeneutics of God (for our expert philosophers). It means today that people just can try to see the world from the perspective of the UTR, to eventually better understand everything, including themselves.
In the British Beowulf-Epos it is written that with the death
of the fantasy-monster Grendel a Frode-peace began. Grendel may be seen here
as the symbol of those ghostly worms that nobody liked. Christians had in mind
the Earth Goddess and her son or mother. People were feeling liberated when
she seemed to be dead and somehow was gone. Now in the hall of Heorot, duchess Freawaru
gave out golden gifts. Ingjald Frodason, the son of Frode, had come to Heorot
to marry Freawaru and to thus reconcile two tribes. Now he ended many feuds
with reconciliations. But his peace only lasted short. Some old ash-fighter
(here representing Odin) instigated a youngster to a new deed of revenge.
Subsequently Ingjald burned down the hall Heorot, and also died himself.
Such tragic was typical for the old North, especially for the time while
many hadn't converted to Christianity but were fearing the Biblical menaces.
Half-way only they believed in the Aesir, since nobody really knew them. What
they only knew were tyrannical, tragical and childish traditions and tales. In
many an epos, and also in reality, humans have become symbol figures of the
alleged gods. Those who cannot find peace with the Earth Goddess, will the
more get under the forcing influence of the Greys and their inner stream of
babble. Some people then are regarded as more splendid than they can be. Here
Freawaru represents the goddess Ewa, Ingjald becomes a symbol of her savior.
But those have no power over themselves, who are ready to believe that this
or that spooky god constantly instigates new quarrels. They like to imagine
the gods as superhumans who are good at heart, but that isn't functioning.
Far too often what they sense is, instead of God's help, the treacherous,
wrathful and mean talking of the Greys. Those like feuds and to inflict pain.
Even some people who know this, and who realize that evil instigations and
inspirations are wrong, are still often just not strong enough facing the raw
force of N-rays, who delude and bow down humans from heaven above. Even the
Beowulf epos writes of this. In the end the dragon, the worst abomination,
appears as a flying monster that, from the night-sky down, burns houses. Only
with the backing of the good earthly worm, the strong human can hope to vanquish
evil monsters, by way of separating that alien evil spirit from his own ego.
Only people who manage this are good enough for a real peace. God was just
not strong enough for to protect in the old days, and still hardly is today.
Zur freien Verbreitung! Distribute freely! Bertram Eljon (und Sofia Ewa) Holubek, Zuelpicher St. 300, 50937 Koeln, Deutschland, Ga-Jewas Planet / Fragen? Kommentare? Questions? Comments? Send your E-Mail to beljonde{ät]