Isn't She Beautiful?
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Short Info UTR A very
short Introduction into God's Own Universal Truth Religion
19.1 Is Meghan trying to make Harry feel like a "Bull of his Mother"?
His wife Meghan copies the styles of his mother Lady Di and plays her
19.2 The Accusation of Racism against the British Crown
And that while Prince Charles was so polite to Doria and other Negroes
19.3 Looking forward to the Great Divide
Such interracial marriages have a tendency to fail
19.4 Surely Harry could have known that this Girl meant Trouble
That is the reason why he keeps to her right now
19.5 The Doberman trick question
What a test for US college students with a nasty bias may teach us
19.6 Why Racialism Saves
It helps to evaluate dangers if we are able to distinguish races
Continue with next Chapter
In spring 2021, the time has come for an update of the scandal tale of Meghan. Recently she filled the pages of the gossip press on any given day. The leading Deutsche tabloid Bild wrote, on 3/16: "So brazenly does Meghan copy Lady Di!" On the title page they showed two pictures, of Lady Di and Meghan, both with nice tiny green hats on. So what? The gossip page but had more such pictures. where Meghan definitely much looks like Lady Diana. And that was the dead mother of Harry, who died tragically in a traffic accident! One picture after the other shows Meghan as she copies the looks of Diana. According to the British Sun, Meghan even copies the mimic and the gestures of Lady Di before the cameras. She eventually wore the same dresses that Lady Di wore when she participated at the same royals events. At first I failed to believe this. How can a wife be so vile and insensible? Well, Meghan is a racial type after all. Such types with dark skin color and Negroid genes are much less able to resist to temptations and bad whims. Especially Negroid types easily imitate others, like apes do too. Harry should have known that when he married her, or not? That's the key question. The Sun tabloid explained on 3/15, that Meghan had been a fan of the videos of the British royals since her young days and always dreamed of becoming a princess.
Meghan made Harry become a fallen prince. I didn't take the time to diligently study all the most recent material that the press recently published. In fact I am fed up with Meghan and her adverse and bad behavior. It's not a sin when she wears dresses and hats that make her look much like her would-be mother-in-law. Some similarities are hardly avoidable. But, from the point of view of morale and decency, this fashion has a bizarre taste of perversion, a taste that is not uncommon in the tale of Meghan and Harry Windsor. I believe that Meghan really desperately tries to become a copy of the deceased and still beloved Lady Di. Since Meghan seems to be a Latino by her race, of slightly dark skin color, she could only become a bad black-and-white photocopy of the nicely fair-haired Lady Di. She may hope to win new popularity with these maneuvers, but the opposite seems to happen right now. But woe, let's look at this strategy from the point of view of Harry. If his wife tries to copy his mother by her looks – rather miserably – what does this mean for him? Harry must feel like he married a copy of his mother! That idea links to the aforementioned (see chapter 6.) insult "motherfucker". You hear such nasty words from bad boys nowadays. But such things also allude to the perverted traditions of some Britons from before the days of the Roman occupation. I pointed that out in my recent text about diversity. When Meghan plays the dark Di, that is also due to the perverted demands of the Greys, who eventually make weak people do this.
In Version 4. I put the really obscene word "montherfucker" into this sub-chapter. It is an English language word after all that we Deutsche hear often. I heard it, for instance, this summer again when some young ones played US-American Negro rap recordings on a meadow. You know Negroes by their voices, and they tend to more easily break borders of decency. So let me make clear that I don't want to hear this again. So maybe replace this term with the term "Bull of his Mother". That is the verbal translation of a by-name of the Egyptian divinity Min, Kamutef. Min was typically depicted as a Negro. We may take this as a fine piece of evidence that evil is just stronger when it comes to the black race. And right now it is typical that the evil Greys and Graichen have one objective, to make racially bad and lesser people have more sex and procreate more unwanted progeny.
Right now those hostile aliens often communicate, by way of N-rays, the insult "motherfucker" to selected target persons. I must hear nasty inner voices call me a jerk and motherfucker nearly every day! N-rays eventually make me say these words aloud! That works by way of a hostile takeover of my brain and mouth. These aliens want me to masturbate and think of my mother. To ward them off I have to sing little melodies or say niceties to my wife the Earth Goddess. Recently the Greys have trouble in sucking sexual energy from our planet. Lust but is what they absolutely need to not lose control over their magic. While Harry Windsor is still one of the most charming and coveted gentlemen of this planet, the Greys try to make Meghan become a dark copy of his mother, thus turning him into a pervert a bit. That is, partly, their bad style of humor.
Then there was also the question of the race. I vaguely remember that I red that Meghan Markle sat there in the talk show of the popular Negress Oprah Winfrey. There, with tears in her eyes, the former royal consort accused the queen of England of racism! What a vile scandal, anybody must agree to this. Just like other Negroid women, Meghan has insensible and plain manners. When it came to her leading role among the British royals, Meghan was a misfit. That already became obvious when first paparazzi photos showed her in near darkness at the side of Harry, since both didn't dare to appear together in the light of day. But the question arises why the older story of her big failure just recently became a hot topic of the gossip press again. I have a hunch that a private problem of Harry and Meghan recently arose. Maybe he lately didn't find her lusty any more and attractive. With the birth of a child women often change to the worse. Also Meghan was always a special type, so to say, a shallow ugly third-world person. Such racial types naturally wither early.
The accusation of racism may be common today among such colored types, but it is a matter to be taken seriously by the British crown. So did the Queen and Prince Charles plead guilty to the accusation of racism? No way! Remember that the Prince of Wales even went to the wedding on foot at the side of Doria, Meghan's alleged mother. In his landmark book about British styles and traditions, Prince Charles even appeared on photos at the side of Negroes! Definitely we must rather say that the British royals at times were, let me say slantindicular, when it comes to defending better British traditions, against third-world migrants who are likely to despoil them. It surely would have been the better choice of the British royals to not turn this wedding into a big diversity show. It was to be expected that a lowly type like Meghan would not fit into their ranks. Right now in Hollywood, diversity freaks demand more roles and glamor for types of skin color. But who wants to see Negroes in films if they can't be shown with their typical natural badness?
Right now leftist political networks raise the accusation of racism fast, whenever a racial type feels like he is treated unfairly. But racial types are naturally dark, not fair! It's also a necessity to not ignore the big natural differences between the major and minor races of humankind. That is what racialism is about, an important discipline of human sciences.
Races are a difficult topic. The question of human races is closely linked to supernatural laws and wirepullers. Evil powers may promote especially Negroes as an anti-race, using them for a strategy of despoiling the overall quality of humankind. Nordic religion has it that a half-blood prince called Surt (the Swarthy One) shall destroy this earth! We can't really blame normal whites, as they react to such myths with prejudices and anxieties.
The pictures of blond Harry Windsor and dark Meghan will not only remind many Deutsche of their blond tennis superstar Boris Becker. That sports hero mated more than one negroid woman. Such inter-racial marriages are but obviously not fated to last a long time. The same happened to famous model show entertainer Heidi Klum and the British Negro called Seal. It is to be expected that the marriage of Harry and Meghan will also break up. Right now she is really behaving bitter against his clan, and while Harry seems to still hold on to her, male tolerance of internal feuds has limits. It's typical for such men, with blond genes, that they strongly hold on to their families and clans. When Harry mated Meghan he quasi became a member of the so-called black community. Well, also marriages among Negroes and Coloureds are much more often ill fated. It's just a fact that such relationships tend to get troublesome, when the lust and physical attraction fade away. A dark magic often pushes such couples to be fertile and have more kids, to avoid marital trouble.
If a divorce is bound to happen, does it still play a role who is to blame? It does, not only before the court of God. If the break-up is much the fault of one partner only, then this will be important before court when it comes to the question who should have the right to care for the children of the couple. In some countries, being guilty of a divorce means great shame and can have bad if not deadly consequences! In some lands, easily primitive husbands kill wives they consider as untrue. The trend of diversity means to allow more room for primitive humans and their customs in civilized regions too. But modern jurisdiction has it that, in case of a divorce, the question who is to blame shouldn't play a role. That is correct from the point of view of sensibility. Often when marriages break up it's because the sexual spell left, since both partners changed to the worse. Another typical problem that causes divorces is, when plans and unrealistic expectations failed. Marriages can of course hold despite of affairs and troubles. But one classical big divorce story was that of the bizarre Hollywood film maker Howard Hughes and his first wife Ella. He had had not a few affairs with persons of both gender. Hollywood is a place with a traditionally very loose morale. The film business has a tendency to attract young women, and some unscrupulous film bosses use that up to lay them. When Mr. Hughes decided to separate from Ella, he had to fear that the court would speak him guilty of breach of marriage. That could have cost him half of his fortune, that he needed for his daring films. But such overly strict marriage laws only eventually make people try more to avoid them. Mr. Hughes, who wanted to marry his new big love Billie Dove, actually bought her from her then-time husband for the price of 325 000 US$, to avoid the accusation of breaking the marriage with Ella. In decades past Hollywood had been a Babylon of tyrannical gangsters and Jews, doing what they desired behind a façade of sometimes overly strict laws of morale. In recent times Hollywood tries to be more tolerant regarding the non-white races. But it would be needed realism to instead find that bad racial people have and bring even more problems. It's not their fault or they are not much to blame, if they just can't behave nicely.
When it comes to her royal duties, Queen Elizabeth-2 despite her high age traditionally keeps up a strict discipline, also regarding her attire. That is beneficial for the respect that the crown reaps. The British monarchy thus stabilizes a nation in the difficult time of the Brexit. Recently often the internationally well liked Prince Charles appears at her side. Now imagine Meghan showing up at such an official occasion – dressed up like Lady Di and also behaving like a dark comedy double. Lady Di was the wife of Prince Charles. It was tragical that they separated. The sexual spell went away. It was made public that Prince Charles had had an affair. When it comes to the divorce we must consider him moreless guilty. Meghan now appears as his bad conscience come alive! That's not a problem of her race but of her offensive behavior. Woe, people of such lowly race are more likely to misbehave, since they are more under the spell of black magic. Verily, her relationship with Harry Windsor is a shame when it comes to the race. Mustn't Britain just tolerate more such bad behavior from such people? If it did, that would ruin the needed respect of the British crown. Again, when it comes to the divorce, the question of guilt will arise. Meghan is behaving bizarre and badly right now. Surely Harry would be justified to feel disappointed and think of an end of that marriage. Instead he sits at her side and nods when she blames racists for her racial problems. Shouldn't he have expected some things like this, or other troubles? The problem here is however a special one, and deeply rooted in black magic. There is hardly anybody on this world who really understands that. If women of such quality misbehave, that is often not foreseeably, since men are like blinded. They only eventually realize that a powerful sexual spell must have bedazzled them. Surely recently Harry, who formerly used to be the Prince Charming of Britain, has lost some of his spell. He could have known that a girl like Meghan would mean trouble, could he not? Lately Mr. Windsor tried to build a new career in Hollywood, where Meghan comes from. To win back popularity in Britain, Harry maybe should instead get more active in his home country. He might for instance dare to speak on the radio. Even one phone call would suffice, and billions of news-hungry Brits and people from the Commonwealth would listen to him. In all of the world radios would surely play his requests of music, like this song from the great rock group Fleetwood Mac:
I got a black magic woman, got a black magic
Yes, I got a black magic woman, got me so blind I can't
This messy situation reminds me of one legal case from Britain I was reading about. Many legal business guys may remember the discussions about the so-called Interfoto test. A number of treaties came before court when one party found that it was not in the situation to keep to some of the clauses. For instance, you buy a ticket from a machine, and later something goes wrong. Then the ticket vendor holds up his fine-print regulations against you. Indeed the ticket says that you should have read, no diligently studied, his conditions before closing the contract. But are you then bound to the most weird and unfortunate regulations of the vendor? The British courts have a tendency to judge that "onerous and unusual" conditions eventually don't bind you, since you couldn't expect that such conditions would become a part of the treaty. If some grave and unusual terms are issued by the vendor, then he is obliged to especially inform you about them.
Now, let's apply this judgment to the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Recently, when Harry sat silently and somber facing the talkative Negress Oprah, while Meghan burst out into tears, he surely was haunted by his conscience. His career badly went wrong, he even had to give up on his social work, that he carried out together with his brother William. His wife became a shame and an onerous burden to his clan. But isn't that usual? Yes it is! Something like this was to be expected, as he decided to marry a person of low race. Harry should have expected trouble. Such aspects don't play a role in modern divorce jurisdiction. But they do play a role in the minds of people. Harry must think such thoughts every day, when deciding that he can't leave her now.
Harry should have known that this colored girl from Hollywood means trouble. But what he could not know is the aspect of black magic, that is very strong just in this case. Only most recently God warns before the bad magic that certain names, like Doria, can bring.
Finally the divine truth is spreading in this world of God, but slowly. Right now such aspects of magic still can't openly be discussed. If Harry would venture going public with such very private problems, he would suffer much from the attention of billions of world citizens. And let's imagine he would divorce Meghan, to return to his usual duties among the British royals, as a somewhat damaged but still much liked prince. That would not mean that this era of troubles is over then for the British crown. These guys must share a burden also with neighboring planet Lar. That is what Meghan is there for, she's a royal troublemaker. Right now such troubles are rather inescapable.
Now to a change of subjects. If you went to a college you may have heard of the GMAT test. It's a test for bachelors who want to acquire a master degree of business administration (MBA). The GMAT poses tricky questions, and the nerds behind it put the pressure on you to answer them in short time. In the section of critical reasoning they asked this question. Are you able to answer it?
In recent years, Doberman attacks on small children
have risen dramatically. Last year saw 35 such attacks in the
continental United States alone, an increase of almost 21 percent
over the previous year’s total.
Clearly, then, it is unsafe
to keep dogs as pets if one has small children (in the house).
Question Version 1: The argument above depends on which of the
following assumptions?
Question Version 2: Which of the
following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?
Multiple Choice Answers:
A. No reasonable justification for these attacks by Dobermans on small children has been discovered.
B. Other household pets, such as cats, don't display the same violent tendencies that dogs do.
C. The number of attacks by Dobermans on small children will continue to rise in the coming years.
D. A large percentage of the attacks by Dobermans on small children could have been prevented by proper training.
E. The behavior toward small children exhibited by Dobermans is representative of dogs in general.
F. Who let the dogs out? Who-who, hoo-hoo? Eventually evil cosmic powers mask as dogs.
The correct answer of this question is supposed to be E. The extra option F came from me. But if we think about this, then what a strange kind of Bedlam logic is it what these nerds demand! It's because these guys from the top ranks of business administration are so insecure about all of this! In principle you are supposed to know that Dobermans are a race of dogs. But that is already too much of a problem. You should know that the official doctrine of crackpots and leftists has it that human races don't really exist. That is what the UNESCO gremlins concluded, some time before. In times past many of the UN-guys in charge were radical leftists if not commies. Diversity freaks eventually lie you in the face, claiming that we need to distinguish not between human races but between classes. One such "expert" put it like this: »In Bahia in Brazil they say that a poor white man is a Negro«. That Negro nonsense has classical Marxism and it's doctrine of class war as it's basis. Recently some political correctness tyrants also extended their doctrinary demands onto the field of animal races. I red Deutsche newspaper-people reasoning that even dog races don't exist.
If you try to think like these political correctness crackpots do, this might make you insane. Then you won't be able to distinguish dogs of dangerous races from others. Neither will you be able to distinguish dangerous human races from others. But just that is what the devils want down here.
the Internet there are websites like There such
questions of the GMAT can be discussed. But we must find it
discouraging that the users there, who apparently passed the test
years ago, usually don't utter a single word of criticism. If just
Dobermans attack little children, then that must be an especially
problematic race, or not? It's definitely ill logic then to conclude
that "Clearly, then, it is unsafe to keep dogs as pets if one
has small children." But that is not only what the experts tell
you. That is also what most of the colored people agree to, who
eventually took the time to leave a short line of explanation. They
agree to this question like students agree to all that their teachers
say. Real critical reasoning is not tolerated, it brings you bad
grades. According to the user profiles many of the guys who pass and
applaud to such insane tests come from India. It is therefore surely
not advisable for better people from England or Nordic countries to
try their luck with such tests, and eventually spend 200 grand during
two years at a facility like Harvard Business School.
The GMAT expert Kaplan put the problem like this: "Here, if Dobermans' behavior toward small children isn't typical of dogs, the argument falls apart." But just that is what the initial text says! Tricky and ill logic is what you meet already at school, and eventually at such tests. If you find that many of your classmates are obviously dorks, and that it should be easy for you to outsmart them at the university, then think of the powerful Forces of Evil who loom in the background. On the logo of one of the directors of a GMAT help forum, a nasty looking snake carcass may warn us: You can't outsmart the zombiefied Greys if you play the game of life according to their rules! The GMAT test demands of the candidates Bedlam logicking, since they are supposed to think that this or that assumption might be "strong". What we indeed need is people who are mentally strong enough for the truth. They find that obviously at certain times certain races may become dangerous. That may happen during one attack wave of the Greys. They often focus on dogs.
Racialism means to correctly distinguish between races. Racialism can save lives! That starts with recognizing dangerous dog races. Some dogs are definitely more daring and aggressive than others. Some dog owners especially breed and train them in such ways. Don't let MBA pundits transform you into a dork who can't sort out dangerous dog races. And don't let political correctness freaks dupe you regarding human races of low quality.
So really, while people are so unaware of the question of races, we can't really blame Harry since he fell for such a person of low race. Instead we might compare Meghan now with other children of very black Negresses, to learn more about her abilities and limitations. That is what racialism is about. But regarding Meghan, I again find that this girl can't be the daughter of that very black Negress Doria. That is also what Ewa told me: Meghan may be a changeling from the field of the US porn and prostitution milieu. American pimps and porn movie makers saw the chance to eventually put the pressure on Harry, who had ventured into their milieu during earlier escapades.
For the final version 5.2 I must add more explanations about this. Can it be true that Meghan is not the natural born child of Dora, but the fruit of some other girl, a Latino woman who was an illegal alien in the USA maybe? That sounds terrible and wrong at first, and there is not a trace of evidence for it. I based this hypothesis on my better intuition, but that lied to me times before. What I can do right now it to further explain the basic problem of races. Such cases are rare but not unique. I know at least one other prominent woman, a Melania, who seemingly turned rather negroid on some pictures. That was due to her name. Such cases are evident for many, but so mysterious that it's hardly possible for the people to talk about them. Let me try and talk here.
Contrary to the views of the Bible, our planet is not alone in the universe. Hundreds of millions of stars form our galaxy. According to the UTR there are 1,050,000 inhabited planets (including the 200,000 of the Magellan's clouds). Further out, there are much more galaxies than the 50 millions our telescopes can identify. While all these stars are very far away, fractal magic links them to us. The problem is that the universe has only a limited number of numbers and ideas. That is why on very many inhabited planets the same structures exist. Berks are common, descendants of spiders live everywhere in space. It's because the Greys, rotten former goddesses who failed, particularly like such lurking hunters. The Berk planets have a common creation law, here called Berk-OS. It is common that on any living planet six continents will form, with six major races of darker skin color populating them. That is the reason why we too have such six continents, with an aboriginal population of six major (or human) races, of different skin color and racial features. The problem is though that this Berk-OS is an instrument of the Greys to terrorize and ruin living planet. While ours is a very rare supreme planet, trying to escape from this ruinous cosmic slavery, we must use the Berk-OS but to abolish it. That means that this planet was initially created by God according to the Berk-OS. We had those six major races, including a separation of native North and South Americans. But while we now struggle to upgrade humankind, we need to get rid of the Berk-OS.
Right now God is busy upgrading humankind. Good and supremely evolved neighbours in outer space allow us to try and evolve a new super-species, the immortal and nearly perfect Asen (Æsir). These will be wise enough to learn all the secrets of divine wisdom. While this is about to begin in just 100 years, the old order of the continental races of this planet now loses it's stability. Racial people will eventually stop looking as racial as their ancestors did. Racials will also in some cases lose much of their reality. Their ancestors may change. The Greys use such cases to make us think that human races don't exist.
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