Isn't She Beautiful?
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Short Info UTR A very
short Introduction into God's Own Universal Truth Religion
12.1 What is the Message of the three standing Buses?
Scary is this Syrian artwork due to it's subconscious message. What does
this bad oriental culture do to us? Nothing good, I say.
12.2 The Blessing of Aecerbot Chapter Three
12.3 Modern Saxon Leftists strongly demand
Diversity! The reality of diversity is ruinous low quality of
the aliens, masked by an unreal imagery, making our people equally bad
12.4 Primitive Arts and Primitive Minds
Strange fantasies of Negro abductions and airy saints of Fatima
are explainable
12.5 A Short Trip from the Earth to Oz
Like a trip into fantasy lands? It's hard then to avoid cosmic devils, but
you can do it with this text
Continue with next Chapter
Now this is surely one strange image, it can only be modern art. I made this myself, but from the photo of some bizarre modern arts event, that recently happened in the remote city of Dresden, in the »Free State of Saxony«. To the left we see the silhouette of the Frauenkirche (Lady's church). After the very destructive Allied air raid on Dresden, that was carried out in 1945, this destroyed church was only some years ago reconstructed, after old plans. Surely most Deutsche Saxons, and most if not all the Anglo-Saxons too, hope that this time this tourist attraction will not be brought down again by a war. Or are there some who wish and expect that this scenery will soon sink into boulders again? Are there people who would like to see scenes of war again in today's Dresden? Just there, in the south-eastern corner of Deutschland, old-time Marxism is still much in fashion. That is due not only to the propaganda of newspapers of the former communist party Die-Linke.
Now this scenery shows also, to the right, three defunct buses. They were erected, just in front of the Frauenkirche, by the Syrian refugee Manaf Halbouni. It's surely not a coincidence that this Arab has a first name that sounds in Deutsch like: Apeman. But also these three buses tell us a message, that many Christians should know from the Bible! As buses honk, that action translates in Deutsch like this: »Tut Busse!« The exact meaning of this term is in Deutsch: Do penitence! Christians usually well remember that Jesus grimly cursed the Jews who refused to dress up in sacks and ashes, and use other means to chastise themselves, like he had asked them to. The logic of the Bible has it that, because of the unwillingness of the Jews to do penitence, God delivered them into the hands of the Romans. So is this the explanation too for the disaster that hit Dresden in the last war? Things are not better right now in Iran, where chastising (tatbir) is still common.
We wouldn't understand this project of modern arts without the help of editor Tim Sommer of the leading arts magazine in Deutschland, called just art. The European with big blue eyes explains to us that the Syrian wanted to remind the Deutsche of the civil war that was terribly raging in his home country. Definitely with more such morbid and dangerous Arabs, coming in as unwelcome refugees; the chances rise that terror, crimes and troubles also occur in Deutschland and Europe.
Tim means in translation: Fearer. Tim Sommer seemed to fear for the reputation of the Deutsche, when he harshly criticized the nationalist movement Pegida for »rabble rousing« versus refugees. It is indeed true that some Deutsche overreact when it comes to the problem of Muslim refugees and intruders. But what would happen if more do like the ferociously anti-nationalist and violent leftists do, and fight to »abolish all borders and fuck the police«? In Tim's magazine we also find a story about the chaos in the university district of Athens, where they have many more problems with Muslim migrants. Camps now exist in the streets and in the parks, where homeless people, refugees, junkies and many outsiders live. It's the university students' »autonomous city quarter«. Their traces of violence are everywhere: The blood of a shot dead drug-dealer on the pavement; burned stumps of trees, petrol bomb shards, burned tires; hate graffiti everywhere on the walls, demanding to abolish prisons. From here came the student leader Alexis Tsipras, who became the extreme leftist party's prime minister. Subsequently the owner of the Café Flora, where Tsipras used to sit, had to give up. There just was too much violence, coming up after the victory of the Syriza party. Not students seem to rule this chaos zone now but Oriental refugees and gangsters. They say that Exarchia is so wild that the Police does not enter there except with the strength of a troop. Must we blame the Deutsche when they fear a similar bad development in their small land? It' a tradition that Muslims hatefully invade into Europe, since they reproduce so terribly in their Orient. Many are driven by their misery into our cities, where leftist rogues use them as weapons.
We westerners would need to culturally get more mature, but we can't since we got stuck, like the Arabs got too, with the nightmarish culture of the Orient. And from the point of view of the UTR there is more that can explain the tragic misjudgment of Tim Sommer. He bears another Ga-Sama name! That cosmic spell too surely plays a role when he is unable to realize that Semitic culture and migrants bring us down. Those three pillars resemble the three horns, that we know from the triceratops dinos too. They also symbolize a congera, but in Dresden it's definitely not a nice one.
Take then the four sods of turf,
onto the field
where they had been before;
white them with meal, and lay out the
sign of a cross!
Say then: »Archangels look down, from
heaven above!
Mighty ones, ancient ones, golden and gracious
Send down your charms to this field!«
Now here to the left we see Meghan again in full jewel gear – no, not really. It's just a funny punk sticker that I retrieved here in Cologne. Right now some Saxons are those who seem to put up the weirdest of all these stickers. The most aggressive and notorious are those from the organization linksjugend ['solid]. It's the official youth organization of the notorious post-commie party DL.
To the right we see a jamboree scene with members of the Antifa of Saxony. We see some kind of propaganda show where they posed as totally masked and armed street fighters. As we closely study this gang we see that the guys hold up in a front their banner with the Antifa twin-flag. On many such Antifa stickers, planted here on the streets, we see the two flags. The recent common demands of these Antifa guys are: »Fuck Nazis«, »Fight Law and Order«, and »Fight Borders«. It is surely a coincidence that on the scene of the above photo the full slogan »antifascist action« is unreadable. All we can really read is: »fascist«. We may think that destiny just plays many nasty tricks on such Bösewichte (wicked wights). One wight wears a funny Spiderman face mask and a sweater with the slogan »A.C.A.B.«. This is the short version of a slogan, popular among roguish and drug-prone hooligans: »All Cops Are Bastards«. That is definitely wrong, it's an unreal insult. But isn't this slogan clearly racist? A bastard, that is a halfbreed, a person with genes from several races that should not mix. It is just a prejudice that bastards are especially bad and untrustworthy people, but often prejudices are based on true experiences and good intuition too. Meghan is also such a halfbreed, and that is the reason why the Greys pushed her into the arms of prince Harry. It's true, from the perspective of true religion, that these cosmic devils have more influence over such persons with mixed blood, but it's not predictable when or how they will use this influence. Those Saxons posed before their spray-painted slogan: Nazis aufs Maul! (Nazis onto the snout!). Such propaganda indeed makes especially juvenile Muslims assault and mortally bash Deutsche.
This scary show of some Antifa wicked wights reminds of the traditions of Germanic tribes who lived in the region 2.000 years before our time. Before some tribes of the east called themselves Saxons, they were known as Lugians. Of some of these we read in the Germania of Tacitus (43):
»Then the Harians are superior in forces to the aforementioned tribes. While these have terrible looks anyway, they enhance their inborn wildness with the help of arts and the correct time. Black are their shields, and dyed are their bodies, and they choose dark nights for combating. Already the horrible and shadowy appearance of their “army of the dead” instils terror into the enemy. No foe can take a stand versus such an uncommon, yes hellish show. It's because the eyes surrender first in any battle.«
Strangely enough I found this Saxon Antifa sticker here in Cologne, right next to the one in the middle about diversity. On this US-American diversity sticker we see many aliens, who seem to be rather nice and normal people, disregarding their strange looks. That reminds of some fantasy aliens, from comics books or funny monster films maybe These may be ugly but nice and bizarre and amusing. But while some experts seriously speculate about diversity in space, the truth is that out there are many evil monsters, who scare us with hellish shows. And, while 90 percent of the planets of our galaxy are populated by miserable Little Greys, out there is definitely no place for nice diversity! Very many testimonies of seers and dreamers tell us of mental contacts to such aliens, who are used as bots and masks by the big Greys. These are nearly always Berks (Little Greys, Gollums). This is what we read in one of those scary X-files books by Andreas Kasprzak:
»The nearly classical picture of an Extraterrestrian is that of a small thin person with an oversized head and protruding eyes, often without further specific facial features. The average size of these humanoid creatures is 1 to 1½ meters [over 3 ft. to 5 ft.] Due to their pale-gray skin and the total absence of body hair, the “humanoid type” resembles in some way a human fetus. Less frequently sighted were animaloid aliens... The size of these creatures sways from 1 m 80 to 2 m 40 [1 fth. to 8 ft.]. Since these typically walk upright on two legs, those “animaloid” aliens mostly much resemble gigantic apes...«
It's definitely funny exobiology to invent walking pyramids who are professors on alien planets. But as we diligently study many serious reports about mental contacts with aliens, a different and rather depressing picture emerges. There are no dead Christian saints out there, who live now on alien planets, but aliens live there of course. Most recently the mental contacts with such aliens seemed to get ever nastier and even dangerous. Our big hope is that we can receive development aid from some very rare groups of aliens who live much better lives. The near Humanoid Earths Alliance (descendants of apes) is related to us. On their 650 planets there exist no coloreds, so no diversity is needed, like our deluded leftists welcome and demand it. It should warn us that many of our experts are unwilling to correctly value human features, temperaments and achievements. That happens because just too many mendacious old-time mean ugly leftists dwell among them.
Above to the right we see an artful punk fashion drawing. We can imagine that the girl is puny and pitch-black and punk-ugly. Therefore she symbolically wears a paper bag on her head. That is a reminder of the dire fashion of Islamic Scoundrels, who in principle demand that all women must wear such face masks, commonly called burkas. That is one way of the Muslims to make it impossible for men to distinguish the good and fair looking women and the host of dark, fatty and ugly ones. While racial diversity leads to a competition of very different types of people, not only our ideals of classical elevated culture and education must hide under masks, but so must our ideals of human beauty. Under the pretext of diversity, evil devils try to cleverly despoil our western civilization.
like in the above mentioned case of the mentally insane Captain
Minor, other tales too of encounters with aliens much sound like the
inventions of mentally ill patients. One most famous case was that of
the mystery airship that was seen in Fatima in Portugal by 50.000
Catholic pilgrims. The urban legend has it that those pilgrims, who
had come to see the Virgin of Fatima, instead saw a silver zeppelin
above the clouds. This happened in the war year of 1917, just hours
after rural youngsters had received revelations from the local »Holy
Virgin«. Psychologists attribute such unexplained sightings,
that are also the topic of stories gathered by Charles Fort, to mass
hypnosis. They have no idea of the ability of the congeras to twist
minds. We may rather think that the good Earth Goddess, in war time
in more trouble than usual, needed extra help from believers. That is
easier reaped from Catholics than from those who too often read the
It was definitely retrospective hypnosis too, that made the depraved US-Negro Barney Hill get to his stories, that he and his white wife had been abducted by aliens. This odd couple had been under the influence of the N-rays, appearing to them as mystery lights. Their encounters with mystery lights of aliens were leading, just like in many other cases, to serious health troubles. The same retrospective hypnosis made patient Truddi Chase contract her very tragic child abuse stories until she severely lost her mind. In those typical cases of »alien abductions«, »sexual molestation abductions« or »satanic ritual abductions« we find not real abductions of course, but behind such stories, that neurotic patients often fail to understand, are just fantasies. Such fantasies can but become so lively and real, that they can lead to grave physical injuries, like for instance scars. It's dangerous to let hostile aliens manipulate your fantasies and your reality. Definitely in space many of our foes have bad plans in mind! But often those Greys are so hungry for power and sex that they just suck energy. In 1957 the Brazilian rancher Antonio V. Boas reported about aliens, who allegedly abducted him into their spaceship. In there he had sex two times with a tiny woman with blond hair. Some blonds also exist on the enslaved and desperate planets of little folks, and the problem is that these blond aliens are not better than the others but in some aspects worse off. The Greys love to sexually force, lure, exploit and despoil. Their preferred targets are not bad quality blacks of course, but the young and evolved innocent. We must keep in mind that our colored races fractally link us to mad and despoiled planets only!
There are so many gruesome and bizarre stories in just one issue of Tim's art magazine of spring 2017. I get from one shock to the next, and can't decide to open the other issues I have. I read that »the Leviathan is the node of all evil«, so who's that? It's a Biblical symbol of the goddess in the deep, where all the dead souls of people that she created just get recycled. While Christians and Jews are asked by the Bible to not try and correctly distinguish good and evil, they are under the influence of the celestial voices who say that foul and fair and fair is foul. But as we try to judge what is good and what is evil, it is out of question that our Mother Earth must be good of course.
Haughty gipsy-blooded reporter Sandra Danicke takes us to the scariest parts of Athens, where all the walls are filled with, usually unsound and depressing, graffiti. She but writes that the colorful Narnia films much impressed her, so what was that again? This saga is based on the fantasies of the Brit Clive Staples Lewis. In film one of this series the protagonists meet some kind of devil as a nice faun, but Narnia's white goddess is a demonic witch. Fantasies seem to bee freely invented, but easily they can lead creative authors into alien quagmires, ruled by goddesses who already lost all hopes and much of their minds. British stuff can be depressingly misleading, but colored people should naturally have the worse ideas. There are so many reports about the weird and worrying works of colored people. One documentary was made about a Japanese cannibal, who killed a helpful co-ed from Holland in Paris. It can be a sorry error to culturally help coloreds! There is so much Christian stuff too in this magazine, and we sense that there is much true belief in the backs of many of these older minds. Oh yes, fat lady Marlene Dumas hanged up a modern arts Jesus idol, in Dresden again, in a church of Saint Anne. This roughly smeared all-black Jesus looks like he spent some years in a grave; and verily, of course he didn't play tennis on clouds. Even powerful wizards lose their powers when they die. Note that I added a modernized text to this painting, replacing the original comedy text. We now read Lucifer's question to the dog star. Of course the Angel of Light of Earth knows that these aliens didn't manage to kill the true savior.
If our brave modern artists imagine how the savior might look like, they must of course discard the unreal fantasies that the Bible tell. What but naturally comes into many minds then is »the ugly Negro«. Many modern arts people are still believers with rests of Christian education. Those believers cannot imagine a nice savior, but the aliens make them think of the Surt (Swarthy One). Indeed the Bible prophesies too that the final savior will be utterly destructive and murderous. We read more about the Surt in the Nordic Edda, that was much influenced by the Bible too:
Surt rides in front of the Children of Darkness, and before him and behind him fire burns. He hurls fire over all of Earth and lets all the world flare up in flames. That is Ragnarök.
That sad story is nicely backed by the tales of the Bible of the Apocalypse. We learn that the fires erupt due to celestial bodies that the trumpet angels hurl down on Earth. Their mythical trumpets seem to produce the soundtrack for this doomsday, that millions of Greys in several galaxies will watch with images transmitted live. These devilish cosmic zombies are in fact the angels that the Christians put their hopes on. Will devils grant them another eternal life on one of their destroyed planets? That is of course not possible, but it's typical for many rotten planets of the Little Greys, that people there think that eternal rest in peace is the only salvation from their miserable lives.
When left-wingers right now welcome Negroes in Europe, even if these are bad people who have no legal right for asylum and migration, they want not only to promote their mythical revolutions, in lands that they hate, starting with Deutschland. Do they still hope that the world will once more submit to red hordes, like in the times of Stalin and Hitler?. Many are subconsciously Christians. The idea comes to them now that they must wait for a Black Man who will lead them, in the time of doomsday. This ultimate battle is the topic of their old battle hymn, called Internationale. The above painting should also show that the hopes for a strong black rebel leader and arsonist, who eventually will lead the Reds of all countries into the era of revolution or destruction, are futile. Commies may still believe that there is no god. In the era of Jesus these believed that Jesus was a god. The truth is though that humans are poorly constructed, especially mentally. Simple minds are of course no match for the super-machines of the congeras. Once leftists realize that there are so many and so powerful super-worms controlling them, the angst suddenly replaces their anger.
Véréna Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor visited this Japanese cannibal at home for their film. The Jap is now gravely ill but even painted a manga about his gruesome crime. And isn't it all about cannibalism too what they perform at a Christian holy mass? Lucien is a Brit with a Fe-Luka name! So must we speak again of the British disease, of the problematic prone for sadistic, occult, morbid and perverted stuff within the Anglo-American culture? This culture is just more under the spell of fractal connections who lead to our troubled neighboring world Lar. In another film these two extreme film makers feature Dion McGregor. This half-mad song writer from the USA used to have so strong and worrying dreams that he babbled them out while he slept. It's another one of those guys with a mind much controlled by aliens. The weaker you get, either by way of drugs and too much sleep, or by way of too much entertainment and too much silly people around you, the easier it is for those hostile aliens to angle your mind and drag you into their bad fantasies. Mentally well developed people may notice it when they get strongly distracted, just in the moment of some critical action or decision, or at times when the N-rays just come in strongly. In times when she is strong, the Earth Goddess often scrambled the evil sly cosmic messages to a degree when evil plans turn into scary and morbid fantasies only, or confused nonsensical chatter.
Artists, writers, education and business professionals often like and demand morbid and crazy arts stuff. Some welcome even the most primitive and bizarre arts, made by crazy rogues. Indeed our western culture gets more diverse with all that strange and bad stuff that bad minds eventually think out. But such diverse stuff not only spoils the West and depresses and harms people. It has an unsound, devilish tendency! While the same few devils are behind such stuff, it eventually becomes a weapon against our better future.
Are you still not convinced that Gollum, the meanest wight of the Lord-of-the-Rings saga, shows us a typical Little Grey or Berk, the most common creature living in all the galaxies around? The thin legs of this creature are not due to the fact that he is underfed, but these are spiders' legs. The other name of Gollum is Smeagol, and that's another Ga-Sama name. In 2017 the most influential arts business professional in Deutschland was, arguably, Adam Szymczcyk. That Pole decided to start Deutschland's main arts show, called Documenta, in Athens, Greece! Of course that is not a bad idea in general, to let the arts scene get inspired by classical Greek art. But obviously this decision was made to support the government of Greece, that is now one of radical Syriza leftists. Gossip from this arts fair tells about a morbid, multi-ethnic and anarchic tendency, that is typical for today's left-winged artists. But while the leftists united in charge hope for some kind of happy anarchy in all the world, they are unaware of the devilish cruel Greys, whose minds like overlay primitive human minds. Did you already notice it? Szymshmock is just another Ga-Sama name.
Let me shortly look to Oz, that maybe most famous fantasy world of Anglo-American fiction. In Oz powerful witches seem to rule a land that has heavenly or horrible parts. The US-American writer Lyman Frank Baum had a rare Li-Cräybs name, and a mystery crab with ten limbs also appears in one of his alter-ego scenes. Right now many too many people know the Earth as a dull and miserable planet where they must work too long hours for too little money. They eventually escape into dream lands that the dream factories of Hollywood produce. But on windup they find that they faded to gray much too soon. The name Oz reminds of Asgard. Typical for that Nordic dreamland are just a few beautiful immortals, Aesir with hair shimmering like ore (Nordic: aes). Ewa's promises are that one day our Earth will be as colorful and nice as this Nordic wonderland.
The heroine of the Oz tale, the teen witch Dorothy Gale, reminds of course of Ga-Dora again. In Oz she meets two good witches and two evil ones, and a wizard who is undecided. It's interesting now that the good witch of the North is called Gayelette. That Ga-Leta name well reminds of Lar, the next living planet in outer space. The other good witch from Oz, Glinda, may be identified as our good Earth Goddess, who in some tales appears as a lindwurm (a great worm mild like lent). Dorothy's best friend in Oz but is Princess Ozma. And guess what that name signifies! Again we identify Ga-Sama's two consonants. Sadly, those two Greys of Sirius separate us from planet Lar.
I found it most astonishing when, as a boy, a sequel had been presented to me, by my relatives from East Berlin. The Russian author Alexander Wolkow had written more stories of Oz, and then two authors from the Soviet zone of East Germany had done the same. The book I had was about a bösewicht (bad wight) called Urfin. By chance this leading rogue found some magical dust. With dust Urfin animated an army of wooden soldiers and became the great dictator of Oz. Later he even designed the listen&look guys. A dared allusion was this to the thence feared Stasi and other such secret services of the former Soviet empire. There were also witches in this eastern block Oz. The leading one was Gingema, with her terrible magnetic border stones. Today I find that this name sounds like Ginger-Ma. Indeed the Earth Goddess will soon incarnate as a girl with ginger-colored hair. Wolkow had invented a good witch called Stella, that means in Latin: Star. Urfin in the end loses his power since his magical dust fails to work. That should remind many of our medics of the mysterious phenomenon that their favorite medical drugs tend to get weaker or even fail after some time. That is due to the fact that patients just age and respond less well to any efforts of the doctors after some time. I find it characteristic that those creative writers from the former Soviet empire much thought about, well, the magic of drugs. That is typical for atheists.
Since those guys from East Germany often watched western TV, those two parts of one nation didn't develop separate language cultures. Only in Dresden they couldn't receive West-German TV. That made the region of Dresden become a special needs city, »the valley of the clueless«. There were but very few words that were special for the East. A broiler was a fried chicken, a trabi was a stinking carton mini-car; and Doreen became a woman's name in East Germany only, it was the only such case. Definitely, a clear trace leads again to Ga-Dora. While still today some professional gray-haired NGUs, of the bad former East-Deutsche socialist unity party Die-Linke, praise a whitewashed Karl Marx as their idol, younger ones realize who is really directing them.
I remember that in the times of the cold war I also was attracted a bit by satanism. Once I saw on TV a report about Turin, a city that was thence called »The Capital of Satanism«. I found this just weird Italian nonsense, to play a concerto for Satan in an empty saloon. But now I know what was behind this bad Italian superstition. Turin (Italian: Torino) just has another Ga-Dora name! Meanwhile also some reports tell that leading exorcists of the Vatican tried to exorcise the devil and his companions, and that included some kind of Satanic masses and Faustian prayer rituals. If any believers realize how evil and strong cosmic demons are, then most surely try to just make them leave. But classical exorcism means talking to the devils, and that only focuses their N-rays. It was special bad foolery when those ever jabbering Greys made Mohammed try to mission them with his new religion. While the hot-headed Arab talked to inner voices he lost much self-control.
»Wizard of Oz« is maybe still one of the most liked fairy-tale sagas of all time in the USA. But few people may know that already in an earlier saga comparable motives appear: it is the fantasy book The Admiral's Caravan, by Charles E. Carryl, written in 1891. It appeared in serialized form in the childrens periodical St. Nicholas. The story is about a young girl named Dorothy who takes a journey with three wooden statues who come alive on Christmas Eve. Isn't it rather obvious that this story was then copied by L. Frank Baum? Also Baum has three leading male dudes who meet Dorothy on her way into the realm of adventures. The Scarecrow is made of straw, the Woodman of metal, and the Lion seems to be some kind of cuddly animal. The Wikipedia only mentions that Carryl seems to have copied Caroll. The name Carol means king, in some cosmic languages.
Experts of western religion may doubtfully recognize those three dudes of Oz as the typical three kings of Indo-European societies: The magician, the warlord and the giver of good gifts. From the point of view of the UTR these reflect a structure that is typical for Berk-OS planets. If you want to start a culture on a planet that is just developing, these structures will rather naturally emerge. So where is that wonderland of Oz really? We must find that here we face fantasies of the very evil Grey Ga-Dora. Like any congeras she lives in a mestab deep inside of her planet, where vast factories of maintenance exist. She made puppets down there and plays with them, in her half-mad way. The typical Dorothy fantasy now has is that some of her plastic men transform into living people. Our two most popular fantasy lands, Oz and Pandora, reflect fantasies of Ga-Dora.
Zur freien Verbreitung! Distribute freely! Bertram Eljon (und Sofia Ewa) Holubek, Zuelpicher St. 300, 50937 Koeln, Deutschland, Ga-Jewas Planet / Fragen? Kommentare? Questions? Comments? Send your E-Mail to beljonde{ät]